Mythic+ Progression Changes Now Live and More Coming Soon

I did think that. It’s like when a competition says “Win up to 10000” then when you win you only get 10.

I already have 619 gear in the best slots so I don’t mind waiting it out.

Hot darn, well done! I raided at Cutting Edge level as raid leader for a good 4 years there - so experience decidedly lower but I do know about some of this situation. In any case, I always did find the first 2-3 bosses very easy as well, but +10 isn’t that hard either, and I definitely always felt that +20 was easier than both Heroic last boss and early mythic, and +15 for mythic gear was a joke.

Yeah that’s pretty normal. First 1-2 easier than last heroic, 3rd boss about the same difficulty, then by the 4th or 5th it really ramps up.

Thank god they nerfed Xal’ataths’s guile it basically made 12s a huge step up from an 11 key All good changes by the looks of it. My only issue is with the cooldown reduction affix not reducing trinkets cooldowns so if i play a 2minute trinket with a 2 minute cooldown I either have to wait for my trinket wasting the cooldown reduction effect or send my cooldowns without trinket and lose trinket uses which kinda sucks.

On the next exciting episodes of Blizzard Nerfs Dungeons!

[DBZ intro music]

Blizz decides it’s time to nerf more, but will they have time to charge up their spirit bomb!

[20 episodes later]

They’ve taken a beating, but it seems they’re now ready to unleash the spirit bomb

throws spirit bomb and misses

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Yeah, revoking the boon AND buffing enemies by 20% is kindda nuts. And that’s on top of having both Tyrannical and Fortified as well. Enemies turning into outrageous damage sponges. Definitely a good change, I agree.

Then again I don’t care that much about the levels themselves. Like honestly, if 9 is as hard as 23 used to be then you’re still the same compared to everybody else because they’re up against the same problem.

Not really late. It takes 65 gilded crests to upgrade a single Mythic track item so people who want to fully upgrade all slots will be here for a loooooooong time.

not taking in to account the 90 needed per crafted piece.

Seeing nerfs like this, while good because everyone knows they are valid and proportionate and needed

It really feels like lack of internal testing and it undermines our confidence that Blizzard knows what they are doing.

Players do not appreciate being beta testers over a month after release. Polish the game before we see it. Identify and remove pain points before we hit them. Avoid making players cynical towards the game.

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This is what I’m worried about too. Maybe the Abos health is also directly linked to Stichflesh’s health? (I mean Abo max health is based on a % value of Stichs max. HP, not a direct link) I’m not sure but if the Abos also have less health, they’ll also die more quickly.

If this “fixes” the issue, I’m also not sure about…

It is nice. But nerfing it so soon is weird. It is a challenge about doing mechs and climbing ilvl. People can not do it short time after release so they asking for nerf? Doh :frowning:

What is the point of a dungeon completely revolving around a boss and stacking weapons from all over the dungeon to kill it?

Have you tried that boss with Tyr at a decent level both with and without weapon?

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I just did 8 necrotic wake, where the tank failed to get enough count too. We had 2 full wipes and then several deaths due to how the tank was pulling and moving mobs, he cleaved melee’s with the big skeletons, as an example, because he was running around with them.

16 total deaths.

We still timed it.

But this tank has the gall to flame DPS for “low dps” when his pulls wiped us twice, making people lose their CDs and then killing the DPS during CDs with cleaves. When he can’t even pull properly.

Yeah, I wonder why they have “low dps”.

I’m seriously considering switching to full time tank after all the bad tanks I’ve encountered in m+ so far.

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there might be dungeons that have a better timer or maybe your dps and pull sizes were just better/bigger

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Why are they reimplementing hot water? M+ in Df was fine.
+6 (Sixteen) for gilded crests
+8 (Eighteen) for myth track and
+10 (Twenty) for portals.
There is no need for to much sweats…


Thing is that ideally I would have liked a 20M health abo or something. Low health.

The boss becomes complex, because now you have to keep an add alive. As opposed to having to kill it. It keeps its complexity, with out being OP deadly.

I appreciate it. For two reasons (A) blizzard is not a robot. Its people. And people make mistakes and cant thing of absolutely everything. And (B) “polishing” a game implies releasing it later. I dont want to wait in a stale S4 of DF with nothing to do. I prefer to play WW and have the tuning happen in real time.

Nah its not. I dont mind hard things. What I do mind is having such a disparity in difficulty between NW and MotS (for example). For any given key level they should be ~ similar in difficulty.

So they either nerf NW, or buff the rest of the dungeons. Nerfin NW is the obvious solution.

This will literally change nothing lmao… I don’t understand why people celebrating it like they won the lottery…
If someone couldn’t do +9 earlier, they won’t be able to do +8 now. Not the difficulty was the issue but the community not inviting people.

It is usually an indication of either the pull count being too low (not many dungeons allow that many double pulls) or certain damage requirements for the dungeon are not met (which in itself can be broken down to a number sources).

It could also be a tank DPS problem. There is a notable difference in clear times if your tank hovers around 200K-300K DPS done overall, while in another group you are in group with one who is moving around the 500-600K range.

Well managed interrupts and tank cooldowns also allows the healer to pump out more DPS. These on their own do not make or break the key, but these small changes push you towards faster clears and more saved time.

You do not need to play perfect, but from 7 on your performance need to lean more towards the average DPS median. Each key level raises the minimum DPS requirements for a dungeon to be timed.

The dungeon also plays into the mix, as you can save a lot of time with double pulls in a mists, but you will not find that many opportunities for double pulls in Grim Batol for example.

Wrong, that’s from trash. There is no stacking tank debuff on the boss.

But here, you might very well be right :grin:

i mean give us exmaple of what the dps was ?

people were bursting like 3-4 mln on big agresive pulls or 1 mln ?

details matter :smiley:

also not much point farming +8 if you cannot get into +10 anyway because you wont be 630 + soon only “mid range” aka like 620-625 :slight_smile:

you will be perma declined anyway with peopel waiting for mythic raiders with mythic raiding gear :slight_smile: