Mythic+ Progression Changes Now Live and More Coming Soon

Eh, I put in the wrong link it seems.

no no you by mistake put in very good link proving what is needed to comfortably clear stuff in pugs :slight_smile:

now if you just add to this resto shammy instead druid with passive dps from acid rain and you woudl perfectly show what more or less most pugs around 6-7 aim for atm :smiley:

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No, please don’t co-opt a mistake I made to peddle your rubbish. With that dps they came in under 20 min. Its clearly not needed to “time” a key.


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Did u change the link? Pretty sure when i clicked it last night it showed a 4 stonevault with lower numbers :sweat_smile:

Which more or less is exactly the goal of most people who create their own groups :wink:

Nobody cares what is "mathematicaly possible " - most want quick clean zerg runs.

Your "mistake " shows exactly the kind of runs people desire in lfg most.

And when run is not like the one you linked ? A lot of people just bail and leave keys looking for that "unicorn " of m+ runs which will give them score to get into better and better groups so that this outcome is more and more often :slight_smile:

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Just 2 chested a COT 9.

Dps were 1.09M, 1.02M and 992k. Thats pretty close to bang on the 1M dps that somebody thinks is needed to time a 4.

Can you buff holy priest and rework some useless talents please? seriously what’s wrong with priest? No one is stupid and everyone can see it. Let people play with the class they want. Do something to stop the meta nonsense. That’s enough.


So again . They were doing numbers which are generalny considered as "this season desired numbers ".

If you were a +4 and +5 key owner you would too desire the outcome when people doing those numbers join your key and carry

We’re talking about what is needed, not what is “desired”.

This isn’t complicated - I don’t know why you’re struggling with a basic concept.

Here’s one of my logs, a +4 ara kara and no one is doing above 1 million dps and it was well within time. Ofc ara kara is easier then stonevault and affixes matter, but just wanted to show that 1 million dps is not needed to time a +4: Damage Done - Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Level 4 (9:22 PM) - Report: M+ | Warcraft Logs

Ooh, thats interesting. How do you get logs on there, cause I can’t see any of my characters?

It requires someone to log the runs and upload it, i only do it so we can analyze what went wrong if its not quite clear to us why the tank dies instantly as an example. I use the addon loggerhead lite to log. If you google how to log combat in wow you will find guides on how to do that. If u want more detailed help with why your runs go wrong :slight_smile:

Thank you, I will give it a go. :slight_smile:

No problem, and just poke if you need a healer to help you, my alts are not geared for m+ atm so i can only offer healing for now :blush:

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I got sent down on the last boss in necrotic wake, as the healer. We were 4 people alive. This happened in SL too, several times. We wiped.

Puddles being invisible on the last boss in mists.

Mistcaller arrows not showing on certain parts of the terrain. I moved but I died from dodge ball aimed at someone else, that I couldn’t see it was aimed where I moved, because it was under the terrain.

The shadowy thing that gets smaller and there’s only a small safe zone on last boss in grim batol failed to render and we all died as a result because we couldn’t see where to run.

Disconnected when I got on a dragon in grim batol. When I reconnected I was dismounted from the dragon and fell to my death.

Dawnbreaker boats not being solid all of a sudden, so you just fall to your death when you think you’re gonna kill the mobs on them.

First boss in siege getting pulled randomly while clearing trash and if the tank isn’t fast enough to move out of the area, you’ll wipe.

Dark orb not rendering until it fired on 2nd boss in dawnbreaker so people died to standing in it.

These are just the ones I’ve encountered so far.

Its bad that i want to play Diablo 4 over this M+ season right now.

Mists +5, 21 deaths before second boss, like I don’t even know how they all died lol. I think i had 2 deaths.

Maybe this too is Blizzard goal . They knwo people will Play now diablo 4 for 2-3 weeks then anniveraary event for liek a month then i guess another remix will come then maybe tbc sod will be announced.

They clealry want m+ as e-sport sweaty tryhard content

It doesn’t help that they hand out good gear from delves and then these people think they can easily do keys and then realise they have to pay attention.

Are you assembling your own groups? Or joining others? Do you look at their score if you’re assembling the group? Have you checked if they have experience from the dungeon you’re trying to run and if its several runs? Look at the raiderio page to make sure they werent boosted.

It does sound like you’re being very unlucky in your m+ runs. Maybe thats just how the average pug experience is though, i wouldnt know.

In low keys people are demons.

You stop encountering them as you go higher because they get stuck at lower keys because they just keep dying, do too low dps and can’t time keys.