Mythic + rating is terrible

This is from a friend’s Rio and his comment was ‘the affixes are so balanced’

yeah I mean its literally crazy how big of a differences affixes make right now, even more crazy that we’re forced to push both of major affixes.
and honestly I wouldnt mind it if there was a proper scoring system not this beta piece of garbage.

Isnt that screenshot from US gamers?

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The biggest and also most embarrassing problem with M+ isn’t the rating but the fact that they fail to apply higher upgrade levels that have been introduced at a later point to gear you already possess. As already partially mentioned in another thread, refarming M+ gear for the third time within less than a year to get the current item level cap is a poor job creation measure that renders the player’s invested time meaningless.

I think is just about getting used to it coming from RIO’s bigger numbers.
It’s trying to be similar to pvp rating where 200-300 points are a big difference in skill.

maybe not that kind gap but +2 key gives to much points and getting higher keys is not giving not enough … from my oppinion CURRENT M+ RATING IS JOKE … or should i say like kids was toying

It’s just about the presentation/ perception.

Also, it would be more in line with how keys scale. There is no right or wrong here, I just feel its a more accurate representation

Its not even that, u get 6 points but only 33% for your alternative best ( usualy its tyranical since fort is easier to push) so if u 6+2(33%from 6) thats 8 per double run on both weeks… Yay i guess

They made it be like same numbers as arena rating end rewards. Not too hard to get behind that logic.

All the old system was good for was artifically inflate peoples egos.
The new one just needs some getting used to.

new one is just garbage … +2 cant give 60 points and +8 120 … i cant accept that all +2 runs gives same as 4 +8 and 2 +22 runs … THAT IS JOKE

Sorry a friend shared it, I didn’t really check if it was his or something else, I just presumed. My bad.

It wasn’t his, looking at his rio xD

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To respond to all the “simplicity” arguments, its not more complicated to have an exponential rating growth, you know roughly where 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 are. Thats simply something you memorize after 2 weeks of playing the game.

Just like last season.

What is this arbitrary “starts on 500” as if ratings should start after already completing every dungeon twice? There are people who don’t even complete every dungeon to begin with. Shocker, this system isn’t just there for you elitists, that’s why it’s linear. Your sense of “exponential difficulty” is just you reaching the limits of your gear and skill at that level. That experience can be entirely different for someone else, so the only thing a exponential rating system achieves is making bad people feel worse and good people feel better. Hard pass.

The total Dungeon score is accumulated by the highest key completed on both Tyrannical and Fortified. The higher key of the two will award 100% of the score, but the lower key of the two will only contribute 33.33% score for the run.

So yes you have to go and do both affixes which has had a mixed reception. Personally it’s not a feature I am fond of. For Keystone Master you basically have to hit 2k score to earn the mount regardless of how you get there.

Isn’t it the same as raider io ? I mean there is actually little difference it just feel a bit unrewarding to push higher then 15

i is not a little difference it is big difference

what, this is such a dumb argument. It does not make bad players “feel bad” for having an exponential curve.

If you take, some of the most casual players you can find, players that barely get heroic bosses down, and you ask them to go together in 2v2 arena. What rating do you think they’ll end up on? Probably around 900. Argue if you disagree

Take those same people, and tell them to push m+, where do you then think they’ll end up? Probably 9 keys, not having to deal with the anima stuff. Puts them at around 1400.

The PVP and M+ rating scalings are very different, in favour of the PVP rating scaling. Its not exponential, but it follows an S curve, with the majority of the playerbase landing in the middle of that curve.

In M+, the “majority” ends up on the end of that curve, so it becomes very difficult to differentiate between alright, and good players.

An alright pvp player would land at 1500, while a good player would land at 2200.
An alright M+ player would land at around 2k, while a good player would land around 2400. Very small difference. And thats the problem with how it scales currently.

The rating is fine. It’s nothing new anyway.

Raider io have adopted the new Blizzard system yes.

It’s a flat score this time instead of actually having to time all 15s once.

The rating is fine, apart from existing. What the numbers are doesn’t matter, it just indicates what level of dungeons you’ve done once anyway, since it never goes down (until they hard reset all our progress next desperate patch-fix, oh I’m sorry I mean next season) and you don’t have to compete against anyone for it. The only reason it’s a number rating and not a list of dungeons you’ve completed is so they can shove our static numbers into their piss-poor LFG tool and now all of a sudden we actually ARE competing against other players for anything we want to do. Although competition is healthy, to a point, don’t get me wrong and think I’m purely negative to there being some sort of indication in the game for how skilled you are.

Like I used RaiderIo. I didn’t really want to, but I got tired of never getting invites. Now it’s in the game, which is better than it not being in the game since now at least more people have an indication to why people are ignoring them, and an obvious road to improving the stupid score (as well as their personal skill, where needed), a score every veteran was already using anyway.

But it’s still stupid that it exists. A simpler solution for group play with randoms, and more fair potentially, would be to make it so you’re unable to queue up for content the game thinks you’re too unskilled to complete. Only done a +8 of a dungeon? Forget about signing up for a +10. Perhaps a +9? At some point, maybe you should have to complete the content with a personal group before you can LFG it? I don’t know.
Now, simply the highest number wins out (alongside what class you are since the balancing looks like someone playing with a jojo), which is fair but, in my eyes, pretty daft for what we’re competing about, which is literally just the chance to play the game.

TLDR; The rating system, for what it is, is… fine.