Keywords: Balance Druid, Astral, Elune, Mu’sha, Moonkin
Overview: The elusive Druids of the Moon gather to discuss what it means to them to be druids in their own personal experiences. This might include explanations or demonstrations of their astral abilities, forms, worship, etcetera.
Date and Time: [Fri 28th March, 2025] [20:00 - 22:00 Server Time]
Location: Nighthaven, Moonglade
IC Introduction:
Dear Druids of the Moon,
I am Murrundir Moonwhisper, otherwise known as ‘Monkshood’, and I invite you to enjoy the company of your fellows for a gathering at Moonglade.
I wish to meet each of you, hear from each of you, learn what drives you and how you pay your obedience to the Mother Moon.
I will only facilitate and encourage discussion between participants, and the opportunity for them to talk about themselves - assured of an attentive audience. I am no authority on Elune worship, ‘moonkinism’, nor druidism in general. In fact, I wish not only to connect with more members of our sect, but also to learn many new ideas and insights into our purpose and practices.
At worst, a small and intimate gathering will share stories, relax and do a little stargazing with a hot stranglekelp brew in hand. If I walk away with one or two new acquaintances, I shall be a happy kaldorei. We may, however, be lucky enough to achieve a substantial gathering of moonkin, for who wouldn’t want to see that?!
To that end, I will add that spectators are indeed welcome, especially the revered priestesses whose devotion to Elune commands our respect. However, I would like to limit topics of discussion to the druidic side of Her worship, for I find it is seldom talked about. Here is a chance!
Yours faithfully,
OOC Info:
The goal for me here is just to see how others are RPing their balance druids, and give them a chance to show off their ideas without judgement. Also Moonkin party.
It stands to reason that such a gathering would attract bonafide wildkin. Bring your wildkin toon! (I’m looking at you, Aroomoo)
Date/Time subject to change: I don’t expect a large event here, so I’ll happy adjust the date/time to match others’ availability.
Neutral - all races welcome, within reason.
The lore for this specialisation is infamously scant. Attendees should be prepared to agree to disagree, or otherwise tolerate ideas or headcanons that clash with their own interpretations.
No characters or behaviour that would obviously disrupt the chilled atmosphere this event is going for. No surprises, please!
Contact: ‘Monkshood’, in-game; on Argent Archives and in various discord servers.