[N-RP] Morgaid's List of Useful Persons

"Do you need a bodyguard for that dangerous voyage? Do you need a new suit before the Winter Veil ball? Do you need to sell some fine Bloodscalp dinnerware found in a forgotten tomb?

“If you’re looking for assistance, look no further. Mme. Walsh can put you in touch with a specialist in whatever field you need - discretion & quality assured.”

Often, I want to find somebody for a specific task - I like to make things happen through RP rather than off screen as much as possible. But I never know where to look!

So I’ve decided to put together a directory of hirelings, professionals, specialists, service providers &c - characters who have valuable skills and want to be connected with others. Whether you’re muscle for hire or a travelling chef, the idea is to be a kind of Yellow Pages for RP.

IC, the service is run through Morgaid. As a neutral, amoral fixer type, she’s well placed to connect clients from either faction. All your character needs to do is contact her and tell her what you need; she’ll then put you in touch with the right person.

OOC, I’ve made it an actual list in google docs, so as not to be completely dependent on my availability.

FIND IT HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XNmb1YMb4AdKZBT7qWFgI81_ol98zE6DRVP2YTlDG8Y/edit?usp=sharing

I’ll update it periodically, so if you want your character on the list, simply fill out the template below and post it here, message me on Argent Archives, or get in touch in-game!

The template:
Character name: IC name here (with actual name in brackets)
Occupation: What, in a word or two, does your character do?
Race: Self-explanatory
Faction: Alliance, Horde, or Neutral. If Neutral, you may put a subfaction, e.g. Neutral (Argent Crusade)
Work cross-faction? Are you willing to work with members of other factions, or are you Alliance/Horde/Neutral only?
Skills: What are your main skills? Don’t put everything here - ideally 5 or less!
Assets (optional): Do you have a ship? Are you the leader of a mercenary group? Think on that kind of scale - a book is not an asset, but a library is. Anyone can find a horse, but not everyone has a flying machine.
Notes (optional): Anything else the other party must know. Keep it brief!
Other contact (optional): If this is an alt, can people contact you elsewhere?

For example:
Character name: Morgaid Walsh (Morgaid)
Occupation: Fixer
Race: Human
Faction: Neutral (Kirin Tor)
Work cross-faction? Yes
Skills: Divination, illusion, enchantment, diplomacy, translation
Assets: Flying carpet
Notes: Payments in cash only
Other contact: Ottolyn


Character name: Rakihu Gorelash (Rakihu)
Occupation: Assassin, Saboteur
Race: Orc
Faction: Independent (Varies by contract)
Work cross-faction? Yes
Skills: Assassination, alchemy, espionage, engineering, infiltration
Assets: A sisterhood of extremely skilled assassins, exceptional spellcraft, a ship, contacts among clandestine professionals
Notes: A very high price in exchange for unquestioned loyalty; open to deals with merchants


Character name: Jalbert Stabbers (Jalbert)
Occupation: Mercenary, courier, smuggler
Race: Goblin
Faction: Horde
Work cross-faction? Possible
Skills: Marksmanship, sailing, friendship.
Assets: A river boat.
Notes: Job’s done when it’s done, but it gets done.


Character name: Nar’zagh the Dud (Dudflex)
Occupation: Witch Doctor
Race: Triathlon.
Faction: Horde
Work cross-faction? Yes, As long as the Loa demand it.
Skills: Can count to six (Also can do amazing feats of Voodoo magic but that’s less impressive.)
Assets (optional): I’ve got a genocidal Bird if that helps?
Notes (optional): C Minor
Other contact (optional): Don’t worry, I’ll Find you.


Character name: Sen’nida Goldtusk
Occupation: Merchant, Engineer, Scavenger, Warrior of some sorts
Race: Nascar
Faction: Horde, Zandalar, Dudflex the loa, self
Work cross-faction? After the attack on the zocalo, no.
Skills: Being the town idiot, maintaining vehicles, reading
Assets (optional): An Array of mechanical vehicles, a small ship
Notes (optional): D minor
Other contact (optional): I barely respond on my main.


Character name: Dread-Captain Yorold ‘James’ Blackstorm
Occupation: Pirate
Race: Undead
Faction: Horde
Work with other factions? Yes, Neutral and Alliance if the payment is good
Skills: Smuggling, Theft, Piracy, Espionage and Sabotage
Assets: The Dread ship “Tempest” (Kul’tiran ship of the line under the Black flag)
Notes: Payments in jewels or favors.
Contact: Speak to the Tavern keeper in Ratchet or Booty bay (send an ooc letter!)


Character name: Roleplayer
Occupation: Ganker and Corpse Camper
Race: Undead
Faction: The Scarlet Crusade (Hostile to both Alliance and Horde)
Work cross-faction? No, since, sadly, game mechanics prevent me from ganking the Horde.
Skills: Strength in numbers (Can call a dozen of guildies of the same name and transmog if help is needed).
Assets (optional): A mobile guild bank full of WPvP consumables.
Notes (optional): Can track a target wherever it is by having a guildie log on to an Alliance character and spam “/who”. All contract kills are recorded and sent to your email for personal amusement.
Other contact (optional): Ingame, discord, battle tag MilanGrujic#1256.

Character Name: Alryette Duskquill (Alryette)
Occupation: Infiltrator, Mercenary
Race: Shal’dorei
Faction: Sumarian
Work Cross-Faction: Yes, just not for Tree Elves or Draenei.
Skills: Espionage, Tactical Insertion, Alchemy, Arcane Spellcrafting, Advanced Transmutation, Tracking, Mounted Combat
Assets Have undead horse, will travel… Without rest if necessary. Experience with infiltration, assassination, tracking, and government disruption.
Notes: Easily bought when it comes to the disadvantage of Tree Elves.
Other Contact: Say her books are awful out loud, I dare you.


Character name: Director Jeremy S. Lochton (Lochton)

Occupation: Salvaging, Procurement and Supplies.

Race: Human/Worgen.

Faction: Alliance

Work cross-faction? Cross faction trades are open contracts, it is down to what you are selling, buying or requiring - as long as it does not to be used against Alliance forces.

Skills: Tinkering, Salvaging, Trades, Shipping, Finances, and Administration.

Assets (optional): Currently hold a small fleet of vessels in the name of the Alliance Salvaging And Procurement’s business of contracts. These vehicles will be put to use in open services.

Notes (optional): Operating out of Stormwind City Harbour at ‘The Yard’. Contracts will have to be under the condition of salvaging gains if opportunity arrives.

Other contact (optional): Allan Wilkes (Allanwilkes), Thomas J. Wynn (Wynn), Vera Sykes (Vera).


Character name: Lyríndes Silversprig (Lyríndes)
Occupation: Mender, glorified gardener.
Race: Night Elf
Faction: Neutral (Cenarion Circle)
Work cross-faction? Yes, all factions all the time.
Skills: Magical and common mending, herbalism, alchemy, musical performance and shape changing.
Assets (optional): Have a doctors clinic in Booty Bay and co-lead the mercenary group Adventurous Journey.
Notes (optional): Can mostly be found in Booty Bay, or occationaly in Moonglade.


Character name: Lalanda (Gahtirá)
Occupation: Temporal investigator
Race: Human
Faction: Neutral (The Timewalkers)
Work with other factions? Yes
Skills: Chronomancy, Arcane.
Notes: Able to mend time anomalies, and is friendly to both factions
Other contact: An alt, contact my main on horde: Hungarø


Character name: Innoma
Occupation: Warlock, enchanter
Race: Sin´dorei
Faction: Horde, Black Harvest
Work cross-faction?: Only with Black Harvest members or other Warlocks/Demon Hunters
Skills: Knowledge of demons and demonic powers. Enchanting in various fields. Staff crafting. Summoning. Dealing with artifacts of dark origins.
Assets: Depends on the request
Notes: Contact possible only via IC means. Found most often in Orgrimmar, seldom in Silvermoon.


Character name: Aldrus Stillrain (Aldrus)
Occupation: Itinerant sellsword/Mercenary.
Race: Night Elf.
Faction: Neutral.
Work cross-faction? Yes.
Skills: Tracking, stealth, knowledge of fel, bladework.
Notes: A disillusioned grouch. Mileage may vary.


Character name: Zanik.
Occupation: Mercenary/Smuggler.
Race: Orc.
Faction: Neutral (Freelancer, mostly Steamwheedle Cartel).
Work with other factions? Yep!
Skills: Gunslinger, fencer, limited knowledge in engineering.
Assets: Rak’raz the Monkey, a shabby sailboat hardly suitable for more than five people.
Notes: Prefers half of any payment upfront and the other half once business have been concluded, although willing to negotiate.
Contact: Easiest to reach via in-game mail service. Checking it every once in a while.


Character name: Nezumi(Nezuumi)
Occupation: Witch doctor, priest of Bwonsamdi and scholar
Race: Zandalari Troll
Faction: Horde and Zandalari Empire.
Work cross-faction? Nope
Skills: Shadow/void magic, alchemy, voodoo, some arcane, dealing with artifacts and relics
Assets (optional): A diverse company of Horde loyalists and a dino mount
Notes (optional): Poke me in game or send me an IC in game mail :sunglasses:


Character name: Suraia Silverbell (Suraìa)
Occupation: Botanist, Alchemist, Healer.
Race: Human
Faction: Alliance
Work cross-faction? No
Skills: Acquiring or making uncommon type potions, Botany of herbs, Light magic and first aid/basic surgery.
Assets: She owns a medical and refugee center in the Stormwind Outskirts and has a fully functional mobile medical center (tent). She the ‘initiator’ of group of Adventurers who help and protect her.
Notes: She’s famous for getting into trouble cough
Other contact: If she’s not at ‘home’ she can be reached via NPC’s at her house to get into contact with her. Just contact me in game or through Discord or AA to set up RP.


Character Name: Valaatu ( Valaátu)
Occupation: Photographer
Race: Draenei
Faction: Alliance
Work Cross-Faction: Yes (money is money :sweat_smile:)
Skills: Punctuality :alarm_clock:
Contact: In-game mail, or trough argent archives, https://www.argentarchives.org/node/225239


Character Name: Raelka
Occupation: Killer
Race: Dragonmaw Orc
Faction: Horde
Work cross-faction? No.
Skills: Killing anything in need of killing, braiding.
Assets: She owns two axes and a large hut just outside Orgrimmar.
Notes: Often sells dragon-related products, everything from bone to blood to scales. Has a rough temper and is likely to lash out, very reckless.
Other contact: Likely in Orgrimmar or at the frontlines of any relevant campaign battlefield!


Character name: Valorasz the Scarred (Valorasz)
Occupation: Guardian of Life
Race: Red Dragon
Faction: Neutral - Wyrmrest Accord
Work with other factions? Yes (Not Dragonmaw or Ebon Blade)
Skills: Strong healer and able to remove many forms of corruption. Great at incinerating and crushing things. Knowledge of various magics, flora and fauna.
Assets: Members of his brood to bear people into battle or ferry them to safety or to heal those at rest.
Notes: Won’t attack “good” factions. You may contact me via whisper, or find me in the Southern Eastern kingdoms, normally around STV and Duskwood (currently).


Character name: Erena Lunarglade (Lunarglade)
Occupation: Priestess
Race: Shal’dorei
Faction: Horde
Work with other factions? No
Skills: Healer, Blessings against Dark Arts, Heretic Removal Services & Weddings
Assets: Has an accompaniment of Priestesses and even has a temple that can be used for event bookings!
Notes: Can be contacted in game via mail! We take Cash, Cheque and Suramar Express cards. Will probably look down on you if you’re a void user.