[N-RP] The Cursekeeper Association - Now recruiting!

Hello forum-goers! Since our previous thread got locked due to inactivity, it’s about time we put up a new one in its place. I believe this is also a good opportunity to reflect a few changes to the guild, as we’ve been around for well over a year now.

With that out of the way, let’s dive into what the Cursekeepers are about!

The Cursekeepers are people from many walks of life. Some of them are scholars, others fighters or craftsmen, though all are united by one realization; In order to fight against darkness, one must first understand it, should they hope to succeed.
Those who do not understand the Eldritch forces that threaten Azeroth have no hope of fighting it, and those who are powerless stand no chance at succeeding.

As such, the Cursekeeper Association is an order that serves as a meeting ground for experts in their field to gather, share their knowledge and resources in order to study the various forces of magic that can be found on Azeroth and beyond, with many choosing to wield those same powers not (just) for their own good, but to help keep the world a safer place for those who cannot protect themselves against these same forces.

Though they fight for the safety of Azeroth, they do so at any cost, by any means necessary. While they strive to adhere to common laws in public to maintain a good reputation, laws become secondary behind closed doors, where the ends often justify the means.

What is the primary purpose of the Association?

To serve as a foundation for experts to meet and share their expertise. To study and understand the eldritch forces that threaten the world. To fight against evil wherever it may be and to make the world a safer place for those who lack the means to defend themselves. They are Cursekeepers, for they plunge themselves willingly into the darkness so that others may not have to suffer it.

What kind of content does the guild participate in?

The Association is primarily a roleplaying guild, and we host events ranging from glorious combat to more casual meetings, along with breaks to simply explore what Azeroth has to offer. We would like the Association to be a place where players can also delve into exploring their characters’ personal storylines together, and our DMs are happy to help accommodate for such.

Occasionally, we will also be doing events with other guilds to establish a reputation and gain new allies, whether it be through server campaigns or more personal alliances with other groups.

Where is the Association located?

Though previously located in Rustberg, Tol Barad, a lengthy storyline filled with perils have since led the Association to a new base in Tol Dagor where they are currently located. Now, we do not claim any ownership over the actual Tol Dagor, nor would it make much sense for us to be there, so to avoid strange claims, the area acts as a stand-in for another island prison-complex, Tol Avar.

For the foreseeable future, the place will act as a headquarters for our characters to return to when we’re not out on jobs and missions elsewhere in the world.

What are reasons for a character to join the Association?

There are countless reasons a character could have for joining the Association, but to name a few, it could be as simple as wanting access to more exotic reagents or to study subjects of which you won’t find the right books on in any Kirin Tor library, among associates who won’t shun you for craving such knowledge.

A combatant who perhaps longs for the battlefield, but has grown weary of the rigidity of a military, or who, for some reason or another would never be accepted into the ranks of the more upstanding Horde and Alliance.
Perhaps a champion who has grown tired of fighting the more common monsters on Azeroth, and is looking for more powerful foes to test their might upon.

Perhaps your character has natural suspicions of practitioners of dark magic, and joins the Association in order to keep a close eye on them, as was the case of my own character when she first walked through the door.

There’s also the possibility for an evil character on a redemption arc. The Cursekeepers offer a chance to do some good for characters who would not be welcome among more lawful establishments.

What classes/races do you accept?

When it comes to classes, the Association is open to all classes, whether it’s a warrior, a demon hunter or a holy priest. So long as they are able to put aside personal bias and work alongside one another, the Cursekeepers do not discriminate.

Similarly for races, the Association accepts all playable races. Many exotic races will also be welcome into the Association, though these might be considered on a more individual basis.
Demons such as the Man’ari (yes, even the “redeemed” ones) will not be accepted, though warlocks are free to keep their minions around while not in public, so long as they maintain a tight leash on them.

Is the guild only for sorcerers?

Not at all! Although a life in the Cursekeeper Association is a life surrounded by magic, the Association will always have need for warriors, scouts and archers, whether they can personally conjure magic or not. Some Cursekeepers might find themselves more comfortably with a tome in their hand, studying eldritch magic in a dimly-lit room, others might find their true home to be out in the field. Their line of work is perilous and full of dangers, and they have as much need for strength and steel as they do magic.

Characters who lack any affinity for magic at all may be expected to find ways to work around that in order to effectively fight against certain foes, but that’s also what they have associates for. The right enchantment goes a long way.

Is there room for evil characters in the guild?

Yes and no. This depends on how you look at things and what one defines as evil.

The Association is host to practitioners of Fel, Void and other forces most would deem as dubious at best. We walk the thin line of suspicion, and while many in the Association agree that these magics are certainly evil or morally reprehensible to use, they consider it necessary in order to combat the many threats that Azeroth faces.

Though the Association will adhere to the laws of the places they visit while in public, the ends will often justify the means when left to their own devices.

That being said, the Association does not condone obvious acts of evil such as murder for the sake of it, and members of factions such as the Twilight Hammer, the Cult of the Damned or the Burning Legion, along with many more, will be disposed of if discovered, be it through banishment, imprisonment or even death.

We will happily allow evil characters who hide their crimes well, however.
IC, what the Association does not know, does not hurt them, but if this is the path you want your character to take, be prepared for the consequences that follow should they ever be found out.

What guild ranks are there?

The guild ranks have recently gone under a slight reiteration, and are now as follows:

High Keeper: The head of the Association, responsible for leading and ensuring the safety of her fellow Cursekeepers. IC, they will be the person who has the final say in official Cursekeeper business. After the mysterious disappearance of the Association’s founder, this role has since fallen to an Illidari by the name of Reylyn Soulflame.

Observer: The Observers are the Officers of the Cursekeeper Association. Working closely with the High Keeper, they are responsible for observing and managing the Association from within, settling disputes as well as acting as advisors for those needing guidance. When the High Keeper is absent, it falls to the Observers to act in her place.

Cursebreaker: The champion-rank of the Association. They are those who have proven themselves time and time again, and have shown that they can be relied on even when all hope seems lost.

When something is deemed too dangerous even for the Seekers, it may fall into the hands of a Cursebreaker, and as such, they may be granted access to resources deemed too dangerous for anyone else.

Seeker: Dedicated members of the Association, Seekers are charged with seeking out artifacts, cursed objects and whatever else the Association may be tasked with, and ultimately find ways to secure, destroy or protect in order to safeguard not just the Association, but the world they live in.

Seekers have access to all but the most dangerous of objects and cursed knowledge that have fallen into the hands of the Association.

Associate: Associates are the standard rank for those who have proven their value to the Association, be it through their expertise in battle, their craftsmanship or research, but have not dedicated themselves fully to the Association.

Associates may call upon the Cursekeepers for aid in their own personal endeavors, and have access to some of their resources, but may be denied access to more dangerous reagents, artifacts and knowledge.

Unproven: This is the trial-rank for characters who have had their IC interview, but have yet to prove themselves.

Guest: The OOC rank for those who have not yet had their IC interview, as well as alt-characters that are not with the Association IC.

How does the hierarchy function in the guild?

As an Association, there will be the High Keeper and Observers who work to keep things organized and running smoothly, but they cannot force anyone to do anything.

The Association is not a rigid military structure, and there is a lot of freedom to be had regardless of a character’s rank.

All jobs and missions are joined voluntarily, and there will not be consequences for a character who refuses to partake in something that goes against their beliefs.

What is your approach to combat?

Our combat system has gone through a few changes in the time we’ve been around to smooth out rough edges, and involves d100 rolls backed up by a customizable character sheet with a few different stats as well as unique abilities to help make your character feel, well, unique.

The goal for the system is to maintain a strong class fantasy and let characters shine doing what they’re good at, while avoiding becoming masters of all trades.

What are the IC rules of the Association?
  • As an Associate, you are expected to contribute before gaining access to reagents, research and other assistance. This can be through sharing a journey, aiding the Association in battle, contributing your works and other such means. (OOC, this just means to rise above the Unproven rank.)
  • Any acts of violence against a fellow member of the Association is forbidden, and will result in either a warning or outright punishment, of which the severity depends on the severity of the act. Exceptions to this rule include sanctioned spars and duels of honor.
  • Members of the Association are expected to adhere to the common laws of the places they visit as long as they remain under the gaze of the public eye.
  • Although the Association can look the other way out of necessity (such as sacrificing a living being or soul in order to enact a ritual that helps stop the bad guy), it does NOT condone acts of obvious evil. Members who are found affiliated with hostile factions such as the Scourge, the Burning Legion, the Twilight Hammer and the like will be considered outlaws.
    Lesser incidents may result in warnings, restriction of access to the Association’s resources, while more severe incidents may result in outright banishment, imprisonment or even death.
What are the OOC rules of the guild?
  • What occurs IC should remain separated from OOC. This means no meta-gaming, and not taking words or actions from a character personally. At the same time, we must understand that behind every character is a passionate person trying to have fun, so strive to maintain a pleasant environment for all involved.
  • We understand that people have plenty of reasons to take a break from the game. We do however expect people to mention it if they plan to take a prolonged leave. If someone has been offline for more than 60 days and hasn’t made mentions of such, we will assume you’ve moved on and might remove your character from the guild. If you return at a later date and wish to rejoin, just contact us through regular means, and we’d be happy to help you out.
  • Respect people regardless of their backgrounds, social standing and so on. We’re all just people trying to have a good time among friends. Racism, sexism, hatred and bullying will not be tolerated.
  • Don’t ERP. We all know this one. If your TRP contains explicit descriptions or you openly ERP with the guild tag unwrapped, it will cause for removal from the guild.
  • Related to the above, WoW is a PG12+ game and we aim to stand by that. This means that during our RP if we aim to include overly graphic depictions of bodily harm or anything of a sensual nature, permission is first asked of those involved.
Will you accept new players?

Yes, we will! We all started somewhere, and provided the player is willing to receive criticism, learn and adapt, then we’re happy to take new players under our wing and teach them about the game and how to roleplay.

What does the recruitment process look like?

Generally speaking, you contact one of us OOC, be it through discord, in-game whispers or in-game mail, and we take a moment to hear about your character moment, take some time to answer any questions you might have and the like. After that, we will schedule an IC meeting for your character with either the GM or an Officer to see if we can provide the sort of environment you’re looking for.
If all goes well, you will then be given the rank of Unproven, which acts as your introduction into the Association.

I’m interested, but I’m already in a guild. Could I still be connected as an associate?

The answer is yes! Bearing our guild tag is not a requirement to RP with us, nor does the Association prohibit anyone from working with other organizations, so long as they are not hostile.

We have a discord server where you’ll receive notifications for upcoming events, along with channels where you can ask if people are interested in RP.

How do I contact you?

You can contact us either through discord: thebearmessiah (GM), athasarius (Officer).

Or in-game: Reylyn (GM, Horde), Vesparin (Officer, Alliance), Beringer (Officer, Horde).

Thank you for taking the time to read through our thread! We are currently recruiting, so if the Association sounds interesting to you, then do not hesitate to reach out!


Absolutely love roleplaying with these guys, 100% recommend them to anyone who’s looking to getting involved in the eldritch magics :pray:


Had the pleasure of roleplaying with this guild during the recent Assembly of Dusk campaign in Stranglethorn and the Argus campaign before that, and they were an absolute pleasure to be around. Highly recommend them.


Thank you for those kind words! We had a great time interacting with you guys, and look forward to the next time we meet.

The Association has just finished their business in Stranglethorn, working with the Starfallen, the Corpsegrin Irregulars and many more to thwart a Shadowguard plot involving an insidious plague and the rise of a false Loa.
We’ll be returning home from Stranglethorn Vale in the coming days, and begin planning our next adventure.


Shadows in the Jungle was the Irregulars’ second supernatural escapade beside the Cursekeeper Association, and we have enjoyed as much scheming together as the last.

By virtue of their Grimtotem seer’s shadowcraft and their leader’s Illidari talents, they were able to acquire an ethereal captive, whose brutal torture invaluable questioning provided the two companies with a delightful moment of bonding. And as they chased down Rashaad - the architect of the so-called ‘Shadowblood Plague’ - the Association secured samples from which the Irregulars’ own Apothecary Baskerville could begin to devise a cure.


This is a fantastic guild and I have greatly enjoyed meeting all of its characters. I always find myself staying up much later than I should whenever I get to do camp RP with them because the dialogues are just that good.

We shall collaborate again.


The Irregulars have been a damn pleasure to interact with, through and through, and we look forward to doing more collaborations!


I’d like to take the opportunity to give a shoutout to the Cursekeepers as well!

We’ve had the pleasure of working together a few times over the past year and they’ve been nothing but wonderful people. I can only recommend them! :blush:


After finishing up some business back home, dealing with machines gone astray with Arcane intelligence and disrupting a demon-cult, the Cursekeepers find themselves in Khaz Algar!
There, they will embark on an expedition to study the Black Blood, and hopefully answer a burning question; How is that foul substance ending up in the hands of their enemies, and what can be done to stop it?

The Cursekeepers still have some room for new recruits, so if you’re interested, do not hesitate to seek us out!