Name generator when creating a new character

So the US version of WOW has the option of a random name generator when you create a new character. Its useful on populated realms where most common names are taken rather than trying 50 different names. I used it on my US account and it generates some good names.

Could we get this as a feature in the EU version of the game.


I believe we don’t have it in the EU because of the chances of it generating an inappropriate name in one of the many languages spoken in Europe.


While I agree something like that is long overdue, my experience with using online name generators for specific races and then changing the RNG name more to my liking did work out pretty well.

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It’s not very random really, most of the good names it makes are already ‘randomly’ taken.

It’s available on the PTR, you could generate the name there and then use it on the retail servers.


yes we need RnameGenerator in wow EU too! (english realm at least)

also need to ban any non English alphabet letters from realms in English realms (eg those weird accents i o e u ae eu etc)

Whý âřę ỹöů šćáŕêđ øf ñöň êńğłīşh ļéțţėŗș?


There is nothing weird about them. You just can’t handle the 3 extra letters the Scandinavians have to offer.

That aside, the name generator is needed for Americans because they scare easy and are easily offended. Their precious souls need to be protected.


When you think that there is an actual NPC created by Blizzard that has the name “Merda”…this makes sense. :poop:



You can find many name genarators online.


This somewhat highlights the issue and demonstrates why it’s not available in the EU. While this means nothing in English, it clearly sounds similar to a certain phrase from a European country.


Hey Starney,i was just wondering if you want to see something new legion zone in 10.0,see if you want

cuz its not english letters on english forum or english realms??
cant /target or write gm tickets regarding bots with this names

plus they look ugly

If they were going to lock us into no special letters we’d have to have more purging of inactive characters to make up for it. It’s hard being on a busy realm and finding names free.

don’t we have that already? or atleast i’m pretty sure we have had it in the past i kind of recall trying it out years ago and never liking any of the names it gave me. Or am i confused with another game?

I can’t remember seeing the name generator on EU realms for over a decade.

yeah if we have had it then it certainly was atleast that long ago since i dont make new characters often anymore

Oh come on, that’s the worst arguement ever!

I don’t personally use them, but my language has æøå, any many of our names contain those letters. I can understand someone wanna use them. I do however wonder if people using e.g. ø as a clear replacement of o in their random english names actually know how ø is pronounced.

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and thats your language, keep it between communication between your language users.

english realms=many language users that play on english

having weird letters only helps circumvent bans on names and create duplicate names for already existing characters


etc all with different accents

Yet players in other countries use them. There is a key combo you do to type them out on english keyboards. Google how to do it if you need to report people.

Do you think the russians that get sharded with us should have an english name as well for when sharded? I have honestly not had issues reporting players because of their letters.

I don’t personally use special keys, nor words as names(look at your own…), but I don’t care that others do. I think it’s messy(your name too), but it’s none of my buisness. The more people using special names, the easier for me to give my characters normal ones.

I will admit I cringe extra at foreginers that uses Ø as a replacement for O, or when Elon Musk recently named his last baby Sideræl(which sounds like “side crap” in norwegian), but they have their own idea of how it’s suppose to sound.

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