Nathanos vs Thrall

Deathwing existed before, so it was always possible he would wake up and cause some havoc.

Jaina existed too, but was gone for two years without even a hint where she was and she showed up during a lost battle with a flying Ship of the Line armed with arcane cannons at the exactly perfect time to turn the tide.

And yet this almighty super-sayian wizard couldn’t do a thing when Sylvanas suddenly activated her newly found “Can’t Touch Me” Superpower and flew away into the horizon because reasons :wink:


Let’s agree that Sylvanas and Jaina hold equal powers in the senseless Deus Ex Machina-moments? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree with you :heart:

Honestly. Can’t beleive you fell for this thread. Everybody knows after Nathanos yells enough and one shots Thrall. He goes onto one shot Sargeras but is then defeated by Saurfang throwing an axe in his back who then does not consider it a victory since it is dishonorable.


Nathanos, why? because he’s undead…

And green as retired being green jesus.

Nathanos can go toe to toe With Saurfang in a fist Fight though, his Dark Arrows can interrupt Jainas spell casting, he can also take down a Company of Knights by himself, can go toe to toe with Present Tyrande.
HIs Val’kyr empowerment versus her Elune.

Also Present Thrall would Likely Lose to be frank, he has no Weapon, no powers.
He’s not the Gladiator he used to be while Nathanos is empowered and restored to his Prime.


A rotting human in a fist-fight versus an orc was one of the greatest moments of the book. And they were both supposedly crawling away from that fight.

An orc. And a human. Guess that orcish size no longer matters at all. Gives them zero advantage.

Not if she barges in on her Titanic commencing arcane bombardment upon heathens!

Actually, he can kill like a dozen armoured knights with a SINGLE shot. Let’s get facts straight.

While roflstomping the most powerful druid alive at the same time.

Almighty Val’kyrs > Elune-balloone

He is a pickle though.

Nor Russell Crowe.


Anduin fought off 3 200 pound orcs like it was nothing in the cinematic cgi trailer. Why are you surprised?

Because continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators.

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Ah, I still had to respond to this.

It is indeed no secret that the Tauren were different during WC3. They were more aggressive, and quicker to grab for the weapons. But that can easier be explained; they were constantly at war with all sorts of races, specifically the Centaur, and it has been a long time since they knew peace. They also lacked a lot of development as a race, something that they’d get during World of Warcraft, with further development during Cataclysm.

The Tauren now are different from the WC3 Tauren. Contemporary Tauren have a home now, and they have something to live for. They had time to return to the roots of their society.

You are right that Tauren are still willing to fight and that they are more aggressive than people think. Tauren are not drinking Peacebloom tea all the time, or high on the peace pipe, but they are indeed ready to take up arms to defend themselves, and to slay the aggressors. But they don’t fight unconditionally. There is, in terms of lore, no reason for Tauren to support the War of the Thorns. There is no reason to support the Blood War at all. There are obviously some exceptions, as we see in the 8.1.5 Leatherworking questline, but Tauren are not known to hold grudges, and usually forgive the other.

But again, I asked you for NPC-examples, since you talked about the history of NPCs, and a few quotes from a game that has already been retconned in certain aspects is not going to convince me.


Now now we all know the Seven year Old Human girl Jessy that just picked up the arts is the Greatest Druid who ever lived.
In ten years She’ll appear and Lecture Malfurion About nature.

Nobody knows who would win. Only the plot can decide that.

Thrall would take a plot armor arrow to the knee. We all know the victor.

That 1 belongs to Jaina.

A better comparison would be Nathanos versus Jaina.

What is strongest, “Enough!” or “It can’t end like this!”?


hey, i wrote exactly that a week ago in the Human Leader thread thingy… copyright infringement^^

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It was a Reference to ecactly that😘


Nathanos would obviously win and he would barely use 10% of his power. Should Thrall prove to me more powerful for some reason, Nathanos will then unsheathe his katana and use 25% to utterly obliterate Thrall and everything around them in a 25 miles radius.


If Nathanos wields more than 10%
Shaggy will have to enter our World, you sure you want that?

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