Many guilds chose to not clear naxx due to the gold cost of consumables back in the day. Crafted Frost Resist gear meant weeks of farming for the mats, and buying FR gear off AH would cost a small fortune.
Guilds preferred leveling alts and saving gold as to afford the crafted TBC gear at 70 -as well as flying mount.
Now we come to today and my question:
Will raids NEED resist gear to clear Naxx? Seems so as well as coordination.
What will your guild do? Buy resist gear from now? Or spend the next few weeks farming mats?
Most guilds (at least on our server) have been saving mats and picking up gear for naxx for a long time.
Plan to farm a lot more.
Plenty factors made Naxx uncleared, I think for many consumbles (overall in general and Naxxramas in specific) and their cost wasnt even on the “trouble-radar”.
Between alot of guilds still struggeling with BWL and AW40 and the fact that alot of guild disbanded while trying, giving Naxx a go wasn’t even something many considered. Add the fact that plenty people got burned out and took breaks/quit at this stage of Classic - so finding correctly geared players was hard. The hardest resistance to farm was always wipe resistance ^^
Wasnt like Classic or Retail back in the day. People were spread out on all “phases”, making all raids relevant depending on the guild and player.
TL;DR Never heared cost of comsumbles beeing a problem when most of the guilds rarely used them and werent even close to entering Naxx and clearing it anyway.
Anyways, we knew Naxx was coming sooner or later, the materials outside of Naxx could have been farmed 1 year ago more or less.
One of my guildies have an entire bank full of frost resistance potions ready for it XD.
On another note, he cleared Naxx’s bosses on the PTR on the first shot.
He clearly stated “They’re all easy”
Sapp/KT and the ones that need FR … Not yet tested on PTR
Didn’t Blizzard say that the raid would get buffs to help clear it easier since they were testing mechanics and not trying to balance difficulty?
Or was this a different PTR?
Everyone got a buff that added 3k HP and 100% increased damage done.
This stacked with world buffs and consumables.
I am not surprised people on the PTR blasted the bosses with that.
I thought that was to do with how many players you had in your raid?
No, each player got +3k hp and +100% dmg done as a static aura with infinite duration while inside Naxx on the PTR.
^ That’s why they did it like that. It was just a test of the mechanics.
Ah, I misread then XD.
Apparently some raids didn’t receive the damage buff though.
In classic, the cost of consumables for naxx is very high, was not that bad during vanilla.
Prices for raid needed consumables are like 10x+ than what they were in vanilla.
However, most players that went in to classic with the goal of clearing naxx would have stocked up pretty heavily on the mats and consumes already.
I got a bank full of every consume i need, that i bough back in P1-P2. Most of the frost resistance pots cost me less than 40 silver each. Shadow prots 50ish silver. And i got 100 each.
My gbank stocked up on black lotuses when they were 20g each 300+ of those.
Im a healer with hunter alt so farmed all the mana pots i will ever need from tribute runs.
Now healer consumes in general are pretty cheap, sucks to be a melee tho 
You know that Ptr have a buff Wich gives you 100% increase dmg and 3000more hp, right?
If you read my next post after that, you’d realise I posted something else.
Yeah you want frost resist on your entire raid for sapphiron but that’s not really an issue
Probably not needed to have that much Frost resist. Frost aura / totem(?) Should be sufficient for the above average guilds, healers dont need, better for them to use max healing gear. For below average it become more important.
Sapphirons aura Does 600 frostdmg a second, every guild is going to use high Frost resist gear.
How did people in Vanilla know about TBC and that there would be flying mounts and crafted gear?
But to answer your question… we have all the knowledge now. We know exactly what consumes and gear we need. We know how to get fully world buffed, we know all boss mechanics and addons to tell us about them. Plus we have hundreds of guides on gold making and farming in order for most people to be able to afford their consumes.
Because they announced tbc before nihilum got worldfirst naxx 40 clear.
Edit: just found a timeline stating that TBC was announced before AQ was released, and tbc releasedate was announced to be delayed after WF naxx clear.
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consumables until the last 2 bosses have minimal impact (apart from baseline ones) you may want a fire pot on 4hm and that is it.
For Sapphiron you should count on using frost res for a few weeks. Frost res will likely be replaced with Diamond Flask sets after a few weeks for most guilds with world buffs there. Both frost and shadow protection pot can make a big difference here.
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The average guild and below will need that yes. And its 600 damage per 2 seconds, aka 300 per second.
With auras, totems and healers in max healing gear instead of frost resist, its not that hard to heal trough as long as your dps is good enough.