Naxxramas Achievement Rewards to Remain Available Throughout Wrath Classic

If you have no intention of trying to get an achievement aimed for current content during said current content, then why should anyone feel sympathy for you?

The game is becoming more and more tailored towards people who want everything given to them without any effort. Sad, really.


Of course, of course, you donā€™t play retail. Iā€™m sure you downloaded it and made characters there just to hide your main on the forums. Yes, Iā€™m sure there is no other reasonā€¦

Make it better to increase the speed of the druids fly form to 310 if you have a 310 mount.

Downloading retail to test every expansion from WoD lvlup max and disconect for ever until the next expansion because it still bad everytime mean iā€™m a retail player ?

I played 12 years on Wotlk, iā€™m more pro Wotlk than 99.9% of players on this forum.

And still you ask for retail features like guaranteed loot and rdf.

Whatā€™s the point of having Immortal and Undying in-game after P1 is it for the normies? Ah canā€™t wait to quit paying for this game after wotlk is done. :grinning:

This announcement clearly shows the people that the biggest achivement they got in life is a group of pixels.

Moar malding pls


Are you s******* ?
RDF came out on Wotlk, you are talking like a Classic player, i donā€™t think you like Wotlk, you should go back to Classic ERA.

Also, of course i ask for loot guaranteed, your community are everytime crying ā€œouin ouin itā€™s an mmorpg we should get stuff with effortā€
Well then, i did every Naxx and i did my best, so where is my reward ?

You get guaranteed loot and that is from badges, even that is to much. Back with all you wrath babies.

As a Dane you have my sympathies.

If it makes you feel better, Dutch folks are my bane for this.

ā€œI gotta parse, lemme hit patchwerk before the tanks are in position!ā€ all the cooldowns!


Hey, at least it was a fun group of pixels. I know I enjoyed it.

Well, it was the beginning of the end, not that surprising. Somehow they managed to make an expansion chock-full of content that is also incredibly dull at the same time.

Heck yeah

This is a great change

You are ridiculous.
Imagine liking to give 13ā‚¬ per month to not get your reward after 3/4 months efforts lol

Dont bother with him

Itā€™s not you donā€™t believe, you donā€™t want, because you know i have a better experience here with many game design experienced in this game than everyone else here, so you even canā€™t trying to argue on some point.

Iā€™m not like your st**** community, game consumers and next game once finished.
Classic ERA proved your kind of community ā€œouin ouin we want classic for ever we only like it, everything else is s***ā€ and when TBC came out lol you let Classic empty.

Thatā€™s the difference between your community and my pro-Wotlk community.
And all this, your mind canā€™t stand it. So you prefer saying ā€œI donā€™t believe it, itā€™s false, lierā€ etc. itā€™s easier than getting 12 years experience on the same game with differente way ofc :slight_smile:

As a person in a guild that got Immortal (and the black proto) 1Ā½h before the announcement of this i fully support this change.
It was a dumb change to remove it from the start.

If they need a compromise make ilvl requirements. But i dont care, i am just glad they do not remove it.


You can buy immortal/Undying for peanuts. So the achivements means nothing.

They have no value now as you can buy the mounts today. (You could buy the titles and Bear in TBC also)

Already have it, still happy for more people to have it!