Nazjatar is literal trash

Same, the setting in theory is interesting and unique, but hot damn, what a pain it was to navigate through and the WQ grind was so uninspired… They could have added unique content/events. Not some rares that spawn and get deleted before you reach them.

Got my flying and never intent to go back there ever. Same for Mechagon.

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I personally like it alot, it is a dynamic zone and really good for killing hort.

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The whole expansion is trash.


The zone could have been better, Azshara revealed her kingdom to us and I didn’t see this amazing imperial city of Naga, I saw a landscape of crashed ships dotted with ruins where most races and even some of Azsharas elite live in damp, dingy caves. If they had made the entire zone more like the area around the palace, it would have been amazing, but to be honest aside from the wall of water, it’s pathetic in comparison to the beauty of Suramar. It’s like Argus meets Ursula from the Little Mermaid.

Until you get flying and even when you do have flying due to the zone having a lot of points where it forces you to dismount, the zone is extremely difficult to navigate and the developers usual logic of giving every mob a daze shines through to make the zone that bit more painful, especially when the world quests and bodyguard quests are so spread out and hidden away that every time you go it feels like a chore; and not the classic kind of chore where you go to that place which they send you to and spend about half an hour there, it’s just a lot of running to spend three minutes steamrolling mobs.

Speaking of steamrolling, the story. Never have I ever seen such a trivialized character as Queen Azshara. She spends years upon years hatching this grand scheme, planning every detail and making deals with forces beyond our comprehension. What does her invasion of the surface amount to? A few minor attacks in Zandalar and Kul Tiras before she separates the waters with the Tidestone in hopes of giving the heroes of Azeroth an easy time (unlike Vash’jir where it actually felt like you were struggling to defeat the Naga and even when you leave it still feels like you’ve barely dented their presence there). Her amazing plan amounts to a group of heroes as usual hitting things until they get to her with no logic required except the amazing logic of how to lock the Queen of Azshara within titan technology which Thalyssra and Jaina- two characters who had never been seen in contact with such technology before now manage to come up with on the spot because they’re just that good. Queen Azshara? Childs play.


When you look at the pre-sinking video, when Azshara tried to hold the tides back… I really thought the zone would have looked more amazing if it had more of the buildings and so on in it like you said.

As it is, it’s more of a multi floor cave run than a sunken city. The city in the video clip looked amazing though! If that was a city for real, I would move to it.

I entered the zone for the first time last night and was very disappointed…

Firstly I thought why is it so shallow… would have looked a lot more intimidating if I wall of water was 5-10 times as high to get the look it could crash down at any moment and drown/crush me, this was meant to the home of the Naga, the beasts have been with us since Vanilla and why do they not have a real city to show how powerful they, but all they get is caves and shallow pools… wow…

And then I get we can’t leave and then cause of Queenie then boom!! We have already found away around the most powerful Mage on the Azz cause Jaina uses a lay-line and i use that heart thing and can now come and go as we please… Its the Battle for Loredabore all over again.

and then in another 10 min Bam! WQ are unlocked and i’m shipped off to do those…

It is just a confusing mess of ruins and puddles, the only saving grace is the art team they are amazing and for me the only saving grace of this Exp, as soon as I explore the place I am never returning same for that Junkergnomes.

Lucky I was able to get a rocket backpack flew all over the place got the achie and that’s it never going back. Once I have the Pathfinder p2 unlocked never returning, I’m just getting to dissapointed to even care at this point, so who knows.

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