A bit drastic, but… I have to vent.
In 40 levels of dungeoneering, I got a single piece of BoE.
In the meanwhile, every 2H and mail piece is needed by a warrior (or paladin). Equally, every staff, wand, cloth is needed by, well, a clothie.
Even BoP loot, it sells for 2g, so it’s taken. Questing folks come to dungeon, harvest the gear, go away happy. Tanks and healers? We are the slaves.
And I am surprised that I am poor.
Tank lives matter, too!
I feel like I should, from now on, need on everything myself.
I probably won’t but I hope you follow.
Yes, I have a tank alt and I am a healing druid, everything is useful. I also need gold yesterday.
Problem is, everyone who needs today will say “no-no, don’t be so nasty”. Everyone nice will say the same.
In the past, soulbind on need was a thing, and I think it’s required at the minimum.
I also have GDKP vibes.
But, I would be equally happy if I would automatically receive a satchel at the end of each dungeon - around 35 that would mean 3-5g and a random 25% blue 75% green.