Need on Anniversary should bind and share loot

A bit drastic, but… I have to vent.

In 40 levels of dungeoneering, I got a single piece of BoE.
In the meanwhile, every 2H and mail piece is needed by a warrior (or paladin). Equally, every staff, wand, cloth is needed by, well, a clothie.
Even BoP loot, it sells for 2g, so it’s taken. Questing folks come to dungeon, harvest the gear, go away happy. Tanks and healers? We are the slaves.

And I am surprised that I am poor.

Tank lives matter, too!
I feel like I should, from now on, need on everything myself.
I probably won’t but I hope you follow.
Yes, I have a tank alt and I am a healing druid, everything is useful. I also need gold yesterday.

Problem is, everyone who needs today will say “no-no, don’t be so nasty”. Everyone nice will say the same.

In the past, soulbind on need was a thing, and I think it’s required at the minimum.
I also have GDKP vibes.

But, I would be equally happy if I would automatically receive a satchel at the end of each dungeon - around 35 that would mean 3-5g and a random 25% blue 75% green.

I think (after reading your other topic) that you misunderstood the role of tank and the loots that you can claim to have.
You play warrior tank, in fact you can need ALL the equipment of your class, mail and later plate, even the 2H weapons unless you concentrate sword and board, in which case you can need only shield and 1H weapon.

Other things, you tank, you have the choice of groups, so choose a group that does not already have another warrior, or worse, two, otherwise you shoot yourself in the foot to hope to win anything. Just because you play Heal or Tank in dungeons doesn’t mean you only need on +heal or +def stuff, otherwise you will stay naked until lvl60.

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