Need some advice on Hunter pets

Im lvl 32 BM Hunter, I have no one i play with, but i want to be able to solo as much as possible, including elites. Right now im using a Boar ( Health +4%, Armor +9%, Dmg -10% and Charge) as pet, but some people say that i should get a 1.3 speed or faster Cat instead (Health -2%, Dmg +10% and Prowl (im not gonna use prowl)). Others suggest that i get an Owl. (+7% dmg ) Screech sounds cool for the Owl.

It is all about preference. I always go with a boar, especially while leveling because they eat everything.
The most important thing is to learn how to keep your threat lower then pet’s, so you don’t pull the agro. Try to download the addon, it is very useful for dungeons and raids. While I mentioned dungeons and raids, wolf and owl are the most common pets for it due to their buff to the team. For PvP, cat like Rake or Broken Tooth with fast attack speed to interupt the casters or boar with charge are really good.

For the owl you will have to wait a while, until you get to felwood of winterspring if you are horde.

In 2019 i managed fine with just wolves.

A pet with screech is the best for soloing. Boar is best for pvp, could be nice for kiting when soloing too. Fast attack speed is best for BM for frenzy uptime.

Boar is for sure the best pet if you want to pvp when leveling. Screech (Bat/owl) is the best for multiple mobs/pet tanking and if you want to run dungeons.

Ok i will get me a Cat now, and when i can tame one i will get me an Owl.
Thank you all.

Boar are very good all-around pets.
They’re good for PvP, thanks to their Charge (1sec root)
They’re good for PvE, thanks to their tankiness

Keep in mind, there’s no pet with a significant better DPS than others, a boar while having a slow attack spead, will hit harder.

Cats on the other side, with their 1.2s atk speed (1.0s in the case of Broken Tooth) will hit for less but the overall DPS will remain the same as any other pet.

The main function of a cat is to shred casters in PvP making their life miserable with the permanent knock back on their cast bar, due to its attack speed.

Then you have all the other pets, Bears, Owls, Wind Serpents with their ranged magic ability that ignores armor, Wolfs, very intersting for PvE wolfs, with their ability that gives an Attack Power buff to your group.

Anyway, just pick what you like the most, they’re all good, even turtles :turtle:

Vultures and Bats can use Screech as well.
The Salt Flats Vulture can be found at lvl 32 in Thousand Needles and comes with Screech rank 2.

You’re all so wrong…best pet by miles are gorilla’s. I mean…who doesnt want to hear that “hoohoo” sound when you send pet to attack!!!

How are Scorpions in PvP compared to the others? They are tanky and offer disspell protection for Viper Sting.

I’ve always used a turtle, because Shell Shield is helpful for boosting it’s survivability. 50% damage reduction from physical and elemental attacks - that’s not nothing.

In my opinion turtles are undisputed kings of soloing. Not so useful for group content or PvP, but that’s why you have stable slots and the ability to train other pets.

One thing I never see mentioned is how annoying flying pets can be. Might be me, but the constant flap,flap,flap in my peripheral vision drives me nuts.

When the owl ‘dives’, or tries to keep up with you in Cheetah aspect the flapping just gets ridiculous.