[Nelf RP] 13:th Crescent Conclave - Facets of Elune 🌙 (16:th Mar)

Goddess’ grace, members of the Sisterhood. With the arrival of spring, it has become time for the 13:th Crescent Conclave. This time, we will look to the very core of our faith, for a night where not only discussion shall be welcomed among us.

Our Goddess is not only one thing, but many. Facets of Her permeates different stages of both life and society among the Kaldorei, and remain a core point we, as members of the Sisterhood need to reflect deeply on. Thus, for this Conclave, I invite you for a discussion on the different facets of Elune - Mother Moon, The Night Warrior, for the first half of the night. For the second, we shall undertake a pilgrimage together to relevant sites, as our discussion continues.

20:00 - 20:10: Opening and start of discussions
20:10- 20:50: First half of the Conclave
20:50 - 21:00: Gathering for the pilgrimage/brief break
21:00 - 22:00: Pilgrimage

If there is nothing left to discuss, the pilgrimage will start earlier. The event will be allowed to end naturally after the end of the pilgrimage. If the turnout is large, there might be slight changes to the schedule, or shuffling between schedule points.

This time, we will look to a core subject of the Kaldorei faith - the different sides and facets of Elune! What opinions, thoughts and traditions does the priestesses present hold around each of the different aspects of the Goddess? Do they honour more, or care for one only? This time, we will go about expanding the conclave a little bit so to include a bit more activity with a mini-pilgrimage relevant to the topic. This will, with some luck, allow intermingling of players and more open chit-chat during the event - and that around a core subject of the Sisterhood. Hopefully, we will get more than plenty of discussion!

OOC Details
Elune’s grace, priestess player of Argent Dawn! It is a new year, and it is time for the 13:th Crescent Conclave (how has there been 13 of them already?). We hope for a nice interaction based event where attendees are encouraged and welcomed to share their viewpoints and ideas on this, no doubt, rather grand topic. I look forwards to seeing what will come of it!

If you play a Kaldorei who’s main character concept is that of a priestess or priest of Elune, we welcome you to a night of conversations, discussions and connecting with other characters who do the same. The idea is to give an important part of Kaldorei society a peaceful and social arena to talk and meet, and to exchange information and experiences in a friendly way between groups, guilds and orders - as always!

The event will take roughly two hours, potentially a bit longer if the pilgrimage turns out to be animated, and as always we will switch in between open discussion and a speaker’s list so to keep order. Those attending will be asked to keep a polite and cordial tone.

This event is aimed towards characters where being a Kaldorei priestess, priest or acolyte of Elune as their main character concept. Thus, if your character is not an active priestess, then this is not an event aimed towards them. To keep clutter emotes and numbers down a little, we will keep the Conclave closed for visitors, guests and bystanders. Similarly, we ask all attendants to leave friends, retainers, guards and the like outside the venue of discussions. The goal is of course not to be excluding, but simply to provide RP to a certain niche of the community, and allow those partaking in it to connect with other characters with similar responsibilities. We also kindly ask attendees to save unnecessary drama for times where it is perhaps better suited.

Questions? Feel free to ask away in the thread!

Hunter’s Hall - Astranaar, Ashenvale. The pilgrimage will happen in adjacent locations.



The conclave is just a week away! These gatherings are a really great chance to dip into the cultural side of the sisterhood and meet some others, so be sure to come along if you’re a priestess!


Good news everyone, this Sunday it’s Conclave time!

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Indeed it is! Tonight it is Conclave time! Members of the Sisterhood, be most welcomed for a rather relaxed gathering+pilgrimage in Ashenvale! :crescent_moon: