Nerf demons hunter blur!

wtf SERIOUSLY A 10 SEC EVASION ON 1 MIN CD?? and it dodges even from behind?
It is impossible to kill DH with a rogue class… not because DH are good players, but they will dodge everything every minute for 10 sec. Combine this with other short cd on other abilities… this is very frustrating. I got smashed by a low ilvl DH on arena… WTF blizz? wtf???


you have to step kidney the DH or reset fight cause rogue is just weak sauce AF in a 1 - 1

Rogue is one of the very few classes that actually have a shot at killing DH.
Because of Kidney preventing him from leeching with Meta.

i think the more annoying ability from demon hunters is a built-in dodge mechanic in the usual dps rotation. why tho ? :frowning:


Because it’s fun to see the DH randomly dodge things without them doing it intentionally. Just like it’s fun to see the DH use his offensive CD’s to heal through your burst and reverse the pressure.

DH is just full of these kind of garbage designs that makes it much more forgiving to play.


Warrior: Disarms

Demon Hunter:


DH players be like:

https: // tenor. com/ view/ monkey-teclado-tuvigif-gif-7413429

I kind of like the idea of having abilities that can be used to dodge things…except that its in their stupid damage rotation and you basically have to wait for them to use it before you use anything that you definitely do not want dodged. An 8 second CD immunity is stupid.

Blur eh not sure its necessarily horrendous. Comparing cooldowns of classes is dumb. I mean isn’t DBTS 3mins compared to evasions 2mins and lasts slightly less time?

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Well there need to be a class for people with brain injuries.

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I didn’t knew it was possible to dodge cast. A dh dodge my coil in arena oO

He can’t dodge it as in the term ‘dodge’ but there is possibility (I believe) to dodge coil by popping Metamorphosis in correct time.

It doesn’t so much dodge as it makes you immune to incoming attacks. Fine if it’s a seperate ability with a 15 - 20 sec cd. Of course they decided to make it a part of the damage rotation so while you can micro-manage it, then it still is an overly forgiving ability and thereby making it “not fine”.

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Tbh the only thing I remember is launching coil and nothing happened he got blur up but I never saw something like that before

Just CC them?

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Its not the Blur ability that cause problem but the gameplay wise.
Eye beam into demon form is cool. Also the thing that reduce eye beam cooldown is lots of fun.

The eye beam talent needs removed


The whole class has to be removed…


DH is literally the easiest class for me to kill as outlaw.
So, hard to kill yeah, but not for a rogue.
Try killing a DH with a MM or a warrior…

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Because without it we’d blow up. We don’t have the CC uptime of Rogue and our healing relies on dealing damage, which you can’t do if the enemy has defensives/immunities up. We’re literally the only class that can’t run behind pillar and throw up some heals.

The only reason why it’s easy as Outlaw is because BtE cannot be dodged at all so you van always lock him down and remove his dodge and you can never be screwed by Blade Dance.

However as Sub or Assa he has ways to dodge Kidney and unlike Whispered suggested Step Kidney DOES NOT WORK against Blur because for some reason Blur allows to dodge from behind. Ninja demon senses probably. Anyways if you step and use a spell against Blur it mighe still be dodged you can’t be sure. That lets them a lot of chances to dodge Kidneys throughout the fight or force us to delay them. As outlaw you can press whenever.