Nerf feral dmg

23% without even taking into account the fact that PvP gear scales up in PvP combat.

I really, really don’t want to spend too much time arguing as long as the other person can’t read a number on the armory page of the name displayed in a screenshot.

But really quickly:

Cool. Now there’s a 145k 3v4 screenshot on a fully geared char. What are you going to claim, that it’s edited ? And btw as leather class myself I’m sometimes hit by 120k ish, so I’m nlt surprised to see more on cloth.

The fact that you have never done it is a you problem, not a proof as to why it couldn’t be possible. Obviously it is.

He does, cf. link above. This stupid damage is decent Feral normal standard.

No, it is not, cf link above.

Literally every single player complains about it. What you have to manage to get inside your head is that people can complain about two stupid things at once, complaining about one doesn’t mean defending the other.

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The guy hes talking about is purely stacking Mastery in every way possible. But even with all that he just has 23% more mastery than me and that would translate to peak 120-130k bites, so that must be dark Archangel OR Badge.

Which imo is still not a problem considering Feral has no offheal, bear form is horrible, no clones and is essentially just a damage battery, unlike our beloved two godtier classes posting here and complaining about said spec.

Kinda ironic I swapped from the mess that is DH finally just for them to screw over Feral in DF. :joy_cat:

Guess I should go Warlock or Rogue next so they finally get whats coming long overdue.


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I think, the identity feral has now, is the identity it had before the last expansions. So its more a way back to its roots. Personally I think this style is way more cat than that ST jungle only mode it had during SL.

But I guess that is personal preference! Only thing I dislike is, that it’s too easy to get aoe bleedings out.

You think it is currently like it was in wotlk, cata and mop?

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Yeah it truly is! With my instant clone, my extremely strong lifebloom and rejuvenations, big Healing Touches and decent Regrowth ticks.

And HOTW is a force to be reckoned with. Its not like Warriors & Warlocks still haver better selfhealing than a Feral popping HOTW.


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I think it currently is how it was in WoD as much as somewhat comparable to MoP and Legion, yes.

Personally I like the rot style of feral, the only issue is, that it’s currently too easy to apply aoe wide rot. That’s something they need to fix, other than that I think feral is well designed.

At least I always hated the jungle only gameplay. If you don’t enjoy jungle, you weren’t able to play feral. That is not how a class should be designed in my honest opinion!

Ops , we are getting 5% damage buff…
LoL so ridicolous

I see… You think that the old and proper feral was about direct damage and big bites. It wasn’t. Feral used to be about rot in wotlk, cata and mop, but from WoD they ruined it. Then in DF they ruined it again with AoE-bleeds. We all want bleeds and rot, but we want it single target.

In WoD it was still all about rot!

You also understood me wrong. I think in BfA and SL it was mostly about big ST. That is what I dislike. So the rot build right now is a good step back to the roots. It is just too easy to apply bleedings on several targets.

lol who gives a fk about feral fb

Ok, then I just didn’t know my history well enough, as I said, I didn’t play feral during WoD.

Yeah, we’re on the same page then, but DF is fundamentally flawed because while we rely on rot again, we have no single target dmg, which is what we want, because that’s why we chose feral. AoE-rip needs to be separated from normal Rip and the AoE-talents need to somehow be nerfed in PvP to the point where they are never played

Nah dmg is fine

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But you argued for the EXACT opposite in our rogue discussion?

yes nerf feral and ele shaman too on top of that and enhancement too maybe dps evoker too? :pinching_hand: just a tiny bit

I feel like you are typically one of the more reasonable forum enjoyers, but this recent complaining about every spec while playing giga broken demo kind of makes all credibility fly out the window. At the same time this acting like demo is barely playable hurts the eyes a bit.

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You must be the single biggest butthurt player i’ve come across when it comes down to ferals. You must’ve gotten stomped badly in the past to have PTSD

Hu? But i am not doing that. I am fully aware that demo is op for various reasons. At the same time saying that Tyrant is an easy to counter go is not wrong though. But Tyrant is usually not the only way to kill people so it’s kinda w/e from an objective point of view.

If it was for me we would get mop or legion demo back. Way more enjoyable for everyone involved.


Feral does insane dmg atm but that is literally all they have, if you nerf that you may as well delete the whole spec.

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Like they basically did to Unholy? Great in the beginning, useless after 8 weeks or something? :wink:

No idea why such stuff never happens to rogues, mages, locks or warriors.

They have MS, multiple stuns, knockback, mass root and can heal to some degree. In what world do they “only have damage”?

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