Nerf feral dmg

yes nerf feral and ele shaman too on top of that and enhancement too maybe dps evoker too? :pinching_hand: just a tiny bit

I feel like you are typically one of the more reasonable forum enjoyers, but this recent complaining about every spec while playing giga broken demo kind of makes all credibility fly out the window. At the same time this acting like demo is barely playable hurts the eyes a bit.

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You must be the single biggest butthurt player i’ve come across when it comes down to ferals. You must’ve gotten stomped badly in the past to have PTSD

Hu? But i am not doing that. I am fully aware that demo is op for various reasons. At the same time saying that Tyrant is an easy to counter go is not wrong though. But Tyrant is usually not the only way to kill people so it’s kinda w/e from an objective point of view.

If it was for me we would get mop or legion demo back. Way more enjoyable for everyone involved.


Feral does insane dmg atm but that is literally all they have, if you nerf that you may as well delete the whole spec.

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Like they basically did to Unholy? Great in the beginning, useless after 8 weeks or something? :wink:

No idea why such stuff never happens to rogues, mages, locks or warriors.

They have MS, multiple stuns, knockback, mass root and can heal to some degree. In what world do they “only have damage”?

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Bro, have you seen ferals healing? It’s laughable.

I just went into arena to check it out, I did a 15k regrowth as the max non-crit and 22k crit. People were white hitting me for 9-10k with 2-handers.


They do lot of aoe/cleave, so their dps is irrelevant its called padding the numbers basicaly. Hunter pets, Demo lock demons, DK minions etc are padding the numbers due to Aoe. Same for any class realy that has Good cleave/passive cleave.

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all of these classes would still be good because they bring sharpen / shiv / kidney / blind / sap / fear spam / -100% crit / poly spam / DB / ring etc.

you could probably nerf warrior dmg by 50% and they’d still dominate in ret/war because rets only need the warrior to press sharpen and nothing else

Give back istant cyclon and remove primal wrath .
This could be a good deal
Also buff regrowth by 70% in pvp

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Baseline MS is practically the norm among FOTM specs, with a few outliers like ret. Warrior, WW, demo, BM and even destro to a degree bring it.

They have stuns yes but again multiple stuns are the norm among FOTM specs at this point. Demo has like 3 different stuns, warrior has a short CD one, ret has a 20 sec HoJ - having a stun in an environment where a ret will just sanc it off isn’t a very pog thing anymore.

Knockback same deal - I knockback the ret 10 yards, its a shame my knockback didn’t go to 31 yards, because the ret can still do a full dps rotation on me from 10 yards?

Mass root same deal - 1min bladestorm/ 1.5 min avatar, lock freedoming itself, 23 sec hunter freedom, 25 sec 2 target blessing of freedom, etc.

Feral is a raw DPS class and that has mostly been the case since they removed cyclone in form back in legion. It either can delete you through your defensives and you whine about it, or it plays with your cheeks for 2 minutes while you talk about how cute the cat is, while you kill it or its team mates.

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Which you have baseline?

So… 2 and one on a very very large CD unless they get restealth.

Which literally no one can talent unless giving up major survivability on a already super squishy spec?

Just stop posting.


If I am not mistaken right now, Feral is the only spec that still has to send a PvP talent slot to get Mortal Strike. Every other class that has it has it in its core or class tree. Sharpen excluded because Mortal Strike is disgusting on its own already. :cat:

How is this about me? Ad hominem much?

More than one = multiple. That was the whole argument.

Seen it multiple times. Imagine trying something different against specific enemy comps. :man_shrugging:


Just stop posting. :joy_cat:

You’re acting like 20% ms is such a super good thing to spend a very necessary PvP talent slot on. :cat:

/r/wooosh, its still horrible CC?

Which changes exactly my point how?

My bad, all of you are fotm abusing demonology that I completly forgot Fel Fissure exists. :cat:

he have allot of Mastery, and Playing the Clunky Bloodtalons spec, i didnt know 20% mastery more than me, makes such an difference lol

do you have the rip or rake dmg break down too btw?

but if you want the feral dmg to be nerfed, then nerf demo lock dmg , warri, ret, bm hunter, frost mage, ele, enhancer too

and then we have a bfa season 2 again! nice, so hell no, buff underperforming healer instead and nerf ret utility

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It is? Not having MS is troll.

Why is everyone complaining about lock cc when it’s mostly stuns and stuff that can be dispelled and/or breaks on damage?

You basically said it’s a wasted talent point, yet i have seen it being used a lot against stuff like demo, bm or uhdk (basically pet cleaves) so it definitely has its use.

Glad for being of assistence to bring it back to your memory. :+1:

Sometimes it’s the small numbers. However i don’t even think 20% is such a low value. :joy:

Sadly no, i have played since then and it’s gone from details at this point.

Sure, i’m with you on this.

Then how about we nerf sharpen, shiv, kidney, cc spam, etc. like I am asking them to do for a decade now? :laughing:

Its mostly the reason why the other classes barely can compete. Either they are broken, mostly in terms of dmg or because they bring something new to the game which makes them op, or they are useless because they don’t have enough to be competitive.

MS is mandatory, doesnt make it as one of two last Mortal Strike effects on a PvP slot superb, specially not at a pitiful stacking 10% each.

Oh, I dont know, maybe because your main damage source next to it is pets, while you can still CC with your Fel Guard while cc’d, and because you have alongside Mage the best CC in the Game in the form of spammable Fear? And then you still get Mortal Coil for some reason and even an AoE stun ontop of all of that while being passively far too tanky by pressing absolutely nothing paired with the best caster defensives in the Game?

Maybe thats why people complain?


What there translates to wasted talent point in this sentence?


This is is usual Bloodlock posting though. You get beaten by a spec and immediately contribute your tears to the loss in form of a forum thread or post.

I cannot wait and always have my popcorn pre-stuffed in the microwave for the 10th where in that exact week you’ll make a thread about spec X.

Alone that you considered “they can heal a bit” with 30k Regrowths WITHOUT ANY DAMPENING OR MORTAL STRIKE APPLIED is absolutely mind baffling and makes me wonder what good stuff you sometimes smoke before posting.

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Are you serious?

Because stuns and horror effects are by far the strongest ccs ingame!! They have a defensive AND offensive nature and in terms of physical effects they barely can get removed. So while your enemies do zero damage in its duration, they are extremely vulnerable to damage at the same time.

There is a reason why rogues have been dominating the past 20 years!