The burst and bleeds from Ferals are just too much. They’re forcing me to use cooldowns way too early, barely into dampening (I am not talking about the regular trades on a go). No other class can apply this kind of pressure, almost continuously. Back in Dragonflight, they had to rely on Cyclone and skill to be viable, but now it’s all just about their raw damage.

EDIT: I am talking about this from my Holy Pala’s perspective.


Feral is not doing more damage than other meta specs.
Melee that relying on 1.7 sec cast to be playable is worst design that can ever be done.
Even casters are rarely casting nowadays.


There isn’t any other class that can force me to BoP because damage is unhealable even with wings barely in to damp.

There is a clear discrepancy when it comes to ferals burst output.


If, in TWW, you are still ‘relying’ on Cyclone to be ‘playable’ as a Feral Druid, you are basically playing your entire spec wrong which is probably a huge contributor to your flawed viewpoint and being 1600 rated. No offence.

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Its getting nerfed. You’re going to have 4% more HP on wednesday :clown_face::clown_face:


No offense

No offense but if I ever see you in outdoor i will beat all sh*t from your arrogant gladiator a55

You can always come elwynn and stay on your knees for a few moments after the flag, like all your arrogant gladiators do. No offence.

Holy pala is underperforming rn.

Dude people were crying about feral no matter how difficult it was to be played even back then and even before that with Convoke.
And right now it doesnt play any different.
I even play with absolutely the same build, same pvp talents, keybinds, macros, addons, stat prio, etc.
It requires the same skill.
Its the same story.
Damage is not too high for a class that has no defensives.

Uhm ? Hunter ? plus hunter gets to have better survivability than most classes + immunity , and the longest range in the game.
So you’re wrong.
Also assasin rogue.
Affliction warlock.
Shadow Priest.

Bite has already been nerfed 4 times.
The fact that the community is crying about a cat that is dead as soon as you look at it instead of the undying hunters that can oneshot you from 1231231 yards away says everything you need to know about the average forumer.

And feral needs a rework because nerfing and buffing it periodically is not healthy for nobody.
When feral has no damage- its just a C tier class that you need to put 300% more effert than anybody else for mediocre results.
You can objectively see this simply by reading the spells and talents and how the machanics work.


I am 1.8 what are you even talking about mister level 10 rogue ?
Considering I am fighting glad son this rating… I have Elite experience so I know when something is out of balance at least somewhat.

Bruh, no offence but you should get diagnosed.
Why are you here if you gonna use shaming tactics instead of presenting your argument.
You thought this is 4chan or what is it ?


personaly thats my arguement , give us modern def cooldown toolkit and nerf our damage after

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absolutely agreed.
Amen brother.

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like people only see our damage but not the issues the spec has , i agree the gameplay atm is toxic for both sides.

if people tunnel the feral , feral will flop once damp hits and he runs out of 3m cd wall that only lasts for 6 sec , regrowth heals for 2% of your hp bar and it feels like cosmetic button at this point, im asking myself whats the point of hybrid classes if you cant use your hybrid toolkit to heal yourself , or look for example warrior/lock/priest fears that dont break on damage instantly , i would like to see our roots get this treatment with new talents and removal of talents that give us “healing recieved by %” when our healing is already dog and feels like we are being trolled by the devs , same with energy regen , removal of tf resets from Predator to force us to pick energy regen talents cause they failed the feral druid design

look at our berserk we have 3 nodes to build 1 single cd instead of making 1 node for it or making predatory swiftness a talent that should be baseline for feral.

who ever designed feral druid talent tree needs to leave blizzard, even a tolder would have better design ideas than this.


Im not sure if you are on crack but feral if played properly does not die and this was proven in awc too. If you know how to keybind bearform feral is not the go to target usually, if the other class the feral plays with isn’t an unkillable brick (hunter/mage). Feral also plays more like a weave out and weave in class semi survival hunter style. If you are literally 24/7 tunneling a single target and you’re wondering why you’re dying then id suggest to reroll classes to something like a warrior or DH.

And to your statement about the nerfs to bite if you think that critting 3.5m with bites prenerf was okay then you’re more of a lost cause then you already are with the BS you’re spreading. And even after numerous nerfs bite is still critting for 1.5m and normally for 800-900k while you are bleeding down for 300-400k ticks, oh yeah I forgot to mention Feral is bad :slight_smile:

I completely missed that your first message of this post was ‘holy pala is underperforming’ this alone already proves that you haven’t played the game in months so anything you say was expected to be just hot garbage, my bad.


it´s an offence, to tell someone that he should get diagnosed.

its also sad for what a people should get diagnosed, in your world everyone should get diagnosed, while u raging about feral in every post like a big cry guy lol so other peoples should getting diagnosed or what xD

because it doesnt matter, he wont understand it, and thinking that past Dragonflight solo shuffle av says anything

yeah Shadowlands season 2 glads its an upgradet rival nothing else.

Holy pala is S tier according to streamer and high arena players. so everyone what is saying that holy pala is c tier, havent played the game, or is just clueless and telling other people that dh have to be nerfed because they lost against double dh at 1.6 rating

Non-80s shouldn’t be permitted from posting.

It’s been a meme for so many years on this forum. Post with a max level character or be viewed as a clown. It isn’t hard to press an avatar on the top right and do it.

But yeah, any time there is any discussion about balance, people hop on their lvl 10 twink to post stupid crap on the forums

And yes, Feral is extremely overtuned. It’s stronger than all 3 Rogue Specs. Stronger than both Warrior specs. Stronger than DH and WW. Stronger than Ret and Enha. Stronger than anything. And in 2 days, will be stronger than DK as well.

I assume all the AWC players who got destroyed by Ferals are also 1.6k hardstucks that don’t understand the game


cherry picking my thread lmao

idk if here is a misunderstanding mr dh, but idc about Feral because i am a main disc, but Nerfing feral wont change his rating, he´s stuck for multiple seasons and also got a big shuffle ego on top of it

so even if they Nerf Feral he will be on the same rating, its just funny to read these whiny Forum post like “nerf this class weeh it´s gatekeeping me”

at higher ratings yeah for sure, but not as 1.6

if a current 2.2 guy telling this, it´s a big difference compared to an 1.6 guy

2.2 guys have a bigger knowledge about this game, and know how to counter it

best example is dk, dk´s terrorized most likely “lower brackets/bg blitz” and got now a nerf what just kills this class at higher rating, because many people at the lower rating cried about dk´s

it´s a newbie/ inexperienced killer class, and “overperformed” in 3s because bm hunter was also too op

bro 2.2 guys in solo are top 100 people… SOLO rating is capt hard atm.
fyi no need to reply I am ignoring you. You sound like a toxic kid that needs to get diagnosed lol.

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Whos gonna tell this guy that Bear Form gives the same armor any plate class has?

Aside from that I agree with the nerfs so far, i also completely agree that feral does really good damage. A little too good even.
The action however shouldnt be just a nerf but a total overhaul of the spec itself.
Since feral is entirely depending on damage and pressure.
No pressure = you get trained and die.
No damage = oh shi, gotta relly on my utility and toolkit = oh shi, got no utility and toolkit.
As the other druid put it we literally heal for 2%, bear form healing is the only form of healing we got and its a complete joke, bear form armor is nerfed by 150% too , along with 0 immunities, mobility is good until you compare it to what other classes have with which im implying is that its no longer a trait you can relly on be it offensively or defensively.
Talents are still in the beta
Class is generally clunky many mechanics simply fail, forms glitch you out of form if you press another powershifter with them as in a macro.
Class has a button bloat problem of such ridiculous levels that these extra buttons barely do stuff or are of any effectiveness at all (regrowth, rejuv, wild growth).
Races are also very limited.
Ferals rely on healing a lot yet healing is so low and it gets worse because when you enter arena you’re automatically at disadvantage because of Dampening and limited kyting place.
So what im communicating is- you all want to nerf feral without keeping it in a playable state and i find this problematic and lazy.

Dude i am 2.6 currently on 2 alts
I have my views and i got my biasis though im trying really hard to be objective and my opinion is also subject to change.
However feral needs a rework more than it needs a nerf, and if these 2 come together - that would be ideal.

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lol, these guys here i think Forum is the real Pvp here

cant imagine how miserable i’d be if blizzard ever gave my warrior cyclone. what a terrible ability to have on a melee