Who is my feral? i don’t understand your question. I don’t own a feral. I have feral friends however, some of the top competitors, and NONE share your opinion about the defensives. Surely, certain seasons, when feral doesn’t put out the same pressure defensives can be an issue as there is no immunity (cause offense is a form of defense), but this season isnt it.
doesn’t matter who mains what to be fair.
Doesn’t change that fact that feral is clearly overpowered atm.
I am pretty sure we are going to see a ton of them in AWC next weekend.
I am not saying it doesn’t require a insane amount of skill to play good, doesn’t make it not broken.
We are already seeing tons of jungle and fmp on the first 2 cups. This cup is also gonna have feral sp on the table and feral affli. There is no shred of doubt about that.
So you made a full circle and you actually agree with me.
If you actually READ the thread you will see that I infact agree that feral does too much damage but nerfing the damage will only bring out the real issue with feral- it rellying on pressure to compensate on the lack of toolkit and defensives side of things.
(since the side with the pressure dictates defensives usage)
Thats why my argument is : Redesign + Nerf if needed. Instead of the lazy solution of simply Nerfing and rendering feral unplayable.
No i think feral can take a nerf in dmg and still be a good competitive spec. I think now its over the top, but it should get nerfed to the point where it isn’t a defensive liability, and i think that spot does exist.
Feral is utter lackluster in any aspect.
I urge you to just make a feral and see it for yourself.
Also there many examples of the balancing acts from Blizzards side for example season 1 of DF when feral was AOE broken and rightfully nerfed both offensively and defensively and it took them right til the last season to realize they nerfed it too much.
My sub goes man, i dont want to wait until the end of TWW to be able to play my feral again.
Thats all.
Plus its a lazy solution that everyone is happy about until it happens to them.
Just rework the danged class and adjust it after.
This is the last time I am replaying to you. As mentioned above, you absolutely lack the fundamentals of your class to the point there’s no help for you.
On demand stuns, cyclone remains as the best cc in the entire game. Great defensives. Good mobility.
Yet you repeat yourself everyday and still nobody cares. Feral works the same way for the past 10 years, pressing the same 4 buttons on repeat every expansion. The only significant changes were the instant cyclone up until MoP, and the wierd form in WoD that allowed you to cyclone in cat form.
It’s mind-blowing that you’re posting on the forums every day even though your class is the best it’s ever been in every single aspect possible.
And there is nothing wrong with feral being meta, lowkey it’s very refreshing from the usual RM/DH meta. Comps like FMP are good for the game or at least better from the usual stuff.
It’s at the point I think you might be just trolling and if so it’s a 10/10.
If not you are just the most delusional 15 hundo of the month even surpassing Elehra, Alicexo and the other boys.
This might be your best time to l2p, you might not get another chance like this.
You’re unbeliavable, haha.
Are you effectively changing my original context or do you not understand english.
Which one is it ?
I dont complain feral is performing poorly.
I am talking about potential rework that would make tuning feral easier since nerfing and buffing feral swings like a pendulum everytime it happens.
Bro im 2.6, 2,4 multiple seasons, my lowest is 2.2 in each season aside from 1 where i didnt get time to play during shadowlands.
Also! You get my words out of context again:
Feral is excelent and even overperforming, needing a nerf , etc IN THE DAMAGE DEPARTAMENT.
In every other departament its a complete lackluster.
The talents are still in beta, you can even check that for yourself- you need 4 talent points to make your burst CD do what a burst CD does and have a normal cooldown instead of being 3 minutes.
We lost more traits than we gained compared to other classes.
We suffer button blaot, where as the other druid bro put it - Regrowth and Rejuv are just dead keys- a cosmetic.
Of 12 pvp talents only 4 are viable.
You’re a stealther with no reastealth
You relly on racial to restealth.
The nature of the defensives and their cooldowns are very primitive comparing to what other classes have. Especially hunter, rogue, hell ill even say DH though i know they’re struggling rn.
Fluid Form only adds to the being kicked out of form bug that happens ALL THE TIME, resulting of you losing even more globals than you already do shapeshifting.
Rake Stun can also be affected by the same bug AND often times seperately on the matter- it doesnt stun-> if you stealth too quickly and press Rake in expectation to stun - it will do the animation, play the special sound but the stun wont be there. Confirmation to that is that the damage increase of doing Rake from stun is there- so you successfully stealthed but the stun condition sometimes isnt applied ( no my target isnt DR capped).
Speaking of stealthed Rake. We got no alternative opener you literally got to choose → buff your strongest bleed (Rake) and waste Stun DR for nothing or open with Shred which does no damage + loose the buff on your Rake (your strongest bleed).
Our slow is 20% and has to be stacked 2x times for it to do something.
Healing overall is lackluster even now as feral is clearly overperforming on damage and is because of it named S tier.
Vortex and Typhoon share some weird DR for the little that they do yet Monk can toss you around like a wet towel any chance he gets.
Are you playing a different expansion?
Ignoring the damage aspect because we already spoke about it- and yes, it has to be nerfed and with time its unavoidable.
Yes, aside from the damage aspect- feral is utter lackluster.
No thanks - im a guy - i’ll take cyclone though, thanks.
You have multiple stuns, clone, a disorient, endless mobility, self heal and your defensives are anything but bad. I faced ferals who just sat in my face and would still never die, they felt completely immortal.
Idk bro… i disagree with you on that one.
Is this objectively true thought ?
5 % regrowth being affected by dampening also.
20% heal for over 3 secs also being affected by dampening.
As comparison any other hybrid heals more with their proc and even rogues got a more powerful healing than the bear heal and on a shorter CD while also not requiring them to waste an extra GCD to go in bear form (25% for 3 secs).
Literally every melee has better defensive cds and on a shorter CD than feral does.
Maybe beside enhancement, though ive always had the stance that enha also needs a proper rework- this class is primitive.
I mean the defensives of feral are not awful but in respect to other melees are simply bellow and inferior to them.
Warlocks feel the same buddy.
These are lies. You are 2441 in BGBlitz and apart from that, you have only ever managed to get elite in DF s4.
Anyway, the rating in BGBlitz is nothing to brag about, nor is 2.4 in Solo Shuffle.
You’re a mediocre player, coping by telling yourself that Feral is bad.
Me being 2.4 rn in blitz = / = xp.
My XP in blitz is 2.6.
I was 2.3 in normal 10 vs 10 during shadowlands too btw.
And i was elite 2x times in shuffle i just got 2 accounts. 1 elite each account.
Dude you got 39-42 % win rate on the same brackets you try to shame me over.
Chill out a lil.
Who are you to say what gives bragging rights and what doesnt?
I play what i enjoy and what i can affort to invest time in.
I got a baby sleeping most of the time - i can join voice.
My schedule is complete chaos - i cant get to play with the boys evertime they’re on and vice versa.
I would also like to add that 3s is not the only bracket that exists, this being your own focus is your won bias, which is fine but the truth is every other bracket is more popular than 3s.
Feral is bad outside of its damage.
And you can statistically see this if you inspect seasons where feral damage was not in line with the other classes.
Even high XP players, guides, etc say that feral is extremely squishy if you dont want my 2.4 xp’d “mediocre” opinion.
I am also respecfully above average if you got a problem a problem with the average and above average players perception then you clearly land on the same ground - feral has an accessability problem = design flaw.
Its a game, we’re not training to become austronauts.
Seems like you are a whole lot on these forums complaining about feral though, and then you say you don’t have time?
I can guarantee you don’t have enough xp to be in a position to be complaining about feral, when ur xp is 2.4 in solo. You have massive improvements to make in your gameplay before you hit the forums. I guarantee you if you put the time to learn the spec better and watch high end gameplay on twitch and take ideas, you would be able to achieve even r1 on your spec. It just needs time, effort and patience. (After all r1 is also spec specific, so it shouldn’t matter to you unless you are playing 3s)
Imagine how elitists in thread literally forcing people to play modes that they dont want or don’t like, otherwise your arguments will be invalid.
Solo rating might be the best PvP type to test someone individual skill.
There is no way your can be carried to a certain rating by 2 other players that might be beter then you. The RNG factor makes it a beter tool.
Also ones you have kids and a busy personal life it’s the way to play lol.
I really didnt want to start this, but please can you come elwynn so I can post screenshot where you are on your knees every time when you start that o"H yOu aRe NoT gOOd enOuGh to SpeAk" nonsense?
Feral is crazy, but tbf… they have no offhealing
so its like a glasscannon now
kinda like MM hunter