Idk why you respond in such a way. That they did something to DKs doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do, let alone the right thing to do to more classes.

I’d even go as far as that if they have to adjust a single spec/class by 15% or more, then they should re-evaluate every single one of them as they clearly made some major mistakes.

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from SL to now DK has received nerfs EVERY patch

it was supposed to a joke but also to raise a concern about DK balancing

  • what people forget to remember is that Death strike still has a blanket nerf from SL that hasnt been changed
    and people wonder why DK is squishy

doesnt matter how strong Rogue , mage or druid are though… blizzard turns a blind eye to it

classes are balanced by “heresay and bias feedback”. clearly its not tested, otherwise they wouldnt nerfed DK that badly

sure i agree but warrior loses double time and second wind :slight_smile:

you guys watching AWC right?

both mage and rogue doing more damage than feral (and this is with feral hitting a clothy…)

so stop being so incredibly biased against feral

ill be totally honest. i dont care about how much damage feral does. as long as we are not squishy. so im happy.


they also need nerf and mm hunter

yeah i dont understand why i dont see any “nerf mage or nerf rogue thread”

im fine to see feral nerf if people are aware of rogue/mage but i doubt the are.

i would be happy not being the number 1 target every game


exactly and its frustrating when it happens when you see braindead fury warrior/frost mage combo , fury is like a tick sits on you entire game spams rampage keeping 10 stacks of MS on you entire game , i root him he presses BS , i root after bs , avatar breaks roots , i want to wild charge away , he leaps to me , now imagine if he plays with a ret with freedom … fun game design and get 0 punishment against you , frost can just perma slow and spam damage , when i get him low i see alter time buff and he presses it again and full hp.

People are biased , cant stand how mobile warriors became and how mage can heal more than a hybrid druid , its disgusting

‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’.

People have spent 20 years calling for substantial nerfs to those classes and they haven’t come.

Rumour also went around that there’s a dev, who was named, who’s heavily biased towards Rogues, which would be unsurprising.

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bro rogues have rogue blizz dev in their discord community ofc rogues are in good spot every xpac , meanwhile other classes? nope :clown_face:

haha true

wouldnt be surprised, rogue players are also the most biased ones 1, 5% nerf = unplayable

Shadowlands season 1 tripple rogue was a viable comp for almost 7 months into the season, it was okay for blizz to onetap people with 2 buttons, but hey if something else is broken instant nerf!

i had the hope because of Microsoft but looks like that the rogue dev/ dubai oil prince shareholder wont change his main

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Haha the guy got tilted and flamed, trying to impress with a 2.4 tabard, kekw

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if u complain about war nowadays ur not the brightest one especially since its a wheelchair class, no other class has such issue with uptime cuz everyone is 3 xpacs ahead with design. only enha has similar issues with keeping up on the target no other melee in game.

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feral is currently best melee in the game, they need to nerf it by 5-10% overall dmg and we gucci.

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Feral needs serious nerfs to the damage. Even before last 3 buffs it was top tier spec. Currently it’s just overtuned and even with solid nerfs will be one of the best specs in the pool. Regarding Rogues - they are not going to get nerfs yet as their reworks are coming in 2 weeks. Sub is losing CDR but will have some CDs shorter baseline and then we will judge it.

only incarnation is too strong everything else is fine dmg wise

just read the Tooltip from incarnation, it´s another modifier on top of other modifiers, i rather they nerf this talent, and let feral have a better sustain dmg, instead being a shadowlands 2.0 ret with bad sustain but busted burst dmg


please nerf feral its needed its top in 2s with evoker and counters everything yet arms war sits low cannot do anything

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