Nerf prot pala

Just do it. Tank balance again starts to be ridiculous… all pink. Do better.



I ain’t got no rio.
I’m free! :grimacing:
Nice try though getting personal.
Nah I get it.
Blizz tends to miss the mark when trying to buff or nerf anything.
And the swings are getting worse.
But let them enjoy their shield throwing power for a week. They were in the bottom since tww. And I’m sure they will be overnerfed again.


Tank balance is great atm, so how do u think about No?


First time I’ve seen someone asking for tank nerfs in TWW. Who hurt you lil buddy?


For sure its not lol. Paladin is overtuned with recenf buffs. Should be nuked. Its just one week since the buffs and its getting out of control. If they dont nerf it by tomorrow since MDI starts then gg. Massive shortage of tanks incoming


ehm no not really

I think its easier to nerf one spec then buff all the rest. Nobody but i bet you were the cry baby asking for prot pala buffs for no reasons. Paladin was not even behind on keys to the rest of tanks. No reason to buff it that much.

No class should ever be nuked.

Are you on crack? The tank balance has been somewhat OK. Only DKs and Monks are quite a bit behind in the higher rankings. Otherwise there are 4 well used specs out there.

Now look at the healers for the same brackets, we have 1 healer and 1 crawling up currently. Leaving 5 specs in the dust.

The amount of tanks won’t decrease from having strong Prot Paladins. That’s just nonsense.

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You’re delusional and low effort bait posting on low level alts. Good job !

Prot warriors and guardian druids can afk tank the same keys. You have no idea how prot paladins play or feel. You just see yoda pumping damage and go “LoLoL nerf plz”. Ofcourse the MDI teams are playing the top damage tanks. Just like theyre playing top damage healers aka disc.


man the biggest problem of M+ is not Tank balance, and no paladin dont need to be nerfed All tanks are fairly good and are good in different areas.

It should not be top tank again and again.l and again. How about brew for instance ? Ws never meta since shadowland. Why they cant let monk shine for one season at least…

And no DH is not on par with the rest 3.

I fully agree with healers its very true and sad. However i play tank so i cant tell much about healers

Ah so the truth is revealed. A mad brewmaster main. Maybe ask for brew buffs instead.


it feels like u dont play tanks at all, Protection pala is good in 1 thing AoE Dmg thats it nothing else.

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The top-3 are all capable. That’s for certain. Then we have DH not too far behind it.

But yes, Brewmasters need love. BDKs need love. Make a separate topic about that, leaving out the comparisments, and you’ll have a good point.

Currently, it’s just 1 of the 1000 baseless rants.

Bonus question: how does nerfing Prot Paladin help Brewmaster? … right, it doesn’t.

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I dont play brew at all i play dk. This is my SoD char since my retails chars are not shown here for whatever reason and cant change it. Iam nor delusional its just they have no weakness atm. Just you have to many things to worry about and crying that you are omm cause you cant spam off heal for the group. What else you want ? Being top in dmg,cc now almost overall durability its ridiculous.

I put this char on hold and tried some other tanks. Even DK which is lower tier feels better then monk tbf. To a certain degree I can feel the rage from the op :smiley:

You cant do that the problem is the toolkit and how its functioning as whole. You cant nalance other tanks just with dmg buffs.

You’re on a classic alt too.

Why should pala be nerfed? Whats OP about them that makes you think they need it? They have a high skillcap atm, sure they can do high keys but mess up slightly and you’re toast which hurts lower key players.

The thread just strikes me as an ignorant person that saw a leadboard and got mad but they don’t know why.


I didn’t name “dmg buffs”. That’s you. Why can’t the toolkits be adjusted? Or the dungeons?