Nerf ret ASAP

ret in PvE content needs adjustment. This spec is great for learning how to play WoW, but it has no complexity to play. Therefore, it should not constantly top DPS meters as it does now with its 3 buttons. 617 ilvl should not be able to keep up in damage with 630. This is ridiculous.


it does not keep up. ilevel 630 got the wrong rotation.


Have you seen destroy locks? Or demo locks?
I’m sure that this won’t be the last of you on this forum.

Troll attempt 0/10 back to your cave.


not the case. He had 2.5m on every 4+ pack. This should not be possible for 117. I’m sorry that you play your class wrong if you can’t, but this is the truth. They need to tune down ret AoE by a lot.

If you think a 617 ret outdamages a 630 anything I dunno what do say other than lol. Go troll somewhere else.


I often see rogues 616-619 which make ~3kk dps on packs of 4+ mobs.
Soo… asap nerf rogues, right?


You argue with rets , its the manchild class of wow.
Everyone is gaslighted somehow and doesnt seem to realize ret dps is kinda bonkers.
Rets out dps other clases even with 15-20 iLVL diference between them its kinda insane really.
Better nerf fury warrior ASAP!!


Agree. When you have a raid and 5 of them are ret paladins you know there is a problem.


You mean problem with RL, right?


Ret is in a OK state doesn’t work for high keys but can at least get +10 done.
a bit of a irritating nerf with the talent butchering. But maybe get tuning back to a more normal state again.
Also it shouldn’t be normalized that if you see a ret in raid or m+ then it needs a nerf. come on play your spec correctly or complain to design team to make your own spec closer to rets design philosophy.

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LMAO ret is in a more than OK state what are you on about?? 10+ are a bloody joke for a ret paladin , ive seen easy 1.8-2mil average rets in +10 and they are more than OK in higher keys
Its a CLEAR outliner compared to other classes…

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Ok so instead of making other specs preform that well too the idea is to make all specs not be playable? If you can’t even make the argument that the specs that under performs should be buffed but has to demand all other specs be worse than yours then Go back under you bridge please and thank you.

You are hiding behind a level 11 char you are the one trying to gaslight here.
You are crying while hiding behind a low level char.

Compared to what? you? you are here actually lying and trying to gaslight.


???You are not making any sense , what are you even trying to tell?
Its obvious they cant balance 20+ specs so its easier to NOT have one that is clearly a outliner compared to the rest.
I guess the lack of sunlight has this effect on people.

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But here is the problem my dude you are wrong.
Ret is not an outlier you are just bad.

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Its not any different from your private profile.
Got any other big brain reply’s?

you can easily look me up if you want to you are literally not showing your name at all.
I made mine private because of harrasment.
I am not claiming to be good but you are.
And yet you are hiding like a coward behind a level 11
And not only are you claiming to be you are claiming that Ret is an outlier yet the reality comes crashing down when you actually look at the data from m+
Ret is good but far from an outlier.

The reality does not fit your fantasy
The data disproves everything you say.

And if it was so good as you think it is why is it that no top team is playing one?


Why would it matter what name or character i use?
I can use the harassment excuse also.
I didnt say anything about me??
Everyone agrees ret is a outliner , its been so since DF .
In DF it had 2 seasons of ret dominance and even tho the “data” showed how broken it was it still didnt get any tuning.
There are 20+ classes not everyone is gonna be in the "top " teams stop using this small brain excuse.

Well i don’t and i look at actual real world data not fantasy made up BS like what you are using.
So no not everyone and i know i am far from alone in this.

And again the Data from every webpage that gets data Disprove your opinion here.
Actual real world data say you are factually wrong

Ah you are that kind of crybaby
You have not looked at data at all and that shows.
Yes Ret got changes in DF that made Ret decent to good it took the Legendary weapon to make it very strong.

The changes that happened after Ret had been the literal worst dps spec for 3 full expansions in a row and only had 1 patch of being good in the 4th.
But hey details is not something you know much about.
Actual real world data is so hard for you to understand that you would not want to take a loot at them.

You did.
Why would it matter well so we can see what you play as most likely the people who cry the hardest are the same people who play classes that are normally op.

Now is ret good this season yes it is but there are several specs that are in the same category.
Ret is not even meta even when it is good that is how you know it is not an outlier.
Is ret an outlier no it is not