Nerf retri paladins for pvp in phase 4 please!

Not everything is duels with 99 cooldowns ready though. Rogues are obvious duel gods with all their cds, mages are strong too with cds. Shamans/Shadowpriests don’t have to rely on alot of big cds to be strong all the time. (Paladins also rely on bubble which is a long cd).
And in battlegrounds where people die/respawn without all their bg cds and resets ready… shamans just outvalue paladins by atleast 2x. Even healing as a shaman in any non healer spec is smooth and not very manaheavy, they are the ultimate supports to the team, while also doing big damage.

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99% of the trash that get stomped by paladins are just garbage at pvp though. I don’t really think it matters what class they play, they just got owned by a better player.


a shaman actually not disagreeing that they are OP, respect to you.

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Looks around in warrior


Just realize it guys, you cannot stop Wave and his: Unreal Tournament Monster Kill Sound (

dont care + didnt ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + basic + lost to paladin + skill issue + ratio + triggered + any askers + ok and? + touch grass + not based + get good

Seriously horde just complaining about the shaman counterpart yet it is significant worse in every area of the game.

They’ve been doing this since launch, nothing new. They pretend the class can’t do anything while it is arguably the most OP class in PVP.

Hmm, you play shaman though. You ARE the most OP PvP class of SoD. Not even arguably, but factually. You guys have been stomping through phases like no other class ever did and you still gonna cry about paladins being better than you ? That doesn’t make sense.


What do you mean they have no gap closer, they have blessing of freedom, bubble, repentance, avenger shield and the horse speed boost. Those are 5 anti-kiting tools one can use.

What about second breakfast?

A paladin is never satisfied.

Wrong. Hunter has been busted in every phase.

Alongside shamans :rofl:

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Hunter is busted but it has counter plays, namely being useless once a melee gets the jump on him. Shaman is much more oppressive because it has a swiss-army knife toolkit and do not have to sacrifice much of it in any spec. It’s probably harder to realise when playing horde because you don’t get to face them in BG on a regular basis but they are the main issue in SoD PvP since p2.

Yeah that was 20 levels ago my guy. And Hunter can global a Cloth user. There’s no counterplay to that.

And a sham can global any class mate, it’s even more true now with elem massive buff than it was in previous phases with enhance shams.
I certainly understand your point, having mained mage since vanilla and knowing first hand how hunters are countering us. It’s one of the reason I went with paladin for SoD. But hunters can be shut down easily since they don’t have much (or no) mobility/defensive/heals. Their burst is overtuned in PvP, especially the aoe one but they have massive flaws that kinda balance it.


A Hunter can do it from 41+ yards away though.

Did not know ret could use Avenger shield rune. My guess is they had better rune there. Rest aren’t gap closers, but cc breakers. Slows aren’t either. Charge / heroic leap is, if you are unsure what it means.

Or stop nerfing and start buffing.

The gaming is all about timing. As a paladin, I get one shot by hunters, I also one shot hunters.

Tbh you just need to get better at killing paladins. Also how would you nerf paladins?

I think a lot of paladins are satisfied before the nerfs. I absolutely loved Hallowing grounds until the nerfed it into the ground. Wings questline feels good. Exodin feels good as well with how the rotation goes. Seal twisting feels a bit off but it always have but the dmg output is great.

Healing feels great aswell in my opinion, I know people complain about how boring it is but having hallowing ground works so well with holy shock it just feels great.

Tanking feels amazing aswell, I can’t believe the amount of aoe there is right now. It’s so easy to keep threat, even when you have druids popping off.

The legs rune is quite contested for ret paladins. Most of us run rebuke, as having an interrupt is very important. More important than a slow every 30 seconds so you won’t see that many avenger’s shield flying in PvP. Even healers will prefer Improved aura for a 6 seconds immune to silence and interrupts.

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