Nerf retri paladins for pvp in phase 4 please!

Ret Pala needs a bit of tuning on the damage, you cant do that damage with 2 stuns a bubble, self healing and in PLATE

I know aggrend plays pala but cmon

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roll alliance and play paladin, ill wait for your shaman nerf threads.

nerf those too

hybrid classes should do less damage than pure dps classes

Paladin and Shamans are HERO class in sod and easy mode

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Shamans are in a different universe and scale better than any paladin.


I agree, remove holy dmg, its too OP

What’s OP about it ?

Shaman is disgusting still , No Point even trying 1v1 them

nerf shamans

Ignores armor sorta

I like how everyone in P4 has become a politician when it comes to game balance.

Stakes are high, if you become nerfed in P4 its pretty much over :slight_smile:

Funny part is Blizzard does not even read these forums.

Its like having an election where the people dont even care to hear what the politician have to say :stuck_out_tongue: so pretty much like real life. No one really cares about the overal balance - its mostly ego driven for personal gains.

Lets be real, if you are a Blizzard employee chances are your already underpaid - no chance in hell you would spend time in this dumpster hole reading these forums on your personal time.

Its basically when the backlash becomes too big on certain social platforms - that impacts their publicity that one manager in Blizzard goes to the dev team and be like “Ok boys these plebs are crying too much and its not good publicity, calm them man t1tties down”.

Thats atleast how I imagine it.

Yeah but like your shocks and insta lightning, or chimera shot, explosive traps, envenom
 Every class has by-pass armor skills and armor doesn’t feel really useful in SoD.

Ret is melee tho, warriors dont have melee abilites bypass armor

They have bleeds, abilities that reduce armour.

Enhance is melee, rogue is melee, hunter can be melee
 you just don’t make sense if your only argument is to say warrior is melee then they ought to nerf every melee doing magic damage. And guess what, ret paladin isn’t the melee doing the most magical damage.

Aslong as we can get all theese bad players to stop spamming forums everytime they dont win 1vs1

Is warrior even a pvp class in sod? :rofl:

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Of course they are gapclosers. If a Paladin is immune to slows and runs towards a target he’ll gapclose since he has +15% extra movement speed.

And again someone that is twisting the definition of a “gapcloser”.
Just because those abilities remove CC/Slows/Roots, doesn’t make em a gapcloser. Rets always run 8% faster than other classes inside, unless feral druid/shamans.
Divine Steed, increasing speed over 3s, is the only gapcloser that Rets have, others just remove CC.


Any ability that makes you immune to CC is a gap closer. You’re just thinking very narrowly.

“A gap closer is any kind of ability that can shorten distance between you and your enemy.”

paladins got one gapcloser at best, end of discussion.