Nerf retri paladins for pvp in phase 4 please!

listen, aslong shamans have literally everything overtuned, healing, damage, utility, tankyness etc. paladin has a right to stay at it’s current level.

HA. The second they get stomped by paladin it’s all qqs, but they would be absolutely fine if a shaman would do the same thing.
They literally have advanced mobility (except lock and hunter cuz blizz hates them asmuch as the idea of nerfing shamans) and have the expectation to just roll over any melee in a PvP fight.
Here’s a news flash: if you are playing a melee, you are useless in a group-raidscale PvP fight, casters just smoke you away. Always been like that. So ofcourse there has to be some sort of balancing for melee to even stand their ground.

out of all the mobility skills, this is lowkey the worst. use any other ability and it’s cancelled, that being a 3s 100% movement ability on a 45s CD.
They could’ve given us the judgements from wrath where you have high range on judgements + movement speed.

it’s not stopping them from running and healing nor using their own abilities.

Our PvE capabilities are pretty bad already, check wlogs if you wanna check it for yourself. Dispels, gimped gear sets, FR aura etc. If anything that is an argument to buff paladin in PvE and PvP ontop. Steath of Light can give more power, return the +HP ontop. Crusader Strike can hit harder etc.

Then why are you here whining against ret if you easily defeat them ? I don’t get it…

Gonna be honest, we are insane currently in pve. I can peak around 2.5-3k dps on single targets. I’m running a pre-bis exodin build w/o fire res gear (this includes arcanite champion w/crusader). It is heavily reliant on feral strikes but without I’m peaking 1.8-2.3k in molten core on single targets. Going higher than good hunters. Obvious average dps is lower because my group comp is 12 paladins

it’s calculated with good crit rates and with BiS gear that we will get upwards of 5k dps average in PVE in molten core.

We can already peak upwards of 4k and if you look at yellowflash he’s peaking around 6k

This is comparing us to Vanilla classic Paladin dmg.

The simulations that you are running are not even remotely close to reality, they are based off hitting Patchwerk if anything. Also exodin is pretty cringe to believe that it is more viable than twist (which takes more skill on average anyways).

If RNG favors you + heat 1, on heat 3 it will look different.

None of the warcraft logs on any given boss is reflecting it, if you try to make up numbers at least add some links to back it up.

I’m astonished that considering everything they already have or been given, paladins still have the nerve to ask for more. It’s unfortunate that you have percieved this as whining.

well so is the minor speed increase enchant.
you can also pick stamina instead of agi, but you are correct it is a minor advantage at best and it costs 2 talent points so i dunno if its even worth.

oh it is?
damn you’re right lol.
ok but the issue remains the same though.

Paladin bubble just has no counterplay for most classes and just isnt fun if you are on the receiving end of it. Imo if you are invulnerable from dmg you also shouldnt be able to do any dmg. I like fighting any alliance that I come across except paladins because fighting them just feels unfair, problem is like 40% of alliance plays their OP hero class.

Maybe blizzard could implement some kind of pvp dmg reduction while Divine shield is active.

5 stacks of maelstrom for a 600-700 heal lmao yeah so much better bro.
its a waste of maelstrom is what it is.
if at least mental dex still provided healing bonus it would have been 800-1000 health per heal, but blizzard saw fit to remove that on top of nerfing maelstrom, so that’s a clutch heal at best and not something you will see regularly.

paladin’s can still bubble and heal to full, shaman will be vulnerable the whole time, and if dispelled can’t keep themselves alive with lesser healing wave maelstroms - and on top of that they are sacrificing a big portion of their damage to do so, as ideally maelstroms should be spent on lightning bolt/chain lightning.

the best way to heal as an enhancement shaman right now is to keep clear of dispellers, and only engage when you got feral spirit up.

if you need more healing, you’re better off running away and spamming hardcast lesser heals, and that’s a direct contradiction to how enhancement shaman playstyle works, which is famous for being an all-in, highly aggressive spec that only works when you dedicate and rely on the roll of the dice for windfury procs.

heals for shaman damn well better be better than paladin’s healing when you got a million panic buttons in divine shield, BoP, LoH, BoF (i need a rune for that) and plate armor to compensate for weaker heals outside of these panic buttons.

shaman has none of that.

elemental has had it way too easy for 2 phases now, this isn’t something we disagree on.
even shamans of other specs (me) are getting tired of catching nerfs by virtue of ele being too strong.
the most recent nerf to way of earth (reducing offensive spells to 10 yards and healing to 20 yards) was a crippling nerf for all aspects of the game for tank shamans.
blizzard needs to address the true culprit which is power surge combo’d with burn.

ideally power surge proc chance should be nerfed from 5% to 2% so flame shocks on 5 targets go from 25% proc rate per tick to 10%.
or simply have only the main target of flame shock be affected by power surge ticks.

but hey, this would require competence and the devs seem to have a great lack of that these days.

when it comes to shamanistic rage, this needed to be baseline on day 1.
it is mandatory for all specs, and it used to compete directly with way of earth, robbing tanks of not only their mana regen rune, but also their only defensive cooldown.

they also nerfed the mana the raid gains from this ability from 10% of the shaman’s mana regen to 5% which is essentially 1/4 of a mana tide totem, might as well just put down mana spring lol.

also, paladin got a version of shamanistic rage last phase too, so i will hear no more about how shamanistic rage is “unfair”.

they are being forced into ele by virtue of the gearing for tanking being spell power gear.
you’d be an idiot to run enhancement with your spell power gear no?
it used to be that tank shamans ran attack power gear, but now its spell power, so you can no longer effectively run tank as main spec and enh dps as offspec.

this is how the “forcing” aspect of what i am saying comes into play.
its no longer really a choice, because people will get mad if you roll on both spell power and attack power gear for your “main” spec, when your main spec objectively speaking wants spell power and only spell power.

pure strength is the only exception to the rule because it provides more block damage with a shield.
pure attack power and melee damage does nothing for tank shaman now, so we’re not allowed to roll on that kind of gear in any raid that cares about spec priorities.

i for one would love to play tank/enh dps, but its just not really a viable option now if you hope to get gear for enh dps because you’d be “stealing” gear from the raiders who main spec physical dps (attack power).

Having the option to use LoH and bubble after another is too much

True, but it’s a 1h CD so you won’t see it that often.

In BGs may be not, but in WPvP I see it all the time