Nerf retri paladins for pvp in phase 4 please!

Lololol the 15% movement speed can be laughed at by having arathi feet and speed enchant. Infact some people i never caught up to because paladin speed bouns does not stack like everyone else elses

Bubble also causes forbearance for 60 seconds, It isn’t a 1 hit. The maximum dmg i’ve seen from someone in full rank 10, the DFC epic is 600dmg on a hit. Now they can proc into more hits with HoJ and Seal of Command could hit aswell what could take away but as a priest you have many run away buttons like the ghost fart thing that reduces dmg and gives increased speed, for example on mages they are glass cannons having Mage shield and being able to run into a grp of your people is a great tool.

I didn’t say I don’t agree with the idea if you actually read my idea it’s just if one ability like Divine protection gets this sort of nerf why shouldn’t abilities that may be weaker than it be nerfed the same. You might keep saying “it’s not the same, Divine protection is way too strong that it can’t be compared” but it always will be compared because they’re all shield spells and are similar.

Never mentioned this

so? Paladins can’t dispel them loool

Like I said I never disagreed with your idea you just are too one sided about the idea.

Didn’t mention this in original post but this is a bug and should be fixed

Maybe time your run away buttons better (after the paladin does it). Basically just think bro

You didn’t read my post, You further mention healing, I never said to nerf healing whilst bubbled.
I said

Sorry I didn’t make it clear but I don’t mean to have the same debuff but ones relative to the strength of the shield. Whilst Divine protection might have a 50% debuff the other classes might have a lesser debuff to their dmg output.

I should of made it more clear

Im 99% sure they dont stack

They don´t.

Thats a tad bit much damage, no?

To be fare, most things will 2 shot you in P4. That paladin has near BIS - he can have his damage imo, but damage needs to be decreased during bubble.

Shaman´s need to get hit hard too, hunter damage could use a shift in abilities and give us disengage from wrath.

Our toolkit comes with much more limitation than shaman atm. Mana issue is a big one, no instant heal is another (and cast heal is quite ridiculous as ret) and having to choose between a slow or a melee kick.

We have tools I’m not saying otherwise but simply not as much as shamans - especially now that elem is the way to go (where are the mass of shamans swearing they’ve only ever played and will only ever play enhance and it had nothing to do with how op they were ?) since they have a much larger mana bar and little mana issue.

If shockadin spec was made a thing you would have seen much more paladins with better mana bar and better capacity to assist and weave between melee and long range. As ret stands you cannot sustain enough in teamfights unless you run the boot rune (Guarded by the light) that allows better mana regen but at the cost of halving your healings, which are already quite bad. And you loose the use of Sacred shield or Art of war which are both pretty good in PvP.

Paladin has Repentance and Avenger’s Shield it’s not like all you can do is run towards the opponent and pray.

If all the ret clowns I meet would use bubble and hoj to actually heal themselves rather than cheese the damage then you wouldn’t have to complain about the lack of instant heals, now would you? Not my problem that 99.9% of your kind chooses to use those abilities to damage your opponent whithout them being able to respond. So i’d say it’s clearly a skill issue here.

But let’s see, what you have:

  1. Probably the most burst of any class: CS, judgment, seal procs, DS and they’ve even given you exorcism as a baseline ability rathen than a rune, like it used to be. So that’s what, 5 (five) different abilities + auto attack worth of burst. Not even mages have that.

  2. The biggest passive crit chance bonus (18%) to your abilities. No other class has that. None.

  3. Ranged slow, that chains to multiple targets which also does very respectable damage (another thing to add to your already insane burst potential). Even hunters can’t do that anymore. You still can.

  4. Cast interrupt should you choose to take it.

  5. You are a walking tremor totem, should you choose to be one. The only difference is that you move around and don’t die when someone merely looks at you with an evil eye like a regular tremor totem would.

  6. You have 3 (three) lives. No other class has anything even remotely close to this.

  7. You now have a gap closer or an escape in the form of your steed and you can do it while bubbled.

  8. You have a dot, to prevent stealth or bandage.

  9. They even gave you a pet now lol, that occasionally heals you (correct me if i’m wrong on the healing part)

  10. You can spam dispel 95% of all the negative effects the game has to offer

And on top of all that, you still retain an insane utility kit a paladin always used to have. And after all this, you still have the nerve to ask for more?

Not to mention this pet works exactly the same as any other pet when it comes to completely ignoring when a rogue or druid go into stealth after (tactically) retreating from being jumped by a paladin. They just run right up and hit you, breaking stealth.

paladin brain again.

the advantage of the 15% movement speed from your talents is that you can forego the :poop: arathi boots and the minor speed enchant and get agility enchant instead while everyone else has to use the :poop: boots and minor speed to have the speed.

yea, if you weren’t here for it; they nerfed the ability to use dispersion (the fart) and void plague at the same time by moving void plague on to the chest slot, so now its either void plague or dispersion, which means you won’t see shadowpriests with dispersion because void plague is more important.
nor will you see healers with void plague because they need dispersion for mana and survival.

priest is far less oppressive now than it was prior to this nerf because now healer priests can’t defend themselves against attackers, and shadowpriests don’t have a sustain/survival panic button.

what other “run away” buttons do they have? because i must be missing something.

that is a highly risky playstyle and more often than not causes instant death because their shields breaks too quick (or gets dispelled).

you said it yourself; because they are weaker.
they aren’t as problematic.
they have counterplay (has health, short duration, causes forebearance/mana drain, can be dispelled).
paladin bubble has none of those downsides, and that’s why the paladin bubble is seen as problematic and the priest/mage shields are not.

they’ll be compared to each other by paladin brains i suppose.
normal people certainly wouldn’t dare even put them in the same category.

the only thing that is similar for all these abilities is that they are shields, and that’s where the similarities end, one is clearly far superior to all the others, its not a contest so to compare them as if they are even remotely the same is dishonest and just flat out wrong.

nah but you were gonna.

mages, warlocks, shamans, priests and even warriors (if they are prot lul) can though.
dunno if you noticed, but there are other classes than paladin in this game.
not everything needs to be, nor will it be designed around paladin.

this is the second time someone deems offensive dispelling non-existent in the game because paladin doesn’t have access to it.
truly one of the phenomenons of all time.

there’s nothing to be one-sided about here.
it is objective fact that all other shields are vastly inferior to paladin’s divine shield because they have numerous ways to be counterplayed while paladin bubble has basically none… like i said, the only exception to the total immunity to everything rule is balefire bolt, which is not a good option for pvp unless specifically aiming to counter paladins, which seems to me most mages aren’t bothered because displacement (double blink) is far more important.

Well, if you can delete the threat while bubbled, why bother healing to then run the risk of being cced to death ? To kill under bubble can be viable depending on the situation.

You’re listing our damage abilities, it has nothing to do with burst. We are far from being the burstiest class. Shaman and hunters burst a lot more AND more consistantly. The best burst for paladin doesn’t use much button, it’s a giga lucky seal twist proc or a stacking reckoning. It can delete in a global but it requires some set-up that can be met mostly in 1v1.

It’s a 18% on holy spells, so exo and seals/judgements. It’s good for sure, but mages have a +15% crit on all spells on chest and molten armor that can give them 20% crit.
I’m R10 with most of my gear bis PvP and stand at 20% melee crit and 30% holy crit. Everyone in SoD has bonus crit chances so I don’t think we are the only ones.

That sound good when you list all of that but those three are on the same rune spot (legs). So you basically have to choose. Most of the time we run with interrupt because it’s pretty necessary in PvP. So we are the ONLY melee class having to use a rune spot for an interrupt, or a slow. Not that fancy when you look at it this way. The Inspiration exemplar (tremor rune) is good but kinda niche since given the timing of the fear it can take a few seconds to dispell it.

We have 2 lives if you count the lay on hands. Bubble is ofc a way to reset fight and heal but it means that you’re not sticking to your opponent and if you’re against a ranged opponent you let them reposition. It’s good for sure though, not denying that.

True and it feels good to have something to catch up. We needed at least one form of gap closer.

Well, we do, but I don’t run with it. Mainly because it breaks our repent, which sucks but also because we have a great healing rune instead. A heal that cost 1k mana (third of our mana bar) but which at least heals even as a ret. Otherwise our measly Flash of light heals for 300 hp.

I guess it can. Tbh I only ran it for the quest. I don’t think the devs intended to give us a pet (I see no reason why) so I wouldn’t be surprised if they fixed that.

Yep, defensive dispell is good. Once again our superficial mana pool makes it a lot harder for us to spam dispell than our shaman counterpart (having offensive dispell) and it’s one magic, one disease and one poison. Good when dots are diverse but most of the time it’s the magic dispell that we’re looking for.

Who’s asking for more ? You are asking for less, not the other way around. Altogether I’d want some mana to properly use the toolkit I’ve been offered and maybe some form of protection against dispell but we don’t need more abilities.

It’s 8% mate. And 7 agi isn’t game breaking either.

It’s on the boots, what is going on with you today Potato ? You feeling ok ?

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If i was I would of in my original post

We’re talking about paladins no and how overpowered they are no? It’s not that i acknowledging other classes can it’s that this is hyper fixated at paladins so no other class should be discussed when talking about this issue.

This what I am replying to. Like I said I agree that it is too powerful but the idea points too hard at one problem what is going to ask further questions about the decision. I don’t disagree that it is an issue and there should be balancing for it. I was raising points that people will say and as expected you’ve blown it out of what the original reply was meant to be focusing on the fact that I compared it.

I didn’t know about the priests nerfs I don’t pay attention to them.

this must be the third time i tell you this.
lets hope it sinks in this time; shaman’s healing capabilities are nerfed into the dirt.
maelstrom only works with lesser healing wave now, which makes healing with maelstrom unviable.
they now rely on feral spirit for healing, earth shield and riptide (both which can be dispelled, and will be dispelled if the enemy knows his :poop:)
paladins can at least still bubble heal.

mana issues is also an issue for shamans, dunno where you got the idea that its not.
5-6 casts and the (enh) shaman is oom, because there is no intellect on the pvp gear.
this is likely different for ele and resto, but everyone is more or less on the same page in regards to ele being too strong and in need of nerfing to their instant-cast bs, and resto better be able to perform their one and only function in pvp which is healing.

they are being forced to collect spell power gear and thus forced into ele for pvp because if you main spec tank in pve, you want spell power/defense gear, thus you designate physical attack gear - including weapons - as your offspec gear.

this is a gigabrain move on blizzard’s part btw.
not only did they incentivize enhancement shamans to reroll elemental through nerfs to all the important enhancement runes, but they also made it so enhancement shaman tanks want to gear for spell power to tank…

and you know, its a lot easier to simply swap to ele for pvp and use the good gear you have from main spec to perform, than using your gimp gear from phase 3 along with some lucky offpieces you won because nobody else wanted them, because there’s a million warriors, rogues and hunters competing for the good dps weapons and melee attack power gear.

this is 100% on blizzard.
they basically gave enhancement shamans no choice, unless they strictly want to play dps and dps only, because again, enhancement tank (a mix between enh and ele) does not want melee attack power… people want a tank over a dps, so more often than not, any shaman that runs tank and dps specs will be made to tank, and his dps is second priority - offspec.

i’m still playing enhancement dps for my offspec, but the fact i am basically not allowed to roll on the loot i need for that spec makes it very unattractive, and if this goes on long enough, i will probably just say :poop: it and roll ele for pvp to grind my 3 ranks.

standing ovation for blizzard giga devs.
first dual wield, now cleaving the gearing in two, forcing enh shamans to roll ele.

I like your phrasing, “delete the threat”. This kinda shows that you yourself realize full well what kind of burst you guys can do. So don’t you try to spin it any other way, you’ve acknoledged it yourself just now. And you’re saying it’s ok to have an ability to kill someone without any way for them to respond? Nothing less from an entitled ret.

So when your bubble and hoj expire and the threat still happens to be alive and kicking and suddently you find yourself with your pants down, don’t come crying to these forums asking for extra stuff, just because you wasted your defensive CDs in an attempt to cheese the fight. This problem is yours and yours alone.

It is till A LOT better than paladin sustain which requiers hard casting and heals a lot less than your instant heals. So the point remains relevant even though you have been nerfed. And in case you didn’t realize, paladins got the exact same nerf. So your healing was better before the nerf and is still better after the nerf. You even got Riptide.

Shamanistic rage. And no one plays enhance anymore, they all play elem which means even less mana issue. I don’t care about resto healing given it is their role. But elems have it too easy atm.

They are being forced ? please… No one is forcing anyone especially on SoD. Those shamans play elem because it is OP, the same way they played enhance when it was.

No, you’re just biased mate. When I bubble I don’t do it 30y from my target when it is full hp and expect to 100 to 0 in 8 seconds. I know I’m the only son of God in your eyes but that doesn’t work that way. Unless it works against you but then you know the issue lies with you. I bubble when I know I can secure the kill and heal afterwards.

Again, I’m not the one complaining here, you are.

these horde clowns are exactly why nobody takes them serious. the expectation to just roll over any paladin and having the balls to ask for nerfs is pretty insane considering shamans literally do everything and more better.

There should be some level of nerf but you see who the people complaining are, They’re casters.

They’re complaining that Divine steed is closing their distance and Divine protection is negating everything that they can do and there isn’t any counter play to it. If they get these nerfs they won’t stop asking for nerfs until their class is on top.

When you make a counter argument that is correct then they will make another counter argument that isn’t what the post is about and start leading off topic discussions.

If you believe it this post is about 1v1, also a lot of these people aren’t going to use consumes. There is a reason why Paladins did such low dmg and it’s because what they’re currently complaining about, because our dmg has increased so much now all of our utility is way too good which makes us too overpowered. This is what they are saying, how do they want to fix this? by completely putting us into the ground what will ruin our PVE capabilities? How should we be nerfed is more calculations for different types of enemies for different kinds of enemies but it won’t happen because it’ll be hard to scale and balance.

Thing is, i’m one of the few classes that this tactic doesn’t work against actually. And as such I enjoy fighting rets, especially the part when they’ve wasted their bubble and don’t know what to do after, because they are so used to the fact that their opponent is usually dead by then. It’s comical to watch really.