Nerf the honor grind

why do I have to play quite literally HUNDREDS of arenas to get my character even half geared to play at a competitive level?

if people want to minmax they can spend their 30 hours farming conduits and gems, but getting full duelist level upgraded pvp gear should not be this time consuming.

they could half the amount of honor it takes to get fully upgraded gear to finally be able to play the game and it would still feel like an awful grind


If you win from time to time, you dont have to play hundreds of arenas to gear up. Also as aliance you have no right to complain, because with the aliance bg bonus honor they permanently have, you get the same amount of honor for losing as horde gets for winning, which is kinda ridiculous. The only part that totally sux is the 15k honor cap, when you are capped when u dont need it and dont have enough for the times you need it, so you end up hating it either way.


For somebody that posts so much, you sure don’t know much about what you’re talking about.

My alt sp is is 2k cr in 3s from 83 games with a 59% win ratio, 2k cr in 2s from 66 games with a 62% win ratio, and still 231 ilvl.

So, 149 games played, decent win %, still 231 ilvl and not even unlocked duelist upgrades for it, which will also come with very high honor costs…meaning? More games played :open_mouth:

The OP is 100% correct that you need hundreds of arenas to gear up.


So you say Im wrong, but right after that you prove Im correct?

I said you dont need hundreds of games to gear it, which you just confirmed. I play SL for few weeks. I had to learn wow after years of break, entirely through lfg and my garbo geared chars started at like 180ilvl needed like 70-150 games to get 2100. Rest is just random bg/rbg farm for honor. Get 2100, do daily bgs, rbg and just have fun in non rated pvp content until you get geared.

Work smarter, not harder.

You are absolutely wrong and I haven’t ‘proven you right’ in the slightest. This statement clearly states that you think you don’t need hundreds of games to get fully geared.
Quick English lesson: ‘Hundreds’ means more than 199 games. If you think you can get fully geared in less than this, then you are SO lost.

To be geared is to be fully upgraded to duelist.
If you want to gear through arenas, then you NEED hundreds of arena games.
The fact you went on to say that the ‘best’ way to upgrade your gear is through farming via a different form of PvP literally exemplifies how horrible the system is. You CAN get to 2100 in few games, but to then fully upgrade ‘easier’ you don’t do arenas.


So you are arguing for sake of arguing? You have no arguments, except “I dont like the system, buhuuuu”. If there is an intended system and you decide to do it differently, its your fault that you suffer. You dont like it? Fine, I dont like it either. But if there is an easy way to fix your issue and its just you refusing to fix it, blame only yourself. Its an MMORPG. If you want to play only arenas and refuse everything else, play csgo, lol or something. They have better pvp anyway.

I clearly do, you’re just too thick to either A) comprehend or B) dispute the falsification of your own statements. ‘If you win from time to time, you don’t have to play hundreds of games to gear up’ - if this is your chosen method of farming honor, then yes, you do. Fact.

So people should be restricted from playing the content that they enjoy? They should be restricted from improving in that content and almost forced to play content that they don’t like? You know what happens when that is the direction we go in? The current state of the game where there’s not many players wanting to queue because these ‘easy fixes’ you refer to are things people do not like, so they do not do it, and as a result they quit.

Let’s spam random bgs guys and get grouped with 30k hp players who are only trying to have fun, all in the name of ‘it’s an mmorpg’.

Been at work all day? Been at university all day? Not been confined to your computer all day? Only want to log on and queue some arenas? Tough, go play random bgs with casuals or rated bgs with groups that disband in 3 games instead all because ‘it’s an mmo’.

This is the kind of enabling logic that lets Blizzard get away with these horrendous systems. ‘Well you can still end up upgrading your gear eventually, so it’s fine’.

I wonder why PvE’rs aren’t spamming arenas anymore? Oh right…because the best gear for PvE comes from PvE content.

Put your tongue away, all that bootlicking must be getting tiring.

This statement here alone literally shows you have absolutely zero idea what you are talking about.

Try gearing to full duelist upgrades through arenas and arenas only, see how many games it takes you :slight_smile:


Dude, you are clueless. You are twisting and completely changing what Im saying. There is no point discussing anything with you.
You just read what you want to read. You just want to cry and cba paying attention to it. You are simply playing the game wrong.
But you are the first and probably the last one who ever accused me of defending Blizzard’s garbage mechanics. Thats cool. Anyway, have a nice life, sir.

Take your L with dignity and never try to discourse with me again. Ty!


Do you even play the game?

I played one of my alts to 2700 2s (58% win ratio) and 3100cr in 3s (66% win ratio) and it STILL didn’t have enough honor to have fully maxed out gear in every slot.

Please don’t talk to me about ‘have you tried winning’, blizzard shill

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Obviously, because the system is made so you play one or two bgs once in a while as well. During the bg week, as aliance you can fully gear your char within few hours max.
Im not defending blizzards garbage system, but if you want to do only a single content instead of playing mmorpg, there are plenty of games offering WAY better content for you than wow. You need to realize you will always have to play other content than just one in game like this.

Define “few hours max.” Give us a rough estimate with numbers.

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!define fully geared. Do you mean only the crap base honor items that are a waste of honor points anyway ? Or do you mean upgrading from 1-2/9 to 8/9 all conquest items ?

If you mean the latter, then I think we aren’t playing the same game lol.

Or i search for solutions instead of just complaining?

Inb4 72 hours being “a few hours max”


I like how he/she ignored both our reasonable questions to just quote your very last sentence.

He/she does seem to only be a forum troll.

Comp stomp starts Wednesday - start farming it all then whilst watching something on your other screen.

Such fun, much wow, killing the same bots 200 times over and over again. :partying_face:

to get 231 ilvl most of your gear is conquest or full upgraded honor already.
so it is exactly what the op is saying, uou need to farm a ton to just get 230 ilvl garbage gear with which you are half competitive

I do not ignore anything. I just cant log in, test and do the entire math right now, just because you are lazy af. And from looking at your character, you dont even play pvp, so completely ignoring your smartass attempt would be 100% reasonable from me.