Nerf the honor grind

Update: My alt is now 2100 in 3v3. 61% win ratio. 119 games played. 185 games played across 2v2 and 3v3. 232 ilvl. Let’s see how many games it takes to get to full duelist upgrades whilst also playing random bgs/sporadic rated bgs.

‘If you win from time to time, you don’t need hundreds of arena games to upgrade your gear’ ROFL.

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same, my boomy is 2180 after 100 games and i still have 233 ilvl and pretty much no honor. It takes disgustingly wrong to be on pair with other players.
they should buff honor by another 100% and it slowly gets human

Comp stomp tommorow, free ride for people that can’t get honor.

Sadly not a solution - it is about the amount spent farming honor…

We shouldn’t settle for that. They should remove honor grind completly and go back to similar systems as WoD or MoP.

21hours of non stop comp stomp to upgrade to duelist and someway we thinks this is a solution

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I can’t understand how people find this acceptable. I made some calculation in season 1: How To Improve The WoW PvP Experience where you would need about 90k honor for honor gear… INSANE amounts of farming

If u wanna have the best gear in the game, 21 hours is nothing really.

yes it is, after the first 2 hours i want to jump out of the window. the more alters the more suffering

Well then u can stay with not the best gear in the game, kinda simple.

i can so i wont enjoy being handicapped so i will complain

People just want gear without any effort these days.

the effort was on getting the rating not on farming the honor to upgrade it dear

I doubt so as doing 2v2 or 3v3 arena is a faster honor gain.

This is so inaccurate I am actually quite surprised you even wrote such a sentence.

U need to do a little bit of both, u can’t just sit arena.

a little is not 3hours of arena to get my rating and 21 hours of pve brawl to upgrade it

So 24 hours for best gear in the game, i say that’s little.

you’re nuts if you believe so

Maybe i am but i still think 24 hours for best gear in the game is a joke.

Yes should have to play 500 hours to gear a character

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Rookie numbers. Make it 1000