Nerf the hunt

Healing reduction on Blade Dance is actually a welcome change, but the problem is that the duration is 5 secs.

The problem with DH, everything they had since its inception has been based off of borrowed power. The class is barebones, there is nothing to it. It has the potential to really be a good spec, but it is majorly held back by so many things that actually help it being talents. Not helped by anything actually good about it being a borrowed power.

Also the Hunt is VERY problematic in my eyes, not just due to its damage, and what happens in next xpac when that is gone, but the leech it gives us too, which is HUGE. The hunt leech has saved me so much when I get off a clutch Hunt at 10% and after a couple of licks I am back at damn near 100% HP.

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Sadly, I think that’s the general vibe for many classes at the moment. Not just DH.

Not saying it like a “suck it up” kinda thing. More rather as a thing that they will unlikely fix or bother to look at since borrowed power has seemingly become WoW’s only method of keeping content ‘fresh’ and ‘innovative’.

Doesn’t seem to matter that there was so much complaints about it. Heck, even when they promised they’ll strip everything down to keep it simple and interactive to skill, the devs STILL can’t help but put another form of Borrowed Power in the game.

maybe in rbg with berserker and necrolord warrior buff, but in arena? No way :stuck_out_tongue:

I preferred the fel rush MS , possible to hit 3 people in arena. And added more skill to positioning for fel rushes.
GL doing that with blade dance unless everyone is stacked 24/7.

If 9.1 doesn’t shake up things in pvp and wow in general I think the game is up to a dark path…
I myself see myself playing tbc unless 9.1 magically fixes shadowlands and all of its problems that blizzard seems to blatantly ignore.

When bellular makes vid after vid after vid bashing blizzard on all it’s choices and bad changes than surely they should know something is kinda messed up l0l

In good news, tbc means wotlk comes closer… And WoTLK is where wow will start and end for me <3 :smiley:

edit:typos (probably still many left)

Also why remove mana burn? While the skill-effect itself was not unique, the way we used it in combination of stuns/prison set-ups made DH way more interesting to play in certain matchups…

Now it’s just beat em up and sustain em down…

Of course not, it was a joke

This makes no sense…

It wasn’t skill to pull it off, you just pressed the button and rushed through what was on your screen. It was dumb because a lot of the time it put you out of position, it simply isn’t skill to be overthinking and being overworked because devs just slapped an MS on a movement ability. It was a stupid design decision in the first place.

Also how is there no skill in using fel rush to position yourself for a blade dance. It is comparable to just fel rushing, except you have to press more buttons.
Demon Hunters need to stop with thinking attaching XYZ passives to our movement is fine, and then pulling it off is skill. All you are doing is fighting against lazy game design, and it is tiring.

MW effect is just part of the rotation for arms, ww and hunter, nothing special and demanding, and I don’t see why it would be any different with us. In my opinion, it’s even stupid why it’s talent at all, it should be the baseline for BD, just like it is for other classes. Talent could eventually be some cd that would increase that effect and that’s it, something like Sharpen Blade for arms. But they don’t seem to care too much about dh in this exp, so we have talent as something that is the baseline for other classes/specs. I know it’s an aoe MW effect, but it wouldn’t be bad to have something unique like aoe MW as a baseline.

Hey, adding MS to fel rush was indeed very stupid. Totally agree on that, but I never mentioned that…

I just said i prefered it on fel rush instead of blade dance.

Also ‘skill’ really depends on person to person… so please take it with a grain of salt if you are a much higher rated/better pvper than I am.

Not every class should have ms imo. Dh for example did not need it… its a nice buff but wasnt necessary imo

I mean… Yes. The Hunt oneshoots people way to easily regardles sof defensives or amount of versatility.
There is no reason one class should have a single ability that kills anyone in a single hit.

The hunt is easy to react to, you can see cast and pop deff, it has to be big deff ofc 40% dmg reduce will save you for sure, 20 % if hunt crits you are dead. It is not traditional oneshot like convoke or ret burst or even rogue atm. Convoke,ret burst, for example are so heavy rng based that it can destroy you thru 40% dmg reduction, only way to survive is immunity or heavy dmg reduce like dispersion, cloak for rogues, ams for dk. And ret burst and druid burst are impossible to stop when you do it right way. And versa does not do anything is is only dmg increase due to trinket set, it does not increase offensive bonus. Back in 8.3 when you could stack versa corrupt +that essence when stunned you get double the deff amount it was impossible to one shot you no matter what, i remember i tanked fire mage and rog burst without using any deff and they shaved me to only 50% hp while going all out lol. Now dmg is too big, it is getting way out of hand and in 9.1 it is gonna be double or tripple than now as gear increases dmg exponentialy every tier. Like it is so simple to fix that buff versatility stat in pvp so we can have atleast deff close to 8.3 nerfed corruption levels, that would make random oneshots occur way less offen.

I was mostly against nerfing the hunt due to DH’s struggling a little this season and it being their only real win condition but after weeks of sustained PTR buffs and now DHs getting another buff to their only weakness (survivability), I am now fully on the ‘NERF THE HUNT’ train. They don’t need a busted one-shot ability now that they’re a functioning PvP spec again.

If you mean Soul Rending talent, it’s not a buff but a small redesign (leech from 5% to 10% baseline and from 25% to 20% in meta), which is nonsense, especially since Darkness will be 50% and not 70% as it is now. If they put at least 15% leech baseline and + 15% in meta, then that would be something. So dh didn’t get any survivability buff, but nerf.

You think 5% more leech is going to help DH survive? Lmao


It is a buff, not a mere redesign. First, 10% instead of 5% leech and the change of Darkness freed up a talent. Sure, it is 50% instead of 70% now, BUT you can choose other options defensively, like the improved vengeful retreat which sounds pretty good on paper (immune to cc and 75% damage reduction).

We have one talent that has been removed and one that has been slightly redesigned. I personally can’t call it buff. In my opinion 70% Darkness would be much more useful than 5% leech, especially in this oneshot circus. Vengeful Retreat sounds ok on paper, but I’m not sure how it will turn out in practice.

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