Nerf trickster rogue

Its not really the hero tree that is amazing, its apparently quite bad for PvE.
The difference is the ability to bypass all Parry mechanics in the game by simply using “Feint” or by simply using specific skills passively in PvP.

Maybe they’ll put feint on significant CD? :thinking:
By the way, what are parry skills except DBTS and fists (with talent I guess) for monks?

Just these 2 in PVP for DPS specs I think. No other class uses parry.

Meh, sounds mediocre to me.
I’m not calling for removal/nerfs of ring of piece just because I’m literally the only spec whos defensive cooldown is countered by RoP (rshaman maybe too) :cry:

I dunno guys, sounds good on paper, indeed, but nowhere op to me so far.

I believe every melee has some form of parry built into their defensive as passive(base parry).
And some also have it in their talent tree to increase it.

Ion said that they pretty much will try and change them as little as possible.

So idk seems like a fair thing to point out now and not 10 months into another pvp meta.

Like all two of them ?

WWs have FoF which isn’t used for defense at all these days, Arms has Die by the Sword. The list ends here.

Also you need to realize that this tree is Outlaw/Sub. When you use a parry mechanic with these specs either you do it before trinket, and you get Cheap Shot as it already cannot be parried, and then you parry nothinf because you are in stuns, or you get DR Cheap Shot on your trinket and you also can’t parry things for at least 3s already. And Ambush/Shadowstrike also already cannot be parried, same with Pistol Shot and Between the Eyes, so it’s not like the damage will go from 0 to full when using a parry spell. Outlaw & Sub already mostly go through, or have no more damage once the stuns end, respectively.

No, it is stupid. At the very, very least wait any playable version of the game, even an alpha, before judging how things are going to be.

Which I already stated every melee has some form of passive parry chance which would get completely negated by it. Yes, there are already skills that bypass the parry mechanics but making it so everything negates it isnt rly well thought out.

I understand where you want to go with your argument, just the same as some ppl can make it sound too broken based on the text on it while other ppl can make it sound like its garbage.

I only point out that it will negate every single parry mechanic(both on-use and passive) in the game during every form of burst being made.

Yes, you said that. However, it is not true at all. I’d answer the rest of the post but because it is all based on that incorrect statement, it would not be very productive.

Alright so, this is based on an addon that tells % on everything.
On my Ret I have 18.94% parry chance. (gear difference)
On my WW I have 3% base parry chance.
On my Havoc I have 3% base parry chance.
On my DK (frost/unholy) I have 15.30% parry chance. (gear difference)
On my Warrior I have 18.14 parry chance. (Gear difference)
On my Rogue I have 3% base parry chance.

SV had 0%.
Enchance had 0%.
Feral had 0%.

Unless Parry have changed value inside arenas.
So yes, I were wrong that 3 melee specs do not have any form of parry.

Pretty sure thats vs like bosses. If rets parried 20% of attacks that would be insane. Unless its like white damage but yea i thought base psrry was gone from pvp


None of these have any parry chance in PvP combat, unless maybe Rets and DKs have talents for it which I highly doubt, but even if they did it would be two melees.

“According to my unofficial source…”

You can’t seriously believe Rets parry 1 hit out of 5. DKs close to that. If you played a melee you would know that no one has passively parried anything for years. And if you do play a melee, did it not seem strange to you that nothing you did was ever parried in PvP combat ?

Reminds me of that funny Mir tbc video with loads of resists. Thank god all that rng stuff is gone.

thanks for contibuting! :smiley:

Which is also a reason why I did state “Unless Parry have changed value inside arenas.”
But I can also accept that I am wrong. I didnt bother to look too much into parry before and while “googling” about parry in PvP, unless im blind, its pretty bad info there.

I didnt expect to have “that high chance to parry” which is quite easily the reason why I did state “changed value inside arenas” since I didnt look into that part. PvP dummy didnt change anything either.

But I guess it was quite hard to just write “Basic parry dont work in PvP, only specific skills” xd

You know things are great in PVP when people ask for nerfs before the expansion even starts :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Give or take 6 months - better to start sooner rather than later :joy: maybe by the time it releases the devs will think “let’s nerf trickster, people have been complaining for months”

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I don’t think there’s anything stupid about it. No more than saying “it’s just alpha” → “it’s just beta”, etc.

A better question: What good do you think adding a parry bypass (or indeed, any more abilities that frontload passive, no-counterplay utility) into abilities?

I mean … it’s kind of you who kept arguing despite claiming something wrong, and despite not having verified it as well. I’m not going to act particularly nice when someone argues with unverified bs because that’s being lazy.

Plus, you either have a melee on your account, or play/have played with melee specs. If I remember correctly this passive parry removal happened with WoD, so, it has been since Legion onwards (3 expansions and a half, that’s 7 years!) that you have not had a single attack you made been parried, and that you haven’t heard in coms “oh he parried my stun” aside from a FoF/DbtS moment. Seven. Years. And somehow it was up to me to change my arguments to cater towards that. Unbelievable.

Oh and by the way, you tell me that I should have said something, and I did. I did say only two ways existed to get parry, and I listed. You are the one who kept coming at me with information that is just wrong after I already said it was only FoF & DbtS. So, yeah. I wouldn’t just say random stuff for fun.

There used to be a few Block mechanics on non Tank specs left not too long ago, and there still are a few passive Dodge ones, but no Parry.

Yes. Next time I will go into arena with every single char I have and let them hit me so I can make sure I never parry.

I have both melees and casters. Dont mean I keep track of everything and there are times I forget. Sorry for not remembering everything, ill try to make sure I do.

And as I said, you could have simply just said the line “Parry dont work in PvP”. All you did were to say:

Thats it. Nothing else. Theres nothing you say about any kind of “basic parry dont work” but instead I have to read outside the line where you only list those 2 means absolutely that you only mean those 2 works at all.
When I talk further about the basic parry your answer were simply:

Which means you didnt want to bother answer that it was wrong, just… that its wrong. Not even bother to explain something that would take less words than actually saying a simple line.

So yes, I were wrong about basic parry in PvP. You are perfectly fine with answering however you like aswell. I dont really get offended by being wrong.

That is you basing it on me playing 3v3 and with comms. I used to play 5v5 with my friends back in the day, but I rarely did 2v2 and 3v3 since I didnt rly have friends to play it with and I rarely go out of my way to actively search for groups for it. Thats more a me issue though.
Wouldnt be surprised if I knew about it before but forgot it due to not looking into PvP for quite awhile before.

I am well aware that I am wrong every now and then. Which anyone can be.

Thank you.