Nerf unholy dks

Whats the fking problem with u low rating palas. U ask for nerfs for other classes and buff u rant to buff ret. At warrior forum pala was crying to nerf our dmg and mobility for arms hahahaha.U either delusional,troll or clueless

I’m not a troll i’m just stating what i saw.

guess you didnt feel necrotic strike enough. you shall be punished untill you get some skills :wink:

No you’ll be the one who gets punished.

First i thougt turiel was a well paid troll. I stalkied him ,i saw in what posts has responded and what has created .Now i assume its a 12 y/o kiddo or sociapath or a well paid troll. Nevertheles i suggest full ignorance. Reply to his post only if u have fun


Why would you think that i’m any of those things? What have i said there’s making you think like that? So please do answer that so i can explain it to you better.

Its funny cause i see this paladin saying ,nerf druids and now dks? So every class that beats you has to be nerfed mentality, if it was your way this game would be long dead lol. Its probably L2P issue here clearly ,so instead of crying on forums what about going on YouTube and check some guides instead of wasting everyone’s time with bs posts like this.

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I did and druids are quite op if you play as a feral druid and kite you can as a level 112 win against a geared paladin no matter which talants you use.

Nerf your brain dude…

Comes from one who’s class have no brain one of the npcs in your starting zone said so.

theny sould nerf you class pala mr bubbel big brust

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Türiel I’ll give you 1/10 in trolling attempt. Simply because you are so boring to listen to.

1/10 is too high, maybe -10/10?

I’m not trolling i’d just like to know how to fight and win against you.

Turiel dude you don’t understand what’s going on in the game. Just be quiet. You’re just a trash, okay?

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No i’m not i’m a Paladin. And you’re getting reported for harrasment. :slight_smile:

I suggest you delete the game. It will be better not only for you but for everyone


And i surgest to you to stop being so toxic and let everyone who wana play the game.

I’m toxic because the topic you created is nonsense. You just do not understand whats going on in the game and write stupid things


No you’re just afraid of that blizzard will fix the classes.