Upon taking the lesson from Burning of Teldrassil and by being the Elune’s Wrath Tyrande seems like she went through some personality change in a darker sense and now has similar motivations and instincts with demons. Hence she welcomes the Satyr, who are seeking a refuge after death of Xavius. She will not repeat the mistake she made with Nightborne, so that she can make up the lost population of Night Elves to some extent and once again will have an army worth taking serious. Besides she saw how useful Illidan was although he was a demon and demon hunters as well could adapt to community. She has to make sure of that, her people will not suffer the same fate again which requires ruthless old Night Elves like Satyrs who won’t hesitate to exterminate any threat.
I can make up much better and detailed stories but won’t bother creating them since I’m not getting paid unlike WoW storywriters. If you want more balanced factions this is what Alliance needs, Horde can have their Vulpera or Sethrak or maybe Krolusk as an allied race. You have the new models etc from Legion for Satyr and they were super good.
Class options : Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Warrior
No, we’re not having demons in the Alliance.
Any Satyrs who were not loyal to Xavius or the Legion are dead or have been cleansed by Elune, making them nelves again.
End of story.
Wouldn’t Satyrs make more sense as a Horde race? They’re enemies of the Nelves, Outcasts and share that whole Fel corruption and (Presumably) cleansing arc with the Belves.
For what it’s worth, I think Satyrs would be a cool allied race (We need a proper Fel race to go with our Light and Void races), I just think they’d be Horde rather than Alliance.
As I stated before, Alliance already have demons among their ranks.
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I knew this little mans were up to something
Demon Hunters and Void Elves weren’t enough for ya? Now you want to recruit Demons which are really evil?
Pretty much this sums it nicely.
If there were for example Illidari faction, then they could be there, but I can’t see them in either faction. But at this point it would be better than morbid Junker gnomes or Human body type as AR, so who knows? We have DHs in our ranks.
Horde already have lots of malevolent races among them but Alliance lack such a race and Satyr can fill this spot. They will be a funny race since they love dark humour (The Satyr we released in Mount Hyjal quest) and Xavius also shown us Satyr humour by kidnapping Malfurion and toying with Tyrande (Old Tyrande).
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There is no way Night Elves would allow that.
Ok, kick out of the alliance all the demon hunters.
You should know that satyres look 90% spacegoats right?
Its like a spacegoat DH lol
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Newsflash, the Alliance is not the Horde.
Tried that already, they just keep asking what I’ve sacrificed.
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Thank God. I would uninstall.
Thats why horde is not alliance lol
Night Elves before Burning of Teldrassil, yes there was no way for them to accept Satyr but after that incident it is highly possible.
It was shown that prominent characters like Tyrande, Shandris Feathermoon deeply hates the Horde now, Malfurion probably would still be against this but Tyrande can persuade him with one kiss and there will be no problem.
Night Elves need to make something to recover the lost army and population and the fastest way of doing it is recruiting an ally race among them. Burning of Teldrassil was basically a genocide so such move is inevitable for them to be taken serious again. Night Elves dont seem scary at all with an army of 50 people now, it looks rather stupid and story developers can solve this problem with such move. Who gives a f*ck about a 50 people army race?
Satyr won’t happen, stop
Jaina has more chance to be a Dreadlord than Satyr to join the Alliance
How about new allied race burning legion or void Lord’s?
Seriously we don’t need any more races…
I only know one good satyr which is rikimaru - he is playing DoTA now 
Weird question, but has anyone actually asked what is in this for the Satyr? they existed for around ten thousand years on their own, without the Legion’s back up even, they didn’t know the Legion was ever coming back… They’re a species in their own right, descended/altered from something else, like Naga, or High/Blood Elves, or Night Elves, or Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes.
This said, if they were ever made playable, they’d be Horde.
They’re never going to be made playable however, for the same reason Harpies won’t be, just the inverse way around. Their way of creating ickle babby Satyr is not something Blizzard (sensibly) want to touch with a bargepole, Which is, in fairness, an incredibly responsible way of handling the problem. Naga would make more sense, at least they can mate consensually, and interestingly, seem to have kept the matriarchal aspect of Night Elf society. Naga are a pipe dream as a playable race, I mean come on, I can’t be the only one who loved playing the Naz’jar Battlemaiden quests…
But honestly? We are reaching saturation point with races, to the point that they will soon stop being ‘different’ from each other, and just become a homogenous mass.
Oh look, it’s Monday again.
Well so it is…Better start packing my armour and kit.
As much as i dont like the idea the thing is that vulpera=alliance and saryr=horde. Best outcome.
Satyrs are not nice creatures…
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