New BALANCED PvP realm in Cataclysm Classic please! :(

Please Blizzard, give us a new server in Cataclysm, with faction balance 50-50 as SoD.
It’s really really really super boring playing on PvP servers 100% mono ally or horde.
This game loses all its magic without the enemy faction :frowning:


Yes please, I want my previous name on an empty server.


No, no. A fresh 50-50 balanced PvP realm would be great. It’ll mean we’ll have a bunch of people transferring from that dead realm to the other realms in a few months.

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That’s what I want - open 1 empty server and allow and encourage both factions to transfer to it. When 1 if the factions becomes much bigger than the other close character transfers and creations for the same faction until the close to 50:50 balance is restored.


Yeah. And when the server dies due to inactivity, because nobody wants to play a balanced PvP realm, then people can transfer from that dead realm to proper realms.

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Many of us didn’t play Wotlk classic because of this. We don’t like the game if there are not enemies around. So please just add a new server and keep it balanced :frowning:


Why do PvE players not want to play on PvE servers, but would rather go on mono faction PvP servers and then whine?


No clue, mate. Something about being scared that a PvE realm will die or their favorite streamer being on the PvP realm. Who knows, but it is pretty clear that the world PvP crowd is small. I’d recon about 1-5%, based on the people who play the dead faction on the monofaction realms. The argument has always been that it is “impossible” to play the dead faction, but that is simply not true. If all the WPvP people would stack up on one realm, you could probably get a raid group or 2 causing a ruckus and having fun, but that would be only if all the diehard WPvP fans got together. The people you see on the forums begging for balanced PvP realms are not people who enjoy open world PvP, otherwise they’d be on those monofaction realms annoying the PvE plebs.
The other common argument is “but there is no raiding”, but why oh why can’t you have a PvP character and a PvE character? What’s wrong with raiding with your mates on one and doing WPvP on the other? Sounds like just another excuse…
I mean even a 5-man party of friends on one of those realms could easily hit max level through dungeons and go around the world piling up a mountain of corpses. Yeah, you won’t have all the “BiS” things from raids or crafting, but you’re up against PvE folks, you don’t need that big of an advantage.

nice reasoning “MY FAV STREAMER IS THERE”
you do realise that those who wpvp also play other aspects of the game? to simply be best geared in pvp still requires you to pve, so it doesnt mean we would play now on a dead side having little opportunity to raid or play arena just coz dudes that massivly transfer ,following their streamer like sheep, believe that everyone in game just like them -has to be not intrested in world pvp aspect. the funniest thing, guys like you occupy the server making it pve and then you also come and whine at pvpers when they ask blizzard to give them servers.
Its something that wont bother you, should not bother you , but yet it still bothers you, there are people that like other aspect of the game that you dont.
IF you believe people dont like world pvp, explain how come SOD is so popular? you think people go there to farm gnomeregan ?


Not sure if you want to use SOD as an argument here. WPVP aspect of SOD was such a colossal failure that Blizzard started giving free transfers to PVE servers. And we all know how often Blizzard gives anything for free.

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You do realise one of the main reason classic even became a thing was because people played vanilla pservers mostly due to world pvp and the world again being multiplayer content.


You completely missed the point about having a PvP char for world PvP and a raiding charater on another realm didn’t you? You’re up against PvE plebs, you don’t need to be “BiS”…

Alright… Where are they? “People love world PvP” Well where the F are they? Why aren’t they making a guild on the dead faction on a monofaction realms where they can raid together and WPvP to their heart’s delight? Why are the 20 people who love world PvP just crying on the forums instead of actually doing something about the situation? The monofaction realms are literally the WPvP lovers heaven and yet nobody wants to actually take advantage of it…

Get your WPvP fanatics together, roll on the dead faction, start making an actual scene, farming those PvE plebs who joined the monofaction realms. You will see more people joining your side once you actually start doing something. Go dominate a low level zone and make the PvE losers regret joining that server, make their guilds regret coming to help. Stop just crying about it and do a call to arms and do it yourself. Advertise yourself on every realm’s discords and world chats and get it going.
You don’t like PvE people joining monofaction PvP realms? Gank them till they leave!

It will be dead again in 2 months…


there is such guild on alliance on gehenas, but you do realise if you decid eto play cata, you log in ,and how on earth you have to create a guild on a dead server? those who you could team up and xfer quit the game because of dead pvp…but you believe ppl will just magically out of thin air find 20 players to create guild and migrate on server in a dead pve game? like reading your gibberish makes me not even want to keep talking to someone like you…absolutely ridicilous statements. Like dude if u dont believe with your gnome pve head that ppl like it, open forum page and see how many topics are there asking about wpvp server, I guess you are not that good in pve either, because you seem so fried that you coudlnt avoid not standing in fire


One way might be to make a thread on this very forum, looking for like-minded people. You could set up a Discord server that everyone interested could join. There are other platforms one might utilize, such as Reddit. If as some claim there is indeed such a demand for world PvP you should encounter no issues whatsoever in finding a minimum amount of players willing to join you.

Now I’m sure you’ll find some excuse as to why this is not possible. But I’m fairly certain that if you did as I suggested you would have a grand time.


people like you would come up with any weird stuff just to jusitfy their own idea
sounds like an advice to homesless people: just buy a house!

You know, you’re right. Communicating with other people in order to achieve a common goal? In World of Warcraft? I don’t know what I was thinking.


If you don’t like PvP servers, go play on a PvE one. You are free to do that. PvP players are being forced to play on your easy mode mono faction servers and its bad. Its one of the main reason wrath was so dead on arrival, and the only content it had was GDKPS.


Ahhh, ye olde strawman, no better way to win an argument than to invent your opponents views.

What exaclty am i strawmanning on you?

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