New BALANCED PvP realm in Cataclysm Classic please! :(

XD yeah and maybe buy a russian keyboard too >.< dude you’re funny, but you can go on Flameghor. I’ll keep playin on Gehennas, hoping to see more allies :frowning:


This wont change anymore sadly, i feel like its because of these big popular gdkp people, they did cause this mess. Cata is dead

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Day 8 of Cata,

Playing Alliance on Gehennas is no sense. I can’t sell a thing at auction house, cause we’re 1% of the realm. Prices of things when I want to buy something are 10 times higher than Golemagg. Leveling with 1 vs 99 % I don’t even tell you >.< mono side players who “I hate world PvP, world PvP is dead!” actually go hunger for blood as they see you lol and it’s ok for me, I’ll do the same cause I like it, so why this mono side stupid thing?? How can I complete a quest in a cave where there are 70 hordies and I’m the only gnome around XD Why can’t be 35vs35 in that f cave? You guys don’t really hate world PvP, you guys just hate being killed but you like to kill 99 vs 1. GG. /flex

Playing Horde on Golemagg is boring and no sense. Farming PvP gear with resilience for what? There’s only horde around XD doin Tol Barad dailies in the old days was pure fun, now there are only 400 hordies in a wood and always nobody to attack. World PvP in Cataclysm was amazing also with archaelogy sites. But no, I fly around and I see only people farming herbs & fossils like bots. I guess the new World PvP is herbalism, the other day a dude went mad and insulted me cause as a Cow I was faster stealing the herbs. You guys just hate everything :smiley:

Thank you all for this amazing gameplay experience!! \o/

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People messed the balance in early classic vanilla. Always has been a big problem. Never got addressed before WG/TB - and even those bandaid fixes are pretty… bad.

I would definitely jump onto a pvp balanced server RIGHT EFFING NOW !

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I really feel the urge to corpse camp a level 32 in STV. Please Blizzard!

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I want to have an unicorn too. Let me know if someone is selling in Eu

I believe this is one of the reasons why blizzard originally implemented cross server play in world :slight_smile:

History is repeating itself lol

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