New BALANCED PvP realm in Cataclysm Classic please! :(

Just add warmode and enable cross realm.

No PVE or PVP servers, just warmode on and off

Even PVE andies would turn on warmode from time to time

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I don’t recall saying I don’t want balanced PvP realms… I simply stated why a new balanced PvP realm is bad idea and why I think they wouldn’t work.
It worked in SoD, but I’m highly skeptical that it would work in Cata because of the classic community’s view of PvP and I have history and numbers to back up my claim.
I pointed out why monofaction realms should be a PvP heaven and pointed out how it could reasonably be accomplished, but it just seems that nobody actually wants to take advantage of it.
It seems that people just want to complain about it rather than do anything about it. I mean just read some of the replies in this topic, no actual arguments, just simpleminded contradictions and insults… Give them examples of how to accomplish this and why it is possible and all I get in return is ignorance and “Nobody is going to join a dead faction”… Well quite clearly, nobody is interested in having unlimited world PvP fun…
If there really are so many people who want world PvP then what’s the problem? You’d have loads of people to raid with for your BiS loot, you still got PvP gear… you know, the thing for PvP… You’ll have loads of people to destroy farmers with and take the nodes yourself so you’ll still have crafting. And you’re up against PvE plebs so you won’t have any issue taking fights. And despite all of this, still the claim is that its impossible…

If Blizzard adds a new SoD-like PvP realm, I’m giving it 3 months until it’s dead. I could be wrong, but history says that is the most likely outcome. And as I said in my very first reply here, that is a good thing cause we’ll have an influx of players transferring to the other realms… Every fresh PvP realm in classic has met this fate and it is my opinion that it would happen to any new PvP realms, forced balance or not.

The issue is that during TBC and onwards, people realised they didn’t want to be on a server with the opposite faction, so transferred through co-ordination with other guilds on their servers.

People realised that WPvP was basically just a codeword for griefing, so voted with their feet.

This server would likely never take off, and if one faction got bigger, the other side would transfer as always, because no one actually enjoys being outnumbered and griefed.

Even on SoD, where server balance is “enforced” people just split into monofaction layers. On login you ask in global channel to be invited to ally or horde layer. So it’s effectively just several monofaction servers crammed into one where you have to take extra steps every now and then to repeatedly avoid enemy faction.
The fact is, players on PvP realm will tie themselves into knots to avoid PvP. Because, as a rule, people like to PvP but not to be PvP’d upon. Because like posters above said, all world PvP is just griefing. People like to grief but dislike being griefed more. There will never again be a balanced PvP server, I’m pretty sure of it, people will always find a way to avoid it.
WoW wPvP is a fundamentally broken concept, wPvP only works if you have player killers who are hostile to all, but can band up together, like in older an newer MMOs. It plays on fundamental psychology, the “PvE” players will go out of their way to “punish” player killers, even if they are otherwise not really inclined to PvP, thus creating ample PvP opportunities. While if you face a monolithic faction even slightly bigger or willing to fight than yours, all incentive is to avoid fighting at all costs.
And being a PvPer on a “dead” faction is effectively like being a player killer of old. It is telling none of the PvP affectionados want to do it. They just want a smaller faction to grief that can’t escape them. Their tears in this and similar threads fill me with joy.


Wait what lol?

  1. I’m playin SoD and nobody are splitting in my realm. Also we’re having fun. Don’t comment with fake news.

  2. WoW WPvP is a broken concept for you. Doesn’t mean it’s broken for everyone.

  3. The only ones in tears in this threads are you Pvers. Cryin’ and prayin’ that ur realm will not be merged.

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I’ve been raidlogging last 3 weeks there, but when p3 released, all you could read in the Ashenvale general chat was “invite to ally layer, cant even reach the quest guy explative horde explative explative”.

It’s a broken concept in a sense that it will inevitably lead to monofaction segregation, without exception. One side always wins.

Oh, I’m always one transfer away from a PvE realm, I’ll be perfectly fine. But the griefers having nobody to grief will never not be funny to me. Get rekt.

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Imagine commenting on a thread called “New PvP server” when you play on a mono side realm lol. You shouldn’t be here.
Creating a new balanced realm, shouldn’t affect you in any f way. You just keep playin on ur realm with your friends and I’ll finally can play on mine with my friends. What’s wrong with u guys lol? We just asked a 50-50 population realm. Why T F you should complain about it? Just stay on your realm.
You’re just here cause you don’t want that we get it lol. Imagine that.

N.B. being a World PvP lover doesn’t necessarily mean being a griefer or a ganker or an xxxxxxx. I just love that I can attack players of the other faction and they can attack me too (it’s a war game in the end…). And for people like you that don’t like it, there are PvE realms.

N.B. 2 “Get rekt”?? LOL how old are you? 15?

I don’t care if you get your dead on arrival realm or not, I don’t even care if they merge Firemaw and Gnomelagg. I’m just here to taunt and laugh at “world pvp lovers”.

38 year old father of 2 kids with a professional career.


At this point Im fully convinced people who advocate for wpvp had their last encounter back in 2005 when they killed a fishing bot in STV.
I mean just look what happens when Blizzard tries to incentivize it:

  • Retail: Shadowlands “PvP” weekly where groups camp the Maw entrance to kill ppl zoning in
  • Classic: P2 of Vanilla was probably the most miserable lvling experience Ive ever had (have fun trying to get anything done open world past lvl 48)
  • SOD: Ashenvale and Bloodmoon event were borderline unplayable due to lag until ppl lost interest, after that they were just plain boring

Maybe instead of trying to fix something that has never worked Blizz should start to actualy do something with PvP. Arena and RBG’s are litteraly the only two gamemodes they managed to come up with in almost 20 years. And both of those realy arent compelling for casuals/new players.
Love or hate Plunderstorm but atleast they tried to do smth new. Im realy hoping they keep on trying to reinvent wow-pvp…and werent just cashing in on the BR-hype 5 years after it ended :slight_smile:

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I feel like they did a good job in BFA when they had pvp-themed invasions and a bounty hunting system. Before the first major patch I did quite a bit of world pvp in BFA and it was one of the highlights of the expansion.

However, there are many problems with world pvp today. Two problems I discovered in BFA were:

  1. Gear and power creep. I did a little bit of raiding before the first major patch, but I stopped because I didn’t feel invested in the guild I was in. I inevitably fell behind in gear, and the difference in power was stark. As I recall there was no pvp gear in BFA, but in Cata there is. And Cata is probably also the one expansion where getting a full set is the easiest it has ever been, which I view as a huge plus for anything pvp-related.

  2. Cross-server and server shards. It seems Blizzard did a poor job balancing the faction numbers in their server shards. I eventually turned War Mode off because of the reason above, but also because it always felt like I’d run into packs of enemy players with no help around. I believe this to be the exact same on the mega-servers, as Nicolay points out; people crying to get invited to other shards to escape.

The above two, I believe, are the key issues as to why world pvp is what it is. Cataclysm largely got around this because we didn’t have cross-server shards yet, and because the areas where most world pvp happened were areas where flying mounts were restricted and low-levels could not enter, namely the Tol Barad Peninsula (daily questing hub, not BG) and the Molten Front.


Online everyone is a multimilionair, Sixpack, 10 wifes and lives in a Villa :rofl:

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If u want wpvp then create caracter on opposite faction realm. Horde on Firemaw, Alliance on Gehennas. We have several guilds on both realms.


I’m lower middle class, fat balding pig, and one wife more than enough :smile:

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He wants to whine, not play.

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Hello there i agree on everything you say but i think most of people i know and have quit the game its because world pvp is dead i live for world pvp i dont care for anything else only world pvp bg and then arena but mostly world pvp and blizzard must learn that at 2024 we have said alot of times to fix that why classic vanilla had so much people? Because of nostalgia and world pvp and the hard way pve thats why


Thank you! But I tried Gehennas…and population is 1%-99%. In the topic I’m asking for a “balanced” realm. On Gehennas there are 20 ally online and Auction House is dead. Also I want to see you questing in new areas 1 vs 99.

Imagine being a rogue on a mono side PvP realm >.< No more words needed. Alrightytroll :lion: :keyboard:

They spend hours & hours, farming PvP gear in bgs & arena, just to show it in Dalaran & streamings & /flex lol. But actually they don’t use the gear in the open world cause no enemy players…what a wonderful PvP realm XD I told them 10k times they can do bgs & arena also in a PvE realm, but no. Better mono side a PvP one so the others that like world pvp can f themselves & quit the game. Nice community lol <3

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Got horde mage on Firemaw and ally on gehennas, having fun with archeology guys.

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20 ally online

Well, it’s wrong. Your data is outdated a little bit. Currently(at the 15.05.2024 14:50:00 +3:00) we have more than 100 ppl online on gehennas.

Auction House is dead

Can u define ‘dead’ in this case? We have a lot of crafters who can craft ench/gems/gear. They just do not post this items too often at AH.

see you questing in new areas 1 vs 99

It will be the same when i was questing in old areas while was lvling this rogue :slight_smile:

Imagine being a rogue on a mono side PvP realm

Yes. It’s a lot of fun :stuck_out_tongue: Also i know a lot of shadow priest, mages, hunters, paladins and warriors who was doing the same :slight_smile:

asking for a “balanced” realm

Well, if u do not scare of russian players and u can learn in fast way russian language(at least some basic words) then welcome to Flameghor – it’s a 30%a|70%h realm. It’ only one ‘balanced’ pvp realm in whole cata/wotlk classic.

IMO stop writing, start acting! :smiley: U should try to lvl up one of your alt on gehennas-alliance or firemaw-horde. Just give it a try. Lvl up it time to time, do not spend a lot of your free time on it(sometimes wpvp can be a lil bit stressful :stuck_out_tongue: ). And when u will hit max lvl then u will decide what server u wanna choose – one with pvp actions in open world, or another one with huge load of bots, gdkp, advertising in chats and etc.

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Yesterday at midnight there was 17 lvl 80 online…

I’m playing on Gehennas ally since a week and I never sold a thing

If it’s fun, go play on a PvE realm. PvP realm should be a different kind of fun.

Can’t decide if you’re serious or just trolling, probably the 2nd one. Should I really learn russian to play the game as I always played? XD

I’m on it, but just because I hope more players will join us. I really hope for a big merge between PvP realms and for who doesn’t like it, can free transfer to his PvE realm. So easy and everyone happy.

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Unfortunately no, I’m not trolling coz i’m not talking about communication with another players. You will not be able to play on Flameghor without russian game client. At least u should select russian text language in the game settings.

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