New Boosting Channel

Greetings Travellers!

I 100% agree with boosting for gold, I think its a good practice that actually helps to create a better economy. Its an easy way for people who need gold to get that gold. However, I can’t help but feel like boosting services are now more common than not, I know I’m not alone in this thought. I would like to suggest to the Devs that in Shadowlands a world channel named ‘Boosting’ or something similar be created. This would allow for people who seek to be boosted to go to a certain area and look for it. Its incredibly frustrating getting spammed in trade chat ‘N’zoth carry, going now 120k’ every time I logon. Moreover, why stop there you could even have a pane in the LFG called ‘boosting’ where all boosters can advertise. I believe this would create a better experience for all if all boosting services were kept away from Trade chat and the LFG Dungeons and Raids tab. Again I’m not against boosting for gold in anyway, I just had this idea come to me and wanted to share it.

Please let me know what you think in the replies, I’d greatly appreciate it!

I think you should have posted here instead of making a new topic.


That thread already got derailed into “wahhh boosting bad bc i’m too bad to boost others”

Should be locked already imo.


I agree with you but it’s not the reason you said people are just tired of boosting spam everywhere.So a separate boosting channel would be a godsend to make.


I think this particular idea and subject have merit. I’m not against boosting services at all, I am against the unwanted spam. Enough people that will never buy a boost, yet are confronted by the spam on a daily base.

I think there’s a place in WoW where blizzard can facilitate in-game services (such as boosts), starting with their own channel.


Any topic about boosting will ultimately result in it being derailed to boosting is bad stop it.

Then stop derailing it and talk about the suggestion.

The thing is, I don’t find boosting bad. Who cares if someone wants a +15 carry and they want to pay someone with the skills to do it.

I’m just getting really irritated by the constant spam in trade chat. Imagine you’re a new player, you walk into Org/SW for the first time and you’re amazed, then all of a sudden you get spamming in trade to come buy your mythic N’zoth mount. It’d ruin the experience for me, I think it’d be much better to have a channel where boosting can be sought out rather than have it shoved down your throat the moment you login.


Why would you want to push content when you lack the skills to do so?
Pulling a creditcard or whatever isn’t a skill measure, and higher m+'s were supposed to cater to people who wanted a harder challenge and i don’t mean a harder challenge for your wallet?

Further i agree the amount of spam is insane and it should be dealt with accordingly.
I think a lot of players would agree that there’s no room for these “booster communities” from which the most of them even point to external websites to make you pay with real money?!

Personally i’d like to see them all banned for life.


As for the first part of your comment, people have their reasons and they’re all individually different so I dare not try to make any assumptions.

I would potentially ask for a time out if a booster is seen posting in anything other than the specific boosting world channel or LFG boosting tab. I dislike the big booster communities such as Gallywix and Slyvanas boosts as there is no way that all of their boosting services are paid for in gold, they’re a ‘business’ so there is no possible way they could operate without real money.

I have suggested this many a time (both points actually) a long while ago.
While it is a good idea, it was shouted down on a couple of points

  1. Why should they, why dont you simply disable trade chat
  2. It is trade and so 100% legit in trade chat live with it or get an addon to filter it
  3. in Group finder you can search and filter it already so why bother


My social interaction in the game with random people has gone way down since the spamming started hitting insane levels. Before legion certainly, but back in cata or even mop I would chat to people whisper others about items they were wanting to trade or seeking etc, derailing into random chat about what we enjoyed etc.

Doesnt happen no more. Im not against boosting myself, ive done it, although id never buy it, if I cannot do it by myself without someone doing the work for me then personally I dont think I am worthy to have it. But this is me and the way I play my game and not others.

But yes a new channel and a pane in lfg would be the best solution and both should be on a “enabled if sought out” basis instead of on and in your face by default.

Make both sides of the fence happy. well mostly (can’t make all the people happy all the time, only some of them some of the time).

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Couldn’t have put it better myself. I’m not one of these Classic fan boys who yearns for player interaction again, it will never happen the world is a different place. I just want a trade chat where people are actually offering items or talking random smack.

The reason I finally decided to post on the forums was because I saw an article on WOWhead of someone getting a one day ban for posting a boost4gold in the LFG. Perhaps we’re headed in the right direction.

I can remember a time in classic where bots spammed gold seller websites in chat biggest part of the day.
Also once in cataclysm i saw a huge amount of lvl1 orcs running through the air from Hyjal to Orgrimmar just so they made them drop from the sky and die on the floor there in a pattern that spelled the gold sellers website(s).

The only direction i like to see from Blizzard.

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People completely over exaggerate what the boosting spam is like in the first place.

They act like boosting has no place in the game when it clearly does, there’s nothing else to use trade chat for except boosting and tcg mounts, even for them discord is a better idea lol

Boosting is basicly selling service, so it belongs to trade, yes, its spamed, but does it realy matter if it is spamed by boosting, boe sellers, or some random “joke” like thunderfury spam? Not realy.

LFG tool… Blizz already taking actions and silecing those who put boost in there for day so its on good way.

Also, why would they join this new chanel? They want everybody to see their boost, not only other boosters…

Also im pretty sure this new chanel isnt “your idea”

I don’t. I have tried (even in bfa yes, using /2 what I personally believed it is most suited for. Selling items of gear or herbs, but each time I posted it was visible for mere split seconds. The longest one of my posts was ever visible for was 2 seconds. To then find my post I had to do 2-3 whole mouse wheel scrolls up.

Ont he face of it, it doesnt sound like much, but it actually is.

I get the impression you have not properly read the opening post. The discussion is not about whether it should stay or should it go (damn it now im singing “Should I stay or should I go”) but is it time to put it in its own dedicated lfg area and own /channel.

My own personal belief is that this is only now the case because the boosting culture killed it for anything else. So in my view the only reason you now think its useless for anything else is because the constant boost spam made it so.

Well, a couple of reasons. A rule could dictate if you advertise boosting in any other channel you get silenced as a penalty or even suspension.
Secondly people who want boosts will become in the know of its existence quick enough and then your building an audience of customers. Your advertising to people who want nothing else than to buy it, instead of a large audience of those who report, ignore and some that want to buy.

See you said it so well just there “They want everybody to see their boost” which includes people who have no interest at all and who get irritated by it. So to a degree they are intentionally griefing as per your comment.


I would prefer if these boosting ads were not a thing but if we’re going to have them, and Blizzard certainly thinks so by allowing them in trade, then I’d rather they were moved to its own place and anyone not using that place to advertise got banned. Maybe I could actually join trade chat again.

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I still disagree with you but hey let’s agree to disagree here.

While this is true, there is waaaay more people joined on trade that there will ever be on some custom chanel. So on trade everybody can see it, now lets say i dont have interest in boost X, but all of suden i see message in that spam and its realy interesting offer which ill take, but i will never seek that if it wasnt found “by accident” and there is a lot of people that doesnt realy seek boost, but will buy one because its worth it for them, and thosr people wont join another spamed chanel.

Thats exactly how shops works… They put stuff here and there so u have to go past them, and time to time someone buys it, even if it wasnt their initial intent.

I would disagree with this, in most larger shops/supermarkets, they have aisles which are labelled with goods available on a specific aisle. So in this case if I am shopping and I do not need tea/coffee/sugar etc, I can just skip this section.

I do understand the shopping comparison though, as most supermarkets dot around ‘special offers’ to catch the eye of the consumer, but again I would say if I am not shopping for that particular product, then I won’t buy it regardless :slight_smile:

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