New Boosting Channel

I’d just like to make a reply to Lommatik as for some reason you seem to be treating this thread as a who can be the most passive aggressive competition. I in no way claimed this idea as mine, I am just bringing in to light in my own way. I apologise if it came across that I was stealing someone else’s idea and trying to pass it off as my own.

As for the comment about people who don’t go seeking a boost they just see a good offer. ~ If people have the gold to afford paying for multiple boosts then they odds are they’d join that specific channel and wait for offers to appear. I specifically do not have the gold nor the wanting to ever receive a boost and therefore I wouldn’t join that world channel.

This thread was created to attempt to bring to light the constant spamming on chat channels with boosters, I personally believe that a new world channel and/or a new LFG tab would benefit players new and existing. You are more than welcome to disagree with me but if you do then I’d like to know why.

Off course there are way more people. Because /2 is default. But the boost sector is also so much bigger now (thanks to it) than average Joe trader is so moving it it will easily survive and attract only interested parties.

You say “now lets say i dont have interest in boost X, but all of suden i see message in that spam and its realy interesting offer which ill take” we’re not talking about someone who is browsing at Currys and spots a great deal on a laptop you know. The vast Majority of people will either already be open to buy boosts or they will not.

Someone who is not will not all of a sudden consider something a bargain or a fantastic deal. You might get the odd one or two, not not anywhere near as many as your thinking. Take me, if I ever saw an achieve I wanted advertised from a booster and I was interested enough, I would go out of my way to do it myself. No one is worth the gold in my view to do it for me.
Thats the way im wired and the way I think.

Now the discussion is not to shut down boosting but to move it to an area allowing the average Joe t use /2 for selling a stack of herbs or buying some ore, or selling that sweet mythic ring with socket they just dropped and having half a chance in hell of anyone seeing it before its lost into the nether because 20 or so people being given a small % commission for a boosting company spams again.

And we are not just talking about a /5 or whatever you would also have a LFG pane clearly marked as “Boost Services” so its not like trying to figure out an azeroth secret to get to.

All we’re asking for is something that returns some normality to us instead of maintaining the status quo for the big players and their boost services while the rest of are collateral damage of sorts.

Yes, I am the same. If I go to a super market, I know what aisles I need. I will head to those and skipping others. I don’t have the ice cream Aisle all of a sudden jump in front of me multiple times while im on my way to buy washing powder.

And likewise deals at the end of Aisles are predominantly always within the region of their original Aisle so Pasta/Indian/Oriental items in Morrisons will never be near fruit and veg,Or washing powder will never be on display at the end of a pet food, or fresh meat or even Alcohol Aisle.

Currently boosting services feels like (insert product) is everywhere. At the end of each Aisle, 3 of it in between each product in every Aisle, no control or way to avoid it without refraining from going shopping.

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Trade chat made in mind to sell ingame ITEMS, and not ingame Services


I think you may have misunderstood my post. If you re-read it again you’ll understand that that was a reason / excuse I was given by those who want to carry on being able to spam all over, and not my own personal view.

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Hm indeed, sorry my bad.

No worries

They are selling a trade, your gold for their time. It is absolutely the right place for them to advertise. It is going to be very hard for Blizzard to say only some trades are trades and other trades aren’t trades.

Unlike the group finder which they need to get out of and I will keep reporting them in. Lets hope those silences build up.

I really wish all these duplicate topics would get merged.

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It’s “trading” that unlike the usual person selling one thing on a certain server it’s boost communities spamming every server with multiple alts. And even if they are ignored or banned there will just be new alts.

At least someone being spammy with their WTS [Small Pebble] you can ignore that person, you cannot ignore all the boost sellers, there are too many and they keep coming back with new characters until your ignore list is full.

If it belongs in trade chat then trade chat is boost chat, it is useless for anything else and I just leave it on every character now.

I also like the optimism that you’re not just giving people more channels to spam. Advertising a trade in trade will not get them banned either.

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This very specific service should have a chat on it’s own, it’s very popular but also annoying and spammy, people that use trade chat for other things will find trade chat useless.

I think Blizzard should make a clear distinction between boosting and other trades, an easy way to do it would be: “Are you selling a service which involves helping players go through content?” -> if yes, it’s boosting. Next, make the boosting channel, and this is the hard part, moderate trade chat at least for the time being and ban anyone who doesn’t follow the new rules.

Could be a warning -> ban -> A LONG BAN -> perma if they don’t listen (or a mute from trade channel, though this is a little too forgiving imo). The only part in this whole thing I’m skeptical about is the moderating the trade channel part, since you clearly do need to put a lot of manpower towards that. But I feel like after a month or two of being very strict you would get most people to move on to the boost channels. Boost advertisers are often using their own personal account, so getting banned is a risk they’re not willing to take.

Just make a realm channel or something… /join Boosting
Spam that in trade instead
Tada, problem solved :crazy_face:

Except that Boosters are in competition with each other and non official channels are left with a player in charge. So one of them gets control boots all the other boosters. Then when that person logs off the next person is nominated, they might be from a different boosting outfit or even solo. Rinse repeat.

It’s the same when people make the World channel in Classic or Retail.

Oh… Boo.


I do quite like the idea of booster wars though

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Even if a boost channel was made, it wouldn’t really make trade chat any better. Instead of boost adverts it would be filled with another kind of spam like Thunderfury, 4nal, Dirge, Insults and stupid guild adverts.

Trade is actually used for something more fitting now, just leave the channel. Doubt they would actually make a channel specifically for that type of trade.

Individuals get bored, and you can ignore individuals, you can’t ignore booster organizations. I’ve tried to ignore every booster and my ignore list filled up. And yes, I can leave and have done so, but I think that’s a shame, trade chat had a purpose.

Make them all compete in real life like in The Hunger Games.


well from all of that i think that should be placed into game like shop where u offer boost and look for boost like looking to hire or be hired for raid , dungeon and that before start u can make condition in which will be payed and how much