New Class Sets Coming to the Trading Post!

Well class/race specific combo set could be awesome; however for Blizzard to release all of them would take suuuuuch a long time… That’s the real issue with that idea. Because that’s a LOT of combos.

Cool, will have a look… :grin:

Edit: That’s kinda neat! Sort of a spear gun theme. Not sure about the colours though; hope we get more variations later on. :blush:

Hello everyone.

An incorrect image was shared for the Hunter weapons set. We’ve adjusted the Hunter weapon image to show the correct set.


No worries :hugs:

I love the idea of Weapons being introduced, I’m just sad it’s class locked. Especially since as a Pandaren mage, rare as we are, nothing appeals to me from the mage weapons.

But the Monk Cherry Blossom themed staff is what I imagined my character having, as she is from the Jade Forest (in Roleplay) and cherryblossoms are somewhat apart of her story.

Anyway. Wether it comes or not I need to learn to accept it. Just voicing my disappointment. :frowning_face:

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There is not enough tender to buy what one wants.

Give more stuff that can give extra tender.


Bit of a cheek calling them sets


Sorry guys you’ll have to wait till next year to get the rest of the pieces
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Unfinished :white_check_mark:
Massively overpriced Tender cost :white_check_mark:
Weapons not included in set price :white_check_mark:

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Haha yeah… evoker wasnt that hot either :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

While I do appreciate the unique models that some weapons have and the efforts that the creators done , something doesn’t click for me… Ex: Evoker- staff , recolour model from Dawn of the infinite dungeon… but in other terms well done :slight_smile: . I saw that the hunter weapon changed so maybe the staff will change for evokers too :smiley:

Actually good looking cosmetics but i hope there is going to be full set cause head,belt,shoulders is kinda lame :smiley:
Weapons looks dope

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The quality is all over the place between the “sets”. The hunter one doesn’t even look like a hunter set. Then there’s the fact that it’s just 3 pieces per class, not an actual set and some of the weapons are just legion artifact recolors. And to top it all off you can get that for a full 950 trader’s tender per class? What an utter disappointment.

I am wearing basically only a tabard and a belt but even I wouldn’t call those “class sets” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Cool Zandalari troll armor for shaman, but my main isn’t a Zandalari (or a troll), so I’m keeping my tender, I guess. ^^

I think the pricing is a bit steep if someone would want to get all of those. Even if someone saved up all their Trader’s Tenders since February when Trading Post was introduced they still wouldn’t be able to afford all those sets and all those weapons. I think they should be reduced by 100 or at least 50.

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Well, that IS the idea: You can’t buy everything, so you’ll have to wait until some stuff is offered again. Get what you like most.

The issue is with the entitlement that a lot of people have…

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I won’t be able to buy everything regarldess. I’m just saying that you can’t buy it even If you haven’t spend any Trader’s Tender since it’s introduction you also can’t buy it all. What I’m suggesting that a person who saved up all their Tenders for 11 months would be able to buy it all.

Please for the love of god let the same person design armors AND weapons so there wont be mix matches like these. These do not fit each other!

Shamans eating good again! :+1:t2:

I spent a lot of tenders, lol.
bought both mounts, transmog toy, 2 swords, 2 helmets that was like 3300 tokens

from weapon department yes, that armor sets looks horrible. Who in their right mind decided that having aztec themed armor set fits wolf/tribalish look of the weapon?

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