New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Blood Elves … are superior to void elves in every single way.

You know… Depending on the race, I don’t think people would have minded it that badly, Especially if it was given allot of lore and representation in the game for 6 expansions and onwards.

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Depends on who you ask really. Too some people lore characters are iconic and represantative. And carries more importance to represent who and what they are, Even if that changes what we are familiar with. If the lore and story calls for it.

It was never “yours” to begin with, the elves have their roots in Alliance-lore. You should read the official statements from the vanilla developers and why the Horde got the elves in the first place. It will be an eye-opener.

You’ll get Ogres (based on the KT/Pandaren-model) and the Saberon (Worgen) down the line which is actually a pretty good deal in my eyes.

Meaningless sentiment to be honest used to justify a fifteen year long petty crusade of invented victimhood because some people didn’t like how the story was written. The high elves were a proper part of the alliance for ONE game, warcraft 2. A game where they were clearly not fully fleshed out yet given their stated concern for nature, woad tattoos and even mentions of high elf druid I.e they were stereotypical wood elves,not stereotypical high elves. So on the basis of a single RTS from the 1990s you wish to argue a superior claim to the high elves who have been horde for a decade and a half?

Warcraft 3 redefined them as urbane magic users, no doubt because Night Elves had taken all the wood elf tropes. By their own admission they were playing a lot of Everquest at this time so perhaps the sight of the high elves of felwithe was something of a minor inspiration . Speaking of Warcraft 3, even the manual notes the high elves had left the alliance at this point, the priest and sorceress units were those who refused the come home order.Rise of the blood elves in the frozen throne showed the final parting of the ways.

And I have seen the commentary on why they were added to the horde. There were several reasons. The need for an attractive race on the side of the horde is obvious.But there were others such as the need for a second horde base in the eastern kingdoms.

Finally, promising Ogres and Saberon,I don’t think you can make that promise. Looks to me in fact that they won’t be considering new races for a long time to come. Nor is that relevant to this discussion.The sentiment is real. Players such as yourself complained for fifteen years about having to play the horde to play a horde race, got a 95% match AND still spent two further years complaining about the remaining 5%.

And then got skin tone options proving all the talk about void elves was just, talk, and so long as you can look like a blood elf that was all that really mattered


I’m glad you’re getting to the point this quick: Faction balance. If it helps to even out some players back to the Alliance, then so be it. Besides, the Belves are the most popular playable Horde-race, it won’t hurt them to share the character design and colors with the people who have been playing the game for a long time.

You know nothing about me or my playstyle and agenda, therefore I would suggest to stay grounded. Unlike you I do not pretend to be somebody else here on the forums.

I’m unsure you have been following these topics but because you replied to other people there as well, you likely have been reading them after all. The truth is that there are several people with different requests and desires to play their fair-skinned elves. I think you realized this much when you have read across both communities.

The High elves / Blood Elves joined the horde in TBC I did not write the lore but that is a fact. So when I say they belong to the horde I am not in the wrong just like humans dwarves and night elves belong to the alliance. but not for long because ill go out of my way to campaign and get a re skin of one of your races. To be more specific im thinking like an undead dwarve or night elf mm tasty.

Faction balance? The idea that this will meaningfully help faction balance is a myth with no evidence to support it. You like the look of a race and you think other people will play that race as a result. That’s confirmation bias at it’s finest.

Faction diversity, a genuine concept with genuine meaning, is being sacrificed to allow void elves to pretend to be the ideal high elves. And I emphasise pretend because in terms of lore, you will still be playing a Void Elf, not that silver covenant elf people claimed they always wanted. Of course, I understand that particular distinction is somewhat meaningless given that the aesthetic was what was desired and the lore was always a way to justify that, but it’s helpful to point out how many people arguing for ‘pure’ high elves suddenly about faced when given blood elf skin tones.

And yes, it does hurt someone. It hurts Blood Elves. After the model was shared with the Alliance, the aesthetic was the big diversifying point for Blood Elves and then after a two year long complaining session it was shared too. Now I see requests for Blood Elf hairstyles, blood elf hair colours, blood elf jewellery options.

Blood Elves are not an a la carté menu for void elf players to take what they want. If you want to look like a Blood Elf, play a Blood Elf.


I don’t want to play a blood elf looking void elf. I want to have options which lets me be like how Alleria is. Which shows that I mastered the void and it didn’t corrupt me. (But this Void elf here will be staying as you can see her right now). Obviously if I make a high elf looking void elf I won’t say that character is a high elf, for me it’s gonna be a void elf who mastered the void and got empowered by it not corrupted by it. Hence why I was able to keep the characters appearance unchanged.

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Excuse me why would they give blue eyes to the void elves ? when the horde have had the high elves since TBC the name blood elf is political and they renamed themselves to respect their fallen count your lucky stars. Alliance even got a horde race re skin to begin with let alone now light skin colours and blue eyes. My major concern now is the lack of void skin options blood elves have now that void elves are getting our core options?.

If you wanted an option that allowed you to look like Alleria, it would have been a Worgen style transformation. Alleria herself goes full on void in combat. A void elf using non void tones therefore looks even less like Alleria than an ordinary Void elf whilst in combat.

Also, there is no such thing as a ‘high elf looking void elf’. That is like saying a ‘human looking british person’. Void Elves already are high elves. The addition of new skin tones doesn’t make them anymore of a high elf than they were before those tones were added. And these new tones won’t ‘de-void’ the nature of the character played by those who choose to use them.

A Void Elf in whatever skin is still a void elf.

Not really though…if anything their roots are in Kaldorei lore, but Kaldorei pre Alliance. I mean that’s where the founder of the nation and royal dynasty came from. I mean this is broadly the case for all Elves, Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei, Shal’dorei, Too many’Dorei’s . They all stem from Kaldorei-lore, and that lore is not Alliance lore, because the Kaldorei had no contact with the Alliance until -very- recently in terms of history.

First contact between -humans- Not Alliance, -humans- was friendly enough, but definitely a quid pro quo. You help us with the Amani, We’ll give you the secrets of magic.

After then the Elves retreated back up their own tailpipe into isolation, pretty much, not much formal contact.

The First war wasn’t a ‘them’ problem, the Second war -was- a Them problem and they did formally join the Alliance of Lordaeron. I don’t know exactly how long the Second War lasted in lore, but that is -exactly- the length of time that High Elves were formally Alliance. After that, due to King Terenas woeful misjudgment of the situation, Strom, Gilneas and the High Elves of Quel’thalas formally seceded from the Alliance.

Some few volunteers fought for Alliance units in the Third war, but the nation had its own problems going on.

Simple fact is, they have been in the Horde considerably longer than they were ever in the Alliance, an Alliance that no longer exists by the way, The Alliance of Lordaeron is deader than Undercity on a rainy Wednesday night.

The Grand Alliance has never in fact, had the Kingdom/Regency of Quel’thalas as a member.

In fact that’s really good point. No, the Elves do not belong to the Alliance. They have never -been- in the Alliance.

As for the guy everyone bashing Blood elves loves to quote, I love how they quote him whilst forgetting the one really important word. “I vaguely remember there being a poll”

Vaguely!, -Vaguely-?

Here’s the definition of what Vaguely means from the dictionary.
“in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear; roughly.”

So there might have been a poll, there might not, he’s not really sure on the details.

Even if there was That’s like “Company did market research, acted on what results they got”

Which is like, the entire point of market research and makes rubbish justification to add a race to a fantasy game that has already got good reason to not like the Alliance over the Horde, with the words of a man whose recollection of the subject is ‘Vague’ from about 14 years ago…

People need to stop bringing that guy up, that argument is getting easier and easier every time to debunk.

Where’s that coming from? Is that legit intel or are you hypothesising? Because I’d be crushed by that, would make my dream of Playable Gnolls even more unlikely…

Please not Ogres, please Blizz, not Ogres, Im’ beggin’ ya.

Yeah, I am starting to get jaded with the expanding list of demands of Blood Elf stuff that Void Elf players want. Its just crazy. Some of the requests are reasonable, but most are absolutely insane.


to many if not most people, These new options are considered the Worgen combat treatment tho. And as a bonus those who want can roleplay they are high elves ontop of that and make High elf transmogs if they want. Yes we will still be void elves by the game mechanics representation. But hopefully most of us can live with that, And appreciate this change.

I don’t see how ‘‘A void elf using non void tones there for looks even less like alleria?’’ I don’t get this… The only thing that sets us apart from Alleria when these changes arrives is our hair color and voice actors really. Otherwise we are identical. When our void elf racial procs we will always go into our void forms in combat. And can’t say i remember Alleria always changing forms in the Battle for Lordaeron scenario either? I’m gonna have to redo the scenario and have a closer look, It’s been a while. Think the Lordaeron scenario was the only time we got to see her in combat during this expansion too.

Alleria doesn’t always go full void in combat. Same thing for Void elves. I know that they are already high elves, I was just trying to explain how the void elves who will have normal skin tones will be like how Alleria is. They mastered the void hence why they can still look normal.

The only time Alleria used her void form was during the void elf recruitment scenario, nightborne one and in the three sisters comic. Other than that she was using her bow only.

This is fantastic and applaud blizzard for these changes and new customization options. Look forward to seeing them in game

I have nothing to say against the post. Looks like I got finally defeated. :confounded:

Somewhat both both more leaning towards a hypothesis. We have some hints towards theses races (as we had also hints in the past expansion about N’Zoth/Void in some form or the return of the Nagas and Azshara). The KT-model almost looks like an Ogre-cutout if you look closer and would fit well into their design. It’s not unlikely we will see them using it in the near future.

Saberons are also very likely due the Mag’har recruitment storyline. I’m pretty sure they will use the Worgen-model for it at one point.

Whether she’s a lore character or not shouldn’t matter…
They should be tied to the same lore like everyone else… At least to a certain degree…

Them having their own “classes” is one thing. Anduin wearing plate while technically being a priest for example.
And Vol’Jin being a “shadow hunter”. Or well, used to be.

But Alleria is a Void Elf, and if she’s to be a Void Elf she should look like one. Now they’re giving “normal” skins to Void Elves, so they could at least change her hair and eye color for example.

It’s like if Sylvanas looked like a High Elf while she was leading the Forsaken.

I -will- have a look at that, I have a low level KT human so I will have a look, I think the KT skeleton model would work better for Ogres than the Pandaren one, to be honest, I could see that working (Much as I loathe the idea of playabe Ogres)

I dunno, I thought the whole vibe (was a long time ago when I made my Mag’har) was that it was a one shot deal, Draenor is simply -too- dangerous to go back to, and now Yrel seems to have gone all “Convert or Die!” I can’t see people like the Saberon still knocking around, or if they are, they’d be some weird part of her corrupt crusade. But then who knows, the Arrakoa are there, and their religion is largely about Shadow for the grounded ones, but the flying ones were pretty uber ‘Sun’, so not a million miles away from Tauren Sunwalkers I guess.

Could of course just be that Yrel’s major concern was bringing her former enemies to heel and co-opting them, rather than the other neutral (to a given value of they hate -everybody-) species of Draenor, so it was a very Anti-Orc focussed crusade, which does actually make a degree of sense…

Still, I can hope for Gnolls. Man’s gotta have a dream…


Funny thing is that the KT-models are a very advanced Pandaren-model. The only leftovers you will actually recognize are the channeling- and fear-animation on them.

[quote=“Brigante-argent-dawn, post:943, topic:154176”]
I dunno, I thought the whole vibe (was a long time ago when I made my Mag’har) was that it was a one shot deal, Draenor is simply -too- dangerous to go back to, and now Yrel seems to have gone all “Convert or Die!” I can’t see people like the Saberon still knocking around, or if they are, they’d be some weird part of her corrupt crusade[/quote]

I have never seen it for myself but people actually rallied for them because they went over to Azeroth with the Mag’har Orcs and it’s apparently an established lore as well:

I have seen it now for myself. After you land back in Azeroth you see some NPCs running away in the background.

Source of the video: