New customization options for blood elves and void elves

More options :ok_hand:


the body custumizations are nice :o:

can i run around like that in goldshire and rp?


We’d really rather you didn’t. Unless you mean on a non-rp realm in which case, well, that’s down to the local inhabitants!

More? From what I can tell they removed the body jewelry.

And the replacement aint much better.


I really hope they are adding those body jewelry back. I was planning to use them on my blood elf mage :pensive:


but jewelry gonna be underwear :man_shrugging:. Unless you
 Your choice :grin:

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One importen question .

Will this be avable options for a demon hunter blood elfs aswell ??

High Elves left the Alliance of Lordaeron during third war not second.

Incorrect, ‘‘few volunteers’’ is their prince Kael counted as volunteer ?
Elves even went through dark portal alongside humans to end Horde threat
All High Elves, Lordaeron Humans, Ironforge Dwarves and Gnomes were part of the Old Alliance during that time

Yes because it was forced, it doesnt make sense for a Blood Elf to join Horde.
Why would they want to join on same team with people who burned their forests and killed their kin ?
I know they are not the same Orcs and Trolls but still it doesnt make sense for them to join Horde while Alliance is there obvious choice for them
It is something like adding ogres to the Alliance because they are not part of the New Horde.

Incorrect Quel’thalas was part of the Alliance of Lordaeron alongside Ironforge Dwarves and Gnomes
New Horde didnt have any connections with Quel’dorei, Sylvanas argument makes no sense it was forced to add some lore reasons behind terrible decision.
High Elves weren’t part of the New Alliance but they were part of the Old Alliance, staying neutral or joining the New Alliance are the only viable choices if you care about the lore.
Only difference between WoW Alliance and Lordaeron Alliance is Humans, replace Lordaeron Humans with Stormwind Humans and Add few more races, there is your New Alliance.

Incorrect, Elves always belong to the Alliance, old or new it doesnt matter, Ogres are not part of the New Horde but that doesnt change the fact that they are a Horde race
Blizzards bad writing of WoW story caused people like you to think that way
Play Warcraft 2 and 3, see why High Elves always had bond with the Alliance and why they hated the Horde
Blizzard simply disrespected Elf lore by adding them to Horde.
Every argument i have seen about Blood Elves joining Horde make no sense and feels forced, there is not a good reason to join your enemy while your old Alliance is there
Even Blizzard said that they added Elves to Horde due to faction imbalance and playable Paladins for Horde
They choose the gameplay over the good story which is more important for them
If Blizzard released Warcraft 4 instead of WoW you wouldn’t see Blood Elves in Horde


Yep, i don’t understand why people keep arguing that Blood Elves weren’t shoehorned in the Horde due to meta reasons, it was like, come on.

Finish WC3 and you’ll understand why they’re not in the Alliance. :upside_down_face:

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The only thing that The Curse of the Blood Elves campaign pointed was their allegiance with Illidan and Vashj since they needed a source of magic and Illidan gave them through siphoning demons, 0 indicatives of Blood Elves joining the Horde, if anything, the only Blood Elves who saw Garitho’s betrayal were Kael’thas and his followers, the ones we killed in Burning Crusade. Also, Garithos and these events were never mentioned in World of Warcraft, at all. It was seemingly forgotten as even in MoP the Sin’dorei were negotiating with Varian to join the Alliance, but meta reasons again struck and they made that dumb story of Jaina getting mad and kicking them out of Dalaran as a reason for that not to happen.

Also, the Alliance of Lordaeron =/= The Grand Alliance. If you want to transport the crimes commited by Garithos to the modern Alliance and use them as reasoning for Blood Elves not joining it, i might as well play the same card and mention the burning of Eversong and slaughter committed by the Old Horde to the High Elves in the Second war as reasoning why Blood Elves as part of the Horde make no sense.

Here’s the real reason why Blood Elves were throwned in the Horde: 42 second mark.

Kaplan mentions that the main reasoning for including the Blood Elves on the Horde was to give them a pretty race and bring the demographic of players who don’t like ugly races to play the faction, i see no lore reasons been mentioned here.


I know that. And maybe I will :wink:

Play WC2 and you’ll understand why they shouldn’t be a Horde race :relaxed:
Also i recommend you to play WC3 Blood Elf campaign with your brain so you will see that Lord Garithos wasn’t even a part of the WoW Alliance :slightly_smiling_face:
Hypocrisy of Belf players is beyond my imagination at this point :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Blood Elves, i my honest opinion, should’ve been a Neutral Race back in Burning Crusade, Silvermoon had no ties with the Grand Alliance or the Horde and not being in a state of war with either faction would bring them more safety and a brighter future than they would’ve got by being at odds with the Alliance or Horde.

At least, since Void Elves are by all means Blood Elves, but with Void flavor, and they are even getting customization that made them look like the Sin’dorei, we can think that Blood Elves are finally a Neutral Race, sort of.

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There was really no lore reason why Sin’dorei were added to the Horde. But I think they tried to write that with those night elven sentinels that were spying on them. But I honestly believe they were trying to find a way to maybe help them fix the scourge problem and restore Quel’thalas to its former glory and were trying to do that in secret for some reason but the blood elves thought they were trying to sabotage them so they killed all the night elven forces. I could be wrong but I see no other reason.

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Not all void elves are blood elves though. Alleria wasn’t one and new high elves have joined them.

Originally the Night Elf NPCs were Druid whom were assisting the Blood Elves in restoring the Ghostlands, just like what Malfurion was doing briefly in Silverpinewhen he and Tyrande were chasing Illidan and had a encounter with the Blood Elves. Later on, once the decision to make Blood Elves a Horde race was taken, they change the story and the intent of these Night Elves as spies, which make no sense considering previous relations the Night Elves had with them, but hey, Blizzard is willing to ruin and distort lore to justify meta and gameplay decisions.

Yes, but the Void Elves we recruited in the recruitment scenario were Blood Elf scholars, we even see some of them who didn’t got voided in Telogrus.

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Both Helves and Belves actually, can see them in Telogrus.

To think none of this would’ve happened if Blizzard simply hadn’t messed it up with the whole Belf/Helf story

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They really should have changed that better though. Why was there any reason for night elves to spy on them anyway? No reason at all. They should have found a better reason why blood elves ended up joining the Horde. Or they could have just put a simple text “Our Alliance “allies” have refused to help us retake our land in fear of our new ways of dealing with our magical addiction but our former ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner has sent her forsaken to help us, so not all hope is lost. If these Forsaken will really help us we will return the favor by helping them and their allies” this would have been so easy to put in lol