But Pandaren aren’t Elves and don’t have as bigger fanbase as the Blood Elves do.
This is my main Warlock:
I believe if you want to look like him, then you have to be a Blood Elf.
Their are features that should stay with Blood Elves and only Blood Elves, just like features that are for Night Elves and shouldn’t be shared with Nightborne.
And an allied race should NEVER have more features than it’s core race, counterpart.
I personally love it. They symbolise the “Blood” in blood elves.
I actually want to have Belf hair and use purple hair color alongside my purple transmog 
Well you can - their are so slight copies such as the ponytails for male and female and the braided hairstyle for void elves.
I think it comes down to just being creative with the features you’ve got.
I was able to make a High Elf Kirin Tor Mage yesterday on a Void Elf, without needing the Blood Elf features.
I think people just need to be more creative and think about what High Elves could also look like. Purple hair and purple eyes is an excellent feature if one wishes to also play a High Elf looking Arcane Mage. (Which I kind of do, after looking at what I made.
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Well my hunter wouldn’t wanna have purple hair color. She would still look different like Alleria does: blonde,pale skin and blue eyes. Sadly I can’t achieve that look.
Well that could be something they bring in, whether it comes from the Human’s pallet of hair colours or the Blood Elves’ pallet of hair colours.
I’m just showing quick examples that things can be done with the features that Blizzard have given to us. Alliance High Elf appearances seem to have a very “Arcane Mage” affect, which works because High Elves are extremely good Arcanists - just as Alleria says.
Everyone has their own tastes. As somebody who loves Thalassian Arcane lore, both Void/High Elves and Blood Elves have features that really showcase what I love about this entire group of Elves. Obviously, others have other preferences such as those who like them as Farstriders and those who love their Blood Knights.
This bit from the Shadowlands Zones, Covenant Armor, and Character Customization Interview with Art Director Ely Cannon on Wowhead is interesting:
“It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out.” Especially “choose where they want to align” speaks in favour of full high elf options for void elves. Meaning hair.
What about those options that are also available for Blood Elves. So could it be that choosing where they want to align, could be whether they want to align with the Blood Elves or the Void Elves?
Blue eyed blood elves do exist as per the Sunreavers.
I mean, he does also say “ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available”
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I think it’s about some high elves choosing to come back to Silvermoon, and some choosing to stay with the Alliance, becoming playable as blood or void elves. For this to be the case, though, we’d need to be able to get hair that’s similar to what high elf NPCs currently have. Otherwise, it’d just be peachy, beige and tan looking void elves.
But the key part is saying that they might do more, but they’re only bringing in a few.
I gave you a few examples of hairstyles you could use from Humans and Blood Elves, such as Vereesa’s hairstyle, her Ranger Captain’s hairstyle from Legion (who has a very feminine sounding voice) and perhaps both getting high-ponytails in silver/grey or light blonde.
This is very fair and the Blood Elf hair colours that are very symbolic for them are kept for Blood Elves - such as the reds and browns.
I agree with everything, up until this point:
There’s absolutely no lore based reason why certain hair colours shouldn’t be available to void/high elves with the new skin tones.
But Blood Elves should still be unique.
They were playable first. You can still have a high elf with blonde or grey hair. You don’t need every blood elf hair colour.
We don’t need to play this game at all. I will still request that playable Alliance high elves get all the proper options. Not necessarily all the blood elf options, of course, but all options that we currently see high elves have.
Well please look to Humans. They are all Alliance.
You don’t need every Blood Elf hairstyle and hair colour.
Hear hear! I agree 100%
I also want to look to night elves and dwarfs for hairstyle inspiration for void and high elves.
Well remember what Blizzard also said:
They are only making a few for the time being.
To me, this is the eye colour for blood elves and skin and eye colour for void elves. Whether they choose to do more, we don’t know.
I wouldn’t expect more coming in the immediate future. From the way it sounds - they are putting all Elves, except Nightborne, on a temporary shelf.
LFD and HMT are currently being worked on.
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If 1 NPC is enough to qualify then Alliance having blue-eyed High Elf Paladins and green-eyed Blood Elf characters is all good.
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Very doubtful. They said nothing about hair colors so it’s very likely Void elves won’t get natural hair colors (I honestly knew this was going to happen. Horde getting the full High Elf aesthetic while Alliance will yet again be given the middle finger). Honestly I don’t understand why they even bothered to give void elves natural skin colors if not hair colors. Either both or neither one of them. But not STUCK IN BETWEEN.
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Doesn’t mean, it won’t happen.
And you can still get “High Elven” hairstyles through Human and Night Elf hairstyles.
On MMO-Champion, people have managed to create things that either use the current void elf hairstyles and the human hairstyles.
These are for the males.
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Why on earth High elves would ever consider returning to Silvermoon? Most of them yes they miss their home but would never consider allying themselves with blood elves. They hate the blood elves because they literally kicked them out of their homeland and allied themselves with the orcs and trolls who were always enemies of the High elves.
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Blood Elves were a neutral nation at the time of that event and they sided with the Horde because not only did they face the Amani threat and the Scourge, but hostile Night Elf spies were also causing trouble for the Sanctums in northern Eversong and setting up spying operations around Tranqullien, which surrounded the town on all sides.
The Blood Elves were facing three enemies at once.
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