New customization options for blood elves and void elves

The Void works differently for everyone. For the Blood elves from Ghostlands most likely the Void Mutated them into a complete Void appearance. But for New comers wanting to learn the void especially High elf ones like we see at the Rift, it could change them slightly and not entirely.

The Void has different effects on different people. That’s why some hairstyles have Tentacles and others not.

I know that. That Is pretty much what I was saying before. :slight_smile: but technically it’s supposed to be like Alleria is. No changes. Sorry if I didnt put it like you did. But honestly Im just up for more options. I’m not even gonna use them but I still hope they’ll be added

At the end of the day Blizzard Decides. It’s their lore.

I just went along with the Grey hair because its what’s shown to us so far. If Blizzard decides to add more, namely black hair, I will use that instead. It’s up to them to make the story

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Exactly. There’s really no reason to argue. Everyone has their own opinions, ideas and requests. But Blizzard will decide in the end

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Pretty much this. Well Good night I gotta sleep

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Wrong, you are arguing for MORE options, specifically Hair Colours belonging to another race if not more options in some cases.

If there was no opposition to your argument then then you would think everyone unanimously agreed with everything you ask for, unfortunately for you I and hopefully a majority of Blood Elf players disagree with you “needing” all these options as you dilute our player race.

I wasn’t trying to argue. I was just stating my opinion so this high elf requests could finally be put to rest.

The people asking… no begging and trying to silence those who appose them in this will never be High elves, they are Void elves and that’s all they’ll ever be, Their tag will be Void elf and they’ll go Void like in combat because they “are” Void abominations.

Even if you get fair skin, you are NOT a High elf, you are a Void elf, you will never be a High elf again.

I wasn’t really trying to do that. I’m really sorry if I sounded like that. I was just saying that natural hair colors would make the high elf look complete and the requests could finally end. I never once tried to bring anyone down.

Edit: I know that lol, I said before that neither races are High Elves technically speaking. They are Blood and Void elves. Blizzard just wants to add high elf options to both factions so players on both sides could be happy.

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You are not the problem if I’m honest, it’s fine to request things but you need to be prepared for opposition and fight/convince your opponents, There are individuals who have admitted they dont care about how other players feel and if they could they’d “take it all”.

I have no ill will against you, I just want you to understand by trying to look like us you are taking away apart of our race identity, I realise technically you are the same race but you are tainted/corrupted and some of that corruption still has to show.

I understand that. I really do. I was suggesting before that only a few options should be added to void elves:
Skin colors: only the very pale ones and darker ones while leaving the reddish ones unique to Blood Elves
Hair colors: blonde,platinum blonde (because those two have Alleria and the High Elf npc’s in Telogrus Rift), maybe brown, white and black. I don’t think adding red or orange is needed and they should stay unique to Blood Elves. Like I said I won’t be using any of these, but I would be very happy if Blizzard added them so the requests for High Elves could finally end once and for all.

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I would be pretty against it, to be honest. My comments here clearly shows that. My dream is for my Void elf to look “slightly” more like a High elf, and that Dream is coming true in Shadowlands with or without the hair color.

Hair color is not really a main factor of the High elves. What makes a High elf unique and great is the blue eyes and the Loyalty to the Alliance. That’s why I’m happy even without the hair colors. I can think of it as a Unique Hair dye


But their “requests” won’t end there, thats what I’m saying.

This may sound like Hyperbole but they wont end until Blizz let them change their race tag from Void elf to High elf, maybe make it so they can choose different racials so they dont go Voidy…

These… people won’t be satiated until they have everything if not more of what the Blood elves have and they would not deny this as they have no shame.

I understand where you stand, and I’m happy you are happy.

I’m happy to hear that, but most players want the hair colors as well. I want them so they can be happy that’s all nothing more. I only wanted golden jewelry for Night Elves and some regal hair styles but sadly that won’t come true, but I accepted that.

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I also against these people. I don’t hate them (I love everyone in this world even those who bullied me) but that’s a bit too much that’s 100% true. Skin and hair colors should be enough and if Blizzard will add the hair colors and players will still won’t be satisfied and this community will let me down :-/

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I don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable, but you need to take other peoples feelings into consideration when fighting your case instead of constantly trying to shut them down, at least you and Vanalia are being more constructive.

I do though, I know there will be a lot of angry blood elf fans, but I trying to look at the positive side and I want to see everyone happy. My hopes for Night Elf options were shattered, so I hope for others won’t be.

One thing you’ll learn in life especially after having kids is you can never please or make everyone happy, you can try but it’s a futile endeavour.

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Well Blizzard could have easily added Night Elves a golden option for the silver jewelry but I guess they didn’t had time :frowning:

Edit: well it is what it is. Hopefully if Naga will be added as a playable race/allied race they will have golden jewelry as an option.

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Honestly, you shouldn’t do all this to make people happy. Unless you really want the customization yourself, you shouldn’t waste your energy on the topic. Instead you could use that energy to get golden accessories for Night elves. Shadowlands isn’t here yet and the customization isn’t done. You have time to convince blizzard. But don’t spam, just send them one or two suggestions about the golden accessories.