New customization options for blood elves and void elves

The art director has said that customisation options will continue to be added indefinitely, through Shadowlands and beyond, as they have proved so popular. Don’t lose hope for the things you would like to see. :slight_smile:


Trust me I did, I made a topic only for Night Elves and their Highborne options and then another topic for all elves In wow. And I honestly don’t care about what I want anymore (same goes for my life in general) if people get what they want and their happy then I’m happy as well.

Maybe but I wouldn’t count on what they said. They said and promised a lot of things and never added them

You should stop talking like that and please go speak to your GP get someone to talk too please, don’t make me worry about you.

As for options trust me I know how you feel, me and many hunters have been very vocal on how unhappy we are with MM hunter but the few Hunters on Alpha baarely reported on it so now because of no feedback we are going to be stuck being a horrible clunky spec again in SL’s, If I get into beta im going in and bug reporting the class fully.

It’s fine, I’ve been like this since I was 12 or 13. It’s kind of who I am now. :slight_smile: , what i also came to accept it that Wow will never be like other MMO’s in terms of customization options or classes, but I never understood why? They don’t have time or don’t want to? I’m not a gamer and I don’t play any games besides wow which I only play sometimes, so I never understood this

Just let me tell you one thing, you are not worthless and your life is precious please don’t put yourself down.

Talking to someone could always help.

Also you dont have to be a gamer to enjoy games.

Here’s a quote from earlier what was wanted to void elves… it wont just stop to haircolors believe me. This post alone annoyed me… this wanted everything and anything leaving blood elves body jewelry and green eyes.

Like you are begging for blizzard not to add those things and trying to silence people? and typing like a mad person? Man the Irony is real here…

Tbh keep your green eyes and the jewelry.


So hard to understand that you are atm posting high elf charr and void elves are too helfs with difrent flavor? Christ all helf fans are like 6y old… THEY GOT THAT I WANT IT TOO GIVE ME ALL

Thank you for saying that, but my life hardly has any meaning besides being here for nothing. Believe me I tried to talk to people and it never worked. But it’s not that bad like I said it’s kind of normal when you’ve been like this since you were 12. :slight_smile:

Okay and how old are people against high elf costums like 4? We are just asking for it and Maybe we will never get it? Do I think we deserve some high elf costums? Yes I do we are asking for high elves 15 years now. But that is my personal opinion ofc. So take a good look in the mirror before saying something dear :wink:.

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Helfs have been in game since tbc

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Yes and they are in the alliance.

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I think you’ll find they are apart of the Horde and have beenfor the last 14 years, albeit renamed as Blood Elves.

Name change doesn’t change their race, the elves who hang around your Alliance cities are a disgrace to all those who died defending our elven home.

There still part of the alliance dear. They refused to join the horde so deal with it :sunglasses:.

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Oh look at you, trying to trigger me won’t work.

You are like that other person I’ve got on ignore, never happy fanatic who wants MORE, People like you deserve all the resistance you get and lets face it “dear” High elves will never be playable to you because you have Void elves.

And people like you are just butt hurt because we are asking something that are not even related to Blood elves. KT hair colors and other alliance races hair styles. Hell make the void parts braids.


Well every elf has a different opinion when it comes to joining a faction.

Sylvanas May have forgiven the Horde

But Alleria and Vereesa clearly didn’t.

The Orcs killed Windrunner’s Parents, brother, cousins, Aunts, and Uncles almost wiping out the Windrunner family.

Imagine that Happens to your family. Would be hard to forgive and Forget.

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@Syleenia Should I refer you to Azrathel’s earlier post quoted by @Seracia, Also why extinguish what makes a Void elf unique? After all you are a Void elf, you’re player tag says so.

And the Alliance betrayed us and sent us to slaughter many time to quell their own loss’s, The Alliance being new or Old are just as bad as the Horde.

Also the Alliance had many notable racists who just wanted to see our kind die, not to mention Arthas was still the prince of Lordaeron and a key member of the old Alliance when he went on his murdering spree to revive Kel’Thuzad.