New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Again. It seems only Hunters will be happy with these customizations and every other class just has to “go with it”

And for the millionth time, we are not High elves. We are slightly natural looking Void elves. What don’t you understand from that part?

I can say it in Darnassian if it helps.

Because they did half work here. You might be happy with the customizations But I know many people who are still waiting for some Hair colors and different hairstyles. And there is nothing wrong with that.

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I wouldn’t say Adding faces, skin colors, and eye colors is “Half work”. That’s not fair to blizzard. They did their best to give us High elves without taking away the Void part. And they did a really good job, especially looking at Ian’s comment. I never would’ve thought they would do something like this. I’m happy they did.

Again you might be happy with it but I know many people who aren’t. And the horde always got the best things and they have the most players. sorry but I do believe it would be fair for us to get these options.

fair how? what is the ‘best things’ you’re talking about?

why do you think you deserve this and Blood Elf players deserve to have their identity mirrored identically?

Headcanon. Where’s the citation for the “high elves are peasants?” tell that to the plethora of helf mages people drawing on for evidence of their numbers.

“Most are rangers” - since when? How many have you seen other than the windrunner sisters? Belf farstriders outnumber helf rangers by far. Again, headcanon. Helf are majority mages (as are belf) and have a ranger corp within their numbers (like belf).

This is what muddies the waters of debate. There are grounds to make helf and belf different enough to warrant their inclusion as a seperate playable choice for alliance that isn’t just a clone. These grounds include stuff like the influence of living with humans for longer, alliance support, their clear blue-gold colour scheme and moving them towards a more purist arcane angle (purple eyes) whereas belf have the whole arcane-light dichotomy going on.

But just drawing upon random assertions that have no evidence to support them as a way to force artificial difference upon them (which subsequently denies perfectly legitimate customization to belf) is just a completely dumb way to do it.

High elves are already in the alliance and the only thing I asked for is Or just Brown, blond and Light blue like frost fencer Seraphi And some uncorrupted hair styles like human hair styles or Non currupted void elf hair but then with braids.

that doesn’t answer the questions to what you said

I mean more like Void elf hair styles with braids instead of the void would be a good idea for high elves. And that is my own opinion. And the only thing I want is them to look different from blood elves.

I get that, believe me. I just think if you’re giving a braided hairstyle to helf, but not belf, there will be legitimate questions as to why - belf players have been asking for braids for yonks.
Give it to helf - but give it to belf as well.
To make my stance clear, here’s how i’d do it:

Both belf and velf receive:

  • hairstyles with braids
  • blue eyes
  • face markings (in respective colours)
  • scars
  • ornaments in hair
  • arcane tattoos (different colours)
  • pale flesh skin tones as well as the “black” skin tones
  • hair colours like brown, black, blonde, grey
  • facial hair
  • some shared hairstyles across both races

Velf Only get:

  • access to the “voidy skin tones”
  • purple eyes
  • jewellry that is blue and gold/silver and blue
  • the “voidy” hair colours with tentacles
  • haircuts that are shared with humans, lots of shorter styles for example
  • light blue hair

Belf only get:

  • the “reddish” flesh tones for skin
  • green and yellow eyes
  • jewellry which is green/red and gold or green/red and silver
  • red, ginger, auburn hair colours and several different shades of blonde
  • more generically elven hairstyles that aren’t accessible by velf, overall tending towards longer hair styles.

That’s how i’d do it. Alliance players can be their pale blonde high elf, belf keep some stuff for themselves. They share in some customisations but they have a colour difference.


But the problem with that is the blood elf community is gonna be like Omg they stole our things again. And I want to prevent that. I just want this to stop. Because do you think I enjoy this arguing? No I don’t but I am not gonna let people walk over me telling me I am a thief or something else.

That’s what my solution offers: options for differences.

I think the issue arises is because some people articulate their posts in a way that comes across as they want the velf to have access to exactly what belf have, or where they pitch a difference, they pitch something the belf community has been asking for for themselves and so they’re not exactly happy about having that option being used as an exclusive feature for helf given they’ve asked for it prior (facial tattoos are a good example of this).

In my mind the only way to make it stop is to give “some” of what belf have to velf, but not all. So you let them have some of the pale skins (but not the reddier ones) you let them have some of the natural colours (ie a brown, a black, a blonde) but not all of them (red tones and other shades of blonde reserved for belf) and you let them share some haircuts (but you have the different ones for helf taken from human styles, the belf get some unique elven styles).

Ultimately there is going to be no way to make both camps happy, but this is in my eyes the only way the debate will realistically end. A core principle people seem prepared to argue until they’re blue over is blonde hair, so long as you give helf players an option to be blonde, this is satisfied. The ire only starts when they start asking for every single blonde tone belf players have, and their hairstyles, and this, and that. The reason it stinks is because velf will always have those void options as well that belf cannot have, so it becomes a case of “we have everything you have, but more!” which i hope I don’t have to point out creates sour grapes in the core race playerbase when the “allied race” they are drawn from have every option they have and more still! And on the opposite faction no less! Yes, the lore may allow it from a technical point of view, but if factions are to be maintained as “different” in some respect, you have to take a pragmatic line somewhere and go “look, this is enough to capture the fantasy of that race in a way you’ve been asking for, but we need to keep some things different” but doing so in a way that doesn’t fly completely in the face of that lore- it has a reasonable root within it (ie the human haircuts)

Yes, there would be “no good reason” for the helf not to get “every tone of blonde” or “every elven hairstyle” but a line has to be drawn somewhere for pragmatic purposes. So long as the high fantasy can be played legitimatley, does it really matter if the guys on the other faction have 3 hairstyles you don’t have? You have your blonde, blue eyed alliance elf.

People who argue beyond that point it becomes clear it’s less about wanting to play a high elf for it’s own sake and enjoyment, and seems to be about wanting their requests serviced above all other considerations and that isn’t healthy whomever is doing it.


Then why don’t you let Blizzard solve the problem instead of coming up with Solutions. If you suggest something , then expect people to give their opinions on it. That’s natural.

It’s not like we haven’t come up with a solution anyway. We did all agree Black and white hair colors being added to Void elves would make both sides happy. But you were the one who disagreed with this saying we should instead borrow all the hair colors from the Kul Tirans (which is a horrible idea if I’m being honest)

I also think Void elves need some long hairstyles tbh Like what I said with the void hair styles make them braids instead.

Well It might not be the best idea to have them have the KT hair colors but They do need a brown, blond, And light blue hair color. Maybe make them a little lighter. then the blood elves.

If you want Blonde, Brown, and other natural hairstyles then the solution is simple: Play a Blood elf. You may not like this answer, but it’s the only logical one.

The only natural hair I can see added to Void elves and it would make sense at the same time is Black and White hair because it matches the void theme.

Remember, we are VOID elves who appear slightly natural. We are NOT High elves.

That is the problem with you people I don’t want to play a blood elf I want to play a high elf on the alliance side. And HIGH elves JOIN their RANKS jesus how many times must I tell you that?

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see this is the problem; trying to throw Blood Elves a bone by making them into ‘darker’ type of elves where the helf is the ‘lighter’ one,

which would be all kinds of lore-wrong considering the Blood Elf racial identity since the rebirth of the Sunwell,
they are the Light wielder race of the Horde, particularly as the Nightborne have taken the mantle of the Arcanist race of the Horde - they are misunderstood pragmatic good guys not evil

I don’t even understand the point about red skin tones… where does that even come from? why would any of us want to be red skinned?
hair colour I can understand, we might dye our hair for some odd faction pride but skin colour?

short of lightforging us(which is my wish) there isn’t really anything that would level the playing field here

I am all for Light options for the blood elves and I think it would be a great idea.

Can people pls just STOP ARGUING! It won’t get any of you anywhere :joy:. Blizzard will decide in the end. All you can do is voice your ideas and opinions but not start a fight.

I am just getting pist off by someone telling us OMG play this race because you cant have it. It’s just irritating…