New customization options for blood elves and void elves

Well if you need any help, I’ll come on my Mage, Minairia - she’s got Timewarp, so we could clear the bosses quickly.


Horde usually wins in pvp every time. So you could do battlegrounds and you’ll get marks of honor at the end. You don’t really have to do much just run around attack players and that’s pretty much it lol

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But queue times are long, on the Horde.
By the time you’ve entered your first BG - you could have got 3 or 4 pieces of the heroic eagletalon set by then.

Also, marks of honor are not a guarantee.

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I will bear that in mind! It’s very kind, thank you. ^^ Maybe I could add you as friend?

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My friends-list is full, but if you add Minairia - I should be on later today :hugs:

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Really? My nightborne usually waits 5-10 min and she’s in a battleground. I think it depends on your realm. I play in Aerie Peak and it’s not that populated but I don’t need to wait long when I’m on my nightborne

If you win battlegrounds they are 100% I can confirm that

Edit: also there’s that weekly quest if you win I think 5 battlegrounds you get marks of honor as a reward

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But all of that work could go to waste if you have some bad PvP pugs and your not getting marks of honor.
The time can really add up, unless you queue for two’s with a friend and win those.

It’s easier to perhaps do this, during the Battleground Week and make sure you’ve set aside a lot of time.

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Unfortunately my hunter is a recent boost and doesn’t have cloak or any sort of decent gear yet, I wouldn’t be any help at all in heroic :joy: Thanks for the offer though!! I just need to pull my socks up and actually do some work on my characters, lol.

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I know that, it’s frustrating sometimes but if you have patience it will work out in the end :slight_smile: I don’t like pvp but I did do a lot of battlegrounds so I can buy the pvp legion sets lol, was a long run but it was worth it

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It’s alright :grin:

I’ve soloed heroic Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold before now. Just have to pop timewarp, blow CD’s and the boss still drops :rofl:

The beauty of a mage. :joy: I’ll keep an eye out for you later, then!

I’ll definitely go on a mark of honour hunt as well, soon. ^^


That’s true and I have very little patience when it comes to PvP. Argent Dawn’s battlegroup seems to be very Alliance-favored as I can PvP on my Void Elf Priest and win 99% of every battlegrounds. I jump on Leia and it’s loss after loss after loss.

I think, Blizzard did an error when it came to removing the marks of honor from the Warden Towers. I believe they should have only awarded 1 or 2, but still made them available so players who don’t pvp could still get the transmog sets.
I mean, we aren’t farming for the gear or to be the best PvP player in WoW - it’s just a transmog appearance and I think, for both Warden Towers and the Horde/Alliance invasion - they should have awarded 1 or 2, instead of either gold or azerite.

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Don’t you dare blizzard to forget about adding ear size for void elves. Blood and night elves will have them but no void elves? Unfair.


I prefer sets without helmets, or with headpieces that don’t hide the hair or faces myself. I’ve found a hood that can work, and only the eyebrow colour will show, but I’d rather not be restricted to having to hide my character’s features. The set is nice, though, and the rusty colour sort of ties together the blood elven style with the Orgrimmarian rusty visuals. Very much in theme for a truly Horde aligned blood elf.

I’ve always just assumed, taken it for granted, that the ear sizes will be coming for void/high elves as well. It shouldn’t be too difficult, and would only be natural.

When Void Elves and Nightborne will have their turn they will get them as well

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I just remembered, the blood elves also have a unique heritage armour that we won’t see on the Alliance side. There’s also a set of uniquely blood elven mounts. Both hawkstriders and the golden dragonhawk mount are unique to Horde players. (And I want it to stay like that.)

I mean, there’s so many ways to make your blood elf stand out as uniquely a Horde blood elf, as opposed to an Alliance high elf, that a few hair options seem irrelevant for the blood elven uniqueness.

I’d like to order access to full high elf hair for the Alliance void/high elves, please.

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Why do people go on about Arcane Torrent?
It isn’t even that good after a total nerf.

Whether or not it’s better isn’t really relevant, though. It’s different, and that’s what seems to be the main issue for the people who are set on not wanting Alliance to have access to high elf options. Arcane torrent won’t be rolled over to void elves, so that’s another unique feature for the blood elves.