Well, I’m not. MoP was the best expansion anyways. And no one can claim I’d just take any poop they feed me, looking at my posts in this forum.
Ion even just mentioned that when we say “For the Horde”, it doesn’t mean we say it to eradicate the Alliance but more as a feeling of Horde faction pride (as in WC3 Horde), so I guess they definitely abandoned faction war ideas where the Horde is aggressive…even if a faction war will happen in the (far) future of 11.0, it’s the Alliance that will start it…I guess
I’m not even sold on that to be honest.
I honestly don’t think their will be another red vs blue for a long while, unless it is started by the Alliance - but again, do we go back to the old cycle?
Start out at war, then half way through - work together, then kill / attack a racial leader? (Garrosh, Sylvanas…Turaylon??) Just seems so boring.
I’m not sold on Dragonflight, but we need more story context.
So after they gave the Blood Elf model to the Alliance and we got Sin’dorei with blue eyes and the “Kaldorei” model in the Horde as exchange with the Nightborne, I guess now we got the Human model too…how far the Horde has changed
maybe for some Horde players it would have been better if the Horde got Ogres or Forest Trolls though…to complete that WC2-WC3 Horde feeling…certainly non-Blood Elf Horde players will not be very happy that you can make a Dragon Humanoid with only an elven model tho…as a Blood Elf player for me it’s okay, I feel good especially after Leià told me even without an update of Quel’thalas the Sin’dorei will be involved in the story with the Reliquary…but, all the rest of Horde players , I can alreadt see them complaining because of that
Without faction representation the expansion is useless.
I don’t. Indeed, the more they tie it in the more likely it will be another failure. Just let me explore what’s there an where that came from. Tuskarr culture, gnoll culture, titan ruins, centaur culture, drangon-hunting half giants… I mean, sure, they will point a spotlight at some raid level threats, but the more standalone they are, the better for WoW in my book…
The story context at the starts helps me understand why we’re here. So, as a Horde player - I’d like to speak with the Blood Elves of the Reliquary to see what’s going on here and, along with Alexstrasza, know what we need to do.
Can’t say I care about that at all.
I want to snatch the old Horde leader’s souls from the Shadowlands and bring them back to life. That was my only goal from the last expansion.
Ok - I care because…?
Helps me just get set up so I can then move through the zone. Everything falls into place when I know the story as to why we’re here.
Shadowlands - I understood, but then it got really confusing when we went to Bastion. Now, I don’t have a bloody clue what Shadowlands is about. I really dont get how ZM connects to the Maw.
posting it here so everyone can see it.
At first I didn’t get an inch of excitement from the cinematic. I guess it would have been a good move to show some familiar settings and faces in order to truly and immediately anchor it in the WoW feeling that we’ve been deprived of in SL. Also the Dracthyr look completely awkward and it’s a shame that they had to come up with a brand new unknown race instead of picking one from the Dragonkin.
… But then there were the deep dive interviews and now I’m overly enthusiastic about the expansion. The zones look amazing, they’re FINALLY fleshing out Centaurs, we’re getting to interact with Tuskarr, the new Gnoll subraces are amazing, especially the Drust-looking ones… Then there’s some hints about a rebirth of the Black Dragonflight… Oh jeez.
Actually I’m just getting big Pandaria vibes from that. The “scientists and settlers exploring a long-forgotten land” thing and all that. It feels… nice.
Me too. A magic island appearing out of nowhere, where we go just to explore and help out, with a focus on the uniquely developed cultures there, and that’s set to tie itself into the history of Azeroth without reconnung the parts we already played through? Yeah, that sounds like MoP, if they don’t mess it up. We don’t know the A plot yet, though…
After watching it a few times, I do get what Wimbert via saying and it is exciting because we know nothing about it…to an extent. No faction war also gives rise to more exploring and I think this is the core of what Blizzard want.
I am feeling old school and a bit boring though as I’m thinking of taking my Blood Elf Mage and Night Elf Druid through the isles as the first two. Seems to make the most sense to me.
After which I’ll level my Nightborne Priest and Lightforged Hunter.
Don’t really like the sound of the new class,so I’m probably going to skip that.
EDIT: Update;
Khadgar, Tyrande and Wrathion will also heavily feature throughout the expansion.
Excited for Khadgar and Wrathion…but Tyrande again…? She’s heavily featured throughout the last 3 expansions and this one as well? Smells like Danuser still has a secondary waifu who he needs to insert into everything now that Sylvanas has left the scene.
Horde faction pride… lol, even the meme is dead, at this point.
What is happening, why it’s happening, when it’s happening and who/what it’S happening to are kinda important to build actual investment. Best we can hope for is that they lay the cards on the table and then organically develop it from there.
IF they force me to take quests from them I will quit.
Why we’re there isn’t necessarily important in that, though. It is, if you relate to the world through your character… but I don’t think I do.
Is that a promise?
Cautiously optimistic.
To be an adventurer and explorer again is something I have wanted for a long time, so that’s definitely something to look forward to.
I don’t care much for dragons, let alone that abomination of a playable one, but the zones look pretty enough and no world-ending threat ( yet ), no big character drama, no forced faction war? These are all things that sound good to to me.
Also, Primordial Trolls!
What spoils the anticipation for me though is all the unfinished business we will again leave behind ( Scourge Invasion? Whatever happened to that? )
I had hoped for some time to rebuild before we set out on our next adventure, to see a world revamp at best. But it seems this will be saved for another expansion.
Khadgar will die there…during 9.2.5 his character is set to explore the Shadowlands afterlives, therefore he will die at some point during Dragonflight. This is a well-known narrative expedient, the one coming from the ancient myths of the Hero descending into Hell and visiting the afterlife before his life is actually ended… and the most famous example of this is in the Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri, where God allows Dante to visit Hell, Purgatory and Heaven before his life is ended so that he can redeem himself while still living and “choose” the correct place for his immortal soul (which I suppose it’s Heaven )
other than Khadgar, hopefully Tyrande will not be annoying, berating the Horde character for the burning of Teldrassil once again despite all the help already given to her…please Blizzard spare us at least that …
Did they confirm these are actually the real progenitors of all Trolls around the world, or just a different breed on the Dragon Islands… ?
For the Trolls I almost liked more the “legend” about them slowly evolving from Raptors thanks to the Well of Eternity…