I certainly am hyped!
This is just the beginning but new story looks promising. I am happy to see Anduin again (my favourite character) and I am SO HYPED for dynamic flying here to stay with us but in better form! Can’t wait to fly like this with my other dragon and bird mounts <3
Now the only things I wish for is to improve Dracthyr race that is lacking at the time. Unlimited flying (in it’s normal form at least, like druid’s travel form), more transmogs and being able to play other classes (priest please, please, please).
YAY! A hype thread!
I want more race x class combos
So excited for delves and warbands, they actually -listened- to us, I am gobsmacked I IRL did 
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Earth dwarves allied race, yeeeeeeeeeeees!!! 
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I am happy allied races are not abandoned concept 
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So will all flying mounts use this dragon riding system?
It’s a bid sad that we are not going to discover the hidden part of Azeroth yet, at least, not as primary objective of the expansion.
I’m not specially hyped on the upcoming expansion, however, I think that PvE will be interesting, with all the nerubian constructions and everything that Arthas hyped about in ToC.
It will be healthy to play, as you will be able to get your alts with the same progress as your main; the game will turn into a more “diablo” ish style, where you can gear your alters with your main (I barely remember if that feature was from diablo, I can’t be sure tho); so the game will be more accessible and playable overall. That will cause some fotm rerolls and more repercussions along the meta, balancing, and all of this stuff, I am eager to see what will they do to balance things off, but if that system has already considered this last point, I’m sure that it will be super good for the game.
I’m still waiting for what will they do with the “pay to play” subscription based thing in WoW now that Microsoft is here. It would be super good for the game if they would make it more accessible for “fresh blood” who wants to test the game without the money barrier; but I guess that that’s not gonna happen… yet.
About the other 2 expansions that are to come after that one; I think that they are just concepts, and they will develop features and everything depending on the community response to this first one, so I hope they will hear more to relevant players for feedback.
So yea, 7/10 so far for this Blizzcon showoff; mostly because with the years, me (we) as a WoW player, have developed some numbness against Blizzard hype things, because I’ve been upset too many times.
We’ll see.
I wish. But we will see. I am mostly happy dynamic flying is here to stay. How many other mounts will fly? Maybe all? Maybe only those with wings? Maybe we will know later.
And what about the druid’s fly form? 
Will insta-mounting remain and will it also be dynamic?!
I think new expansions model could be a way to grab more money from players in shorter time than regular expansions. Maybe because they want to go free 2 play or make subscription optional?
Giving Trading Post tokens as bonus in epic edition can also be hint towards new monetization model in the future.
Seems interesting, especially the second expansion.
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I don’t think dynamic flying replace normal flying. That’s why they will give us Pathfinder on Dragon Isles. Druid flying forms are 100% here to stay but will they be dynamic as well? I wish (but only when Dracthyrs gets unlimited flying too).
There is one thing that worries me because it’s not what i expected.
And that’s hero talents.
There are quite a few abilities i would like to see back/improved, abilities that come from tier sets or old talents. Like shadowlands enhance tier set for example.
But maybe they will manage to do this with these hero talents? But then why not just make 10 extra normal talent points and add a few abilities?
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Whatever they do I just wish they doesn’t add more buttons to rotation. It’s already too many.
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Delves and Hero Talents will make or break the new expansion.
Talent points, spend them on whichever talent you want: that’s how Hero Talents should be but from the glimpses that I’ve seen, it’s a talent tree system, you can’t pick this talent unless you pick that one type of thing.
Delves, solo or in a group of up to five players should provide meaningful end-game rewards.
If they get these two things right, the expansion will be good.
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There is no hope or zero enthusiasm until Blizzard understands to hire Class Designers, who are not clueless and how know how Classes and abilities should bedesigned, balanced and numbers tuned. and 1 shots in PvP need to go. Fire that Ion Hazzikostas Raid skumlord asap.
I was more Shocked they announced 3 expansions to follow up as an Arc, Seems like this expansion sets up the void as the main baddy with a world revamp and war against the void in Midnight. But my fear (even though this game is already older than some people playing it) is that The Last Titan is the closing chapter of WoW, cause the Titans will return when Azeroth will awaken and the titans will be there to manipulate her. She is the centre that binds all the aspects of the universe.
Was the first thing my bf said, and I agree. This is not looking promising economically for the players. I’m still super salty about how they ruined OW for me, and there is no doubt they’ll mess up the economical part of WoW too. Question is how long until it happens.
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I am actually a bit bummed by this. It will take away a lot of gameplay from me, as I am very mog oriented, and mogs is my motivation to log my alts now that leveling no longer exist.
War within sounds neat enough i guess?
Other defenitly are cosmic stuff ala shadowlands, prolyl bigger/worse in scale.
The cosmic crap is like the least intresting thing about warcraft
escpailyl light vs void, is like lamest crap ever for wow/warcraft
Cosmic crap to fullest degree, and prolyl it destroying zones as ‘update’.