I hope it doesn’t, I really don’t. Each class feels a little more unique only being able to wear a particular type of gear. Having it universal would remove this and destroy the fantasy.
I agree.
But being able to play a cloth class and not wear a dress (robe) would be pretty sweet
yeah i don’t think they should remove the armor class restrictions seeing a healer in massive plate armor is just wrong then again i always wondered why the bloodsail outfit was cloth … when their clearly a bunch of rogues
My bet is this is a precursor - the first change is pure QoL for collection, but the coding change is a necessary first step to allowing chars to tmog any items.
I am divided - you’re right about keeping classes special… but my Worgen Hunter alt is sad about the largely boring tmog mail offerings.
And given how much the lore has been changed to allow more cross-play between factions and also is allowing a wider range of class / race combinations I would not be surprised to see it happen.
Modern WoW is all about giving players more of everything and more easily.
that’s clearly a you problem my huntress looks awesome in her legion mog
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