New Feature ⚔️ The Coliseum

Located in Durotar and Elwynn Forest, in front of each Capital City, the Coliseum is a massive structure which hosts activities for both PvE and PvP players.

New rewards will be available from the various activities of the Coliseum, but none will contribute to player power: these rewards will be strictly cosmetic, and will include a high resolution “Gladiator outfit” - of course.

Let’s first dive into the layout of the Coliseum, before discussing its new features, activities, and reward system.

The Rings

:crossed_swords: The duelist’s ring: In this ring, all your cooldowns are immediately reset when you start a new duel. Your health bar is also reset to full HP.

:crossed_swords: The barbarian’s ring: A free-for-all fighting pit, similar to the Gurubashi Arena. A spirit healer NPC is right next to this ring and brings players back to live every ~25 seconds or so.

:crossed_swords: The brawler’s ring: Where the Brawler’s Guild encounters are hosted.

Rewards & activities

:bow_and_arrow: New currencies and rewards: You will passively earn a new Coliseum currency by engaging with the various activities of this place, whether PvP or PvE related.
This currency will allow you to purchase a bunch of cosmetic rewards, such a high resolution Gladiator set, the Ratstallion mount, as well as new ones made specifically for the Coliseum. Daily PvP quests, as well as the various PvE activities listed below, will award this currency.

:bow_and_arrow: The Brawler’s Guild: It’s back. No need to elaborate.

:bow_and_arrow: Bounties: You will be able to collect daily quests from a Bounty Hunter NPC, who will give you a random target to eliminate in Azeroth every day.
Each target will have its new unique bit of lore, explaining why they must be taken care of. These bounties can be completed alone, but a weekly Elite Foe will require a party to take down.

:bow_and_arrow: Sparring partners: NPC of all classes and specializations can be found in the Coliseum. You may train against them to hone your PvP skill and learn each specialization’s main tools. A daily quest will also allow you to earn some Coliseum currency for defeating three of those NPCs, chosen at random.

:rocket: Thanks for reading this thread!
I sure hope you will find this suggestion as appealing as I do. I’m looking forward to discussing it with you in the comments.
Personally, I think this place would serve as a great way to breathe a new life into WoW PvP, without ever forcing players to engage with it if they really don’t want to.


Those are great ideas, it’s the kind of small, low stakes content that we need more of… but I don’t think Blizzard cares. How is Blizzard gonna monetize this new content? It’s the only thing they care about.


Great ideas overall, especially love the Sparring partner’s one, new player can be very lost in PvP having no idea what each class signature’s skills are

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I choose, maybe out of naivety, not to be cynical and believe that they genuinely want to make the game more fun. Besides, even if you’re cynical, making the game more fun results in more profit since it means more player retention.

They’re not monetizing Dragonflying after all.

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Any pvp content would be very welcome

These would be awesome and very welcome content for pvp and fun things like pve encounter in the brawlers guild.

The brawlers guild was already a great hangout spot (especially in rp shards) but if it also hosted PvP things in the same way of the PvE encounters it would be like the best thing ever to me.

Yes, the Brawler’s Guild was fantastic. It was really nice hanging out there with friends, taking turns attempting to beat the next challenge.

Blurring the line between PvP and PvE could really be a fun experiment I think, which could lead players from both worlds trying out the other game mode a bit more.

I like your idea, but a colosseum like this should be cross faction.

Here another approach: If it’s true that the next expansion will be west of kalimdor, it’d make sense if the goblins of Tanaris or Bootybay actually set this up as the highlight of the pirate themed city hub. We could then also maybe have public server-specific duelling tournaments with a big gold reward for example. Maybe there is even a goblin NPC to do some sort of sports betting with gold, but that may be too far.

Brawler guild sounds also cool, but I think it should be a cross-faction server-wide hub. Else it will feel terrible for people on the dead faction. I think a pirate/goblin theme could be more fitting though for your ideas with bounties, etc.

I could totally see it as a cross-faction hub, but I wouldn’t locate it in an expansion area, nor would I theme it around a specific expansion.
I think it should be somewhere accessible, so new players can “stumble upon it” without having to search for it.
It should also remain relevant in every expansion going forward.

I definitely thought about this, but I think some countries such as Belgium have anti-gambling laws that would make such features problematic.

Maybe the Gurubashi Arena would be a good cross faction location? It might need a little revamp but the arena is pretty cool.

I think one location would be better than it being everywhere but some way to get there from every main city.

Tbf, if the next expansion is about pirates, it could be a small island right in front of the coast in kalimdor which serves as some sort of pass-through sailor island to the next expansion and become a permanent feature and hub for the things you mentionned and some more stuff. Imagine this being run by the pirates/goblins that are in the tanaris questing areas

Great idea would make being outside of SW more fun again.

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good pvp idea, the bounty quest should be finding your pvp target with similar ilvl and if possible the same class or even spec. Imagine you have to hunt or be hunted by someone really similar to you

This could be fun, but I don’t see it working in WoW, with flying and so many portals, so many zones - let’s not forget about capital cities and neutral areas.
And phasing/sharding!
And then when you finally catch your target, they enter in arena/battleground/dungeon and they just vanish in front of your eyes.

In another game where you can’t fly or teleport easily, it could indeed be great.
But unless you have ideas on how to make it really work in WoW, I can’t really imagine it being a thing.

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true, I thought about that too, but here is chance hes doing quests atm etc that kind of bounty system didnt have to say hunted person that he is hunted because it would be only 1v1 anyway with similar chances too, also with knowledge that your hunting is limited it would be pretty enjoyable too

I’d love this. A lot of time these days, especially after Curve/KSM etc., I find myself logging in on main to do a daily or whatever, and then logging out. This would be a fun everyday thing that people could do to entertain and maybe work towards a cool set.

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I agree.

I like the idea a lot but just one, big arena somewhere in a neutral (contested) zone in EK/Kalimdor would be ideal.

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It could be Tanaris.
There is a tiny arena in Gadgetzan after all.

Blood and sand!

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I mean, I could see it happen as a revamp of the brawlers’ guild. I liked the deeprun tram location a lot. A neutral location could be fine too but I’m not fond of faction neutral stuff and I hate the horde but that’s probably just me