New Fresh Start Realms Available with Pre-expansion Patch

tbh its best decision ever, u wont be afraid of playing on server that may die out after 1-2months
maybe they should open pve too


So only 1 PVP Server with no PVE its gonna get
Overfilled instantly then a new server will need to be launched
Might be PVE which means that you gotta restart if you want PVE.
Like wtf again Blizz Just let PVE enjoy the launch of fresh as well


this is seriously making me reconsider if this is worth comming back for :frowning:

nice empty threat, you’re still subbed lmaoo!


I think to compare the flop of season of mastery which had 5 servers, to the experience of wrath of the lich king fresh at the same time as the older servers get it is rather disingenuous.

When season of mastery came out, vanilla fatigue was real for a lot of people and the ‘market share’ of attention was towards the ‘newly released’ BCC where all the hype was at, these factors are not comparable to the re-release of what is generally considered the most popular version of the game.

I would also add, that waiting this long to give us the news there would only be one server is awful, there are plenty of people who uniquely want a PVE server who could’ve rerolled somewhere else by now had they known you intended to do this in a much more timely manner. You said that there would be ‘fresh servers’ in the plural sense in the information prior to this when addressing each region, which whilst not a confirmation there would be a PVE server, it left significant room for one to make an inference that this would be the case.

Regardless of if you are someone who’s very happy about there being 1 server and it being PVP, or not. I think we can all agree the communication around this has been genuinely atrocious and it needs to be an awful lot better in the future.


Am I seeing this right? No fresh realms for the French and German? All on one?


I stopped playing TBC as soon as fresh was announced, I was really excited to play on fresh realms but I’m too old to be playing on a PvP. I’m hoping this is just Blizz having a brain fart, otherwise, I’m out.


SoM whas from the start only a time limited project with no language difference.
Would the instead have differed the realms per region it would have worked better.

Well that ruined the build up to my fresh server experience! Only 1 server and its PVP. Looks like ill be using my already maxed main instead, thanks a lot…


Promised myself I wouldn’t play on a PvP realm again after dreadnought… Guess I was wrong…

Definitely not making the mistake of levelling from 10 onwards purely as a holy paladin in open world solo again though! That was hell :joy: I suck at PvP so ended up levelling while playing hide and seek with hordies

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Putting War back in World of Warcraft.


maybe i`m confused and misunderstanding something, but that looks like horrible news for casuals (like me)… :thinking:

no lfd/teleport to dungeons while forced on a pvp-realm with limited playtime per week means i cannot do (heroic) dungeons at all. there will be ganking in front of every entrance (Utgarde Keep or Azjol-Nerub for example).

i wonder if my group would ever reach its destination, especially weeks after launch when other players are lvl 80 in full pvp-gear :joy:

(and yes, i can join an already existing PVE-Realm, but would lose a) the fresh experience and b) could have started a long time ago if i only had known sigh)

what do u think? please tell me i`m talking nonsense!


Oh wow, no PvE server… For those that don’t want to go on a PvP server this is a bad situation. I was really hyped for a Fresh PvE server, but this has put a damper on my Fresh hype. I will have to let the news set in and see if I can get my hype back like this…

Just give us a PvE server! Where else would the hardcore crowd go?


There will likely be hour long queues on launch

I will be honest - I’m super causal and rubbish at PvP but levelled on SoM on dreadnought during the height of SoMs popularity and… It wasn’t as dreadful as I expected

Give it a go, have a bit of fun and don’t get sucked into the ultra hardcore pvpers way of thinking and it can be just as enjoyable especially if you join a guild willing to help out if ganking does get bad (and whatever you do, don’t level in STV)


you would think that after the state of PvP servers that it would be apparent that people are not interested in world PvP, so why the insistence on them and not a PvE server instead?


Come on Blizz, add a PVE Server to this mess!
I was not even expecting German Servers anymore at this point, but this is a teribble joke. Give da poor players options, dont force them on a pvp realm. The poor casuals will die like bugs over there.


inb4 people start calling this realm “fecal”

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Thanks for sharing the information on the fresh sever.

I was hoping for a Fresh PVE server. Will that be possible?


What a joke, was so hyped for wotlk but i won’t Play on a PvP server


well. i have now officially canceled my sub. if a Fresh PvE server gets confirmed before pre-patch then ill resub. if they add one early enough (withing the first few days) there is a high likelyhood that i will. the longer they wait with launching a FRESH PvE the smaller the chance of my resub. i have a friend that was waiting untill fresh before resubbing. and he wont resub now either